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I'm a 23 year old college student. I attend a small private school called Coe College, and it's located in downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I chose this college because I've been living in California my whole life, and I decided that I wanted to try a new and different atmosphere. Coe College is a very small school, it carries 1,100 students, and it's nice to recognize everybody's face when you're walking around campus. Its true what they say about Coe, "It's like a little community". Class sizes can range from 8-50 students, and that's another factor on why I chose Coe. I first attended Coe in the Spring of 2000 persuing a biology major. After a year and a half of trying, it was clear that I wasn't Bio. material (I was devestated!). I tried new fields of study; psychology, sociology, business, and economics. I had a nitch for psych., soc., and suprisingly econ. (I didn't like or understand a lick of AP econ. in higschool). So... I'm an economics major and spanish minor, hope to do something with that, still looking into it. I've been attending Coe for the past 4.5 years. This summer (2004), I'm participating in an economic research with my economic advisor and professor Rick Eichhorn. I'm completing my 5th year here in the Fall of 04 and I'm considering an internship in the economics feild during the spring semester of 2005 to boost up my resume. So I will be walking in Spring 05. I've been involved on campus by being a member of the Alpha Theta chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi here at Coe for three years (Fall 2001 to Spring 2004). Within AOII, I was the Public Relations chairperson from December 2002 to December 2003. I was a member of the Coe College Drill team this past school year (2003-04). I've been working at the Finacial Aid Office here at Coe for the past year (March 2003 to present). I've been nominated at the 2004 Coe College Leadership Convocation for the Diversity Student Advocacy Award which shows how much I was involved here on Coe's campus.
