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~*My Family*~

I'm from San Diego, California (originally from Oakland, Cali). My family consists of seven people. I have four brothers; Noah (age 26), Ramon (age 25), Gabe (age 21), and David (age 13). And of course, there are my parents. Beng the only girl has it's benefits of not sharing clothes and getting my own room once we moved into a bigger house. Though being the olny girl also has its downfalls of being picked on and having someone to fight with while growing up. I love my family with all my heart and wish I was there with them. I've missed out on a lot these past 4-5 years while in school and it's something that I kind of regret doing (going to an out of state college). Who says traveling is cheap!?! Not when one of your destinations is a small city with only one small airport. Though I have worked around flying from and to the CR airport, but either way, the costs add up. I was able to attend my brother Ramon's wedding. He and Brenda were wed on May 4th of 2002. It was a beautiful small outdoor wedding in San Diego. Though our family ran a little late like always, we were able to pull it off quite nicely. Later on in the year, on October 23rd, Brenda and Ramon had their healthy baby girl Prescilla Marie Chavarin. Prescilla was born at 4:30am, she weighed 8lbs. and measured 20". Unfortunately, I was at school during this time. Isn't she so adorable?!?! Tomorrow she is turning 2.

This is her in December 2002 and at her baptism in Summer 2003

This is her at my brother's birthday celebration in December 2003 and this is her in Summer 2004
