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DONT JUDGE ME Site Name Dont Judge Me
Established October 2001
Member Status 61
Member of the Week Unique Reflections
Our Affiliates
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11/21/01 - 2nd Update - I'm back! Over 30 new Members were added, bringing our total to 61 members!! There is 1 new Affiliate, New banners in the Lita, Steph, Terri, & Nidia's sections. Thanks to Sara of Unique Reflections for making them! Unique Reflections is also the new Member of the Week, so check the site out. I removed Stacy Carters (The Kat) section due to no one ever taking her. Please keep on joining the campaign!!

11/21/01 - Welcome to Dont Judge Me Version 2.0. I hope you enjoy the new layout! Later on tonight I will have over 30 New Members added. ALong with a few banners members made and sent to me. Please Email Me and tell me what you think of the new look!

xxoo Kelly-