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~*My Interests*~

The usual of hanging out with friends and family of course. Going to the movies, malls, restaurants, clubs, bars and grills or pretty much anywhere other than home. Other hobbies include dancing, I was on the Coe College Drill Team for the 2003-04 school year. My music playlists/CD's consists of different genres including Punk, Dance, R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap, Pop, Modern Rock -that'd be Linkin Park (I'm OBSESSED!), Techno, and 80's n 90's. I update my webpage occasionally. I love to travel and wish I could do more of it esp. around our country to learn more about U.S. history. Here's a map of places I've been in the U.S. It's not much but I'm glad I've gone to an out of state school because it's given me more traveling oppotunities than if I stayed in California.

create your own personalized map of the USA or check out ourCalifornia travel guide

When in California, I love to go to the beach and boogie board, though I would LOVE to learn how to surf someday! What I would love to do is to get certified in scuba diving. I had this opportunity at Coe, but I didn't go through with it due to my financial state at the time. But I am determined to do this some day! I would also like to volunteer or be involed somehow to help injured marine life in San Diego due to my love for Marine Biology.

^_^ I have a boyfriend! ^_^

I can say that I'm in a newly found relationship. It's been a little over a year and a half since we've known eachother and about 6 months since we've been seeing eachother. Though, it is long distance, Scott and I have managed to keep in very good contact with eachother where ever he is out in the country/world. I've never been in a long distance relationship before and I can truely say that it isn't that bad at all, thanks to telephones and the internet! We both trust eachother, which is very crucial and important in this type of relationship. We're honest to one another about everything, we express and communicate well of our emotions and how we feel about one another. He makes me laugh, he has the same interests that I have, he likes to do the same things that I like to do. These are qualities that I find important in our relationship. It's been a long time since I've been in love... and it's a great feeling! He's just WONDERFUL and I'm glad I have him in my life!
