Dawn Summers - a typical teenage girl, into boys, diaries and hating her older sister -   thinks that everyone makes a deal over Buffy just because she has all these special powers.  Dawn thinks that once everyone realizes what she has to offer, no one will even think Buffy is anything special. Dawn had a crush on Xander that got the best of her when Harmony came looking to kill Buffy.  While trying to stick up for Xander she accidentally invited Harmony into the house.  When she overheard Buffy telling Xander and Riley how stupid she was, she ran out of the house to be kidnapped by Harmony's minions.  Of course, big sister Buffy saved the day.

Not only has Dawn had to put up with being second best all her life, but then, her mom became ill and she didn't know what to do to help.  Joyce's tumour caused her to tell Dawn that she is nothing, which isn't the first time that someone (especially people a little out of their minds) had said this to her.  She couldn't understand why everyone told her she didn't belong, and then she learned that she was "The Key"  which Glory had come to find. Dawn has had to deal with being a teenager, and the baby of the family, and with her mother's potentially fatal illness, and then learning that none of it - including her - was real. She has learned about duty, friendship, loss, and  love.   

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