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A slave's heart and soul

~~~So they fastened the collar and bracelets to her neck and wrists, and the man told her to get up. He took her place on the fur ottoman, called her over till she was touching his knees, slipped his gloved hand between her thighs and over her breasts, and explained to her that she would be presented that same evening, after she had dined alone.~~~From The Story of O by Pauline Reage"

...and from which hand shall you drink, eat and be fed, little one?
Only from Yours, dear Master, she spoke with a lowered head and blazing eyes, her back raging with the welts He had given, but feeling nothing but pride for the marks He allowed her..
...and from which heart shall You love me with, little one?
Startled, she raised her head and replied...why Yours Master, for the one that beats in my chest is no longer my own, but tied to Yours in every way.
Exactly, My slave, He whispered...tucking her between His legs and holding her body close. He knew from that moment, He owned her, body , mind and soul....

Please, follow me in my journey, and enjoy....