Quiet, with a droll sense of humour, Oz was the guitarist for the band 'Dingoes Ate My Baby' who featured regularly in the Bronze.  After being bitten by his cousin Jordy, Oz became a werewolf, which was presumably a family trait if Jordy's mother's lack of surprise was anything to go by. Oz's 'condition' was accepted coolly, and he wisely took the precaution of avoiding the three days of the full moon by chaining himself inside a cage. This worked well until Veruca, lead singer with 'Shy', arrived on the scene, almost costing Willow her life, and destroying her relationship with Oz. Appalled by the beast within him, Oz left Sunnydale to learn more about himself, and hopefully to learn how to control his wolf alter-ego. He eventually returned, having discovered self-control to the extent that he no longer needed restraints during the full moon, but too late - Willow had moved on, and, forced to choose between the two people who meant most to her, chose Tara. Oz left Sunnydale again, this time for good.

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