*Name~ Jamie Marie
*Birthday~ July 27, 1983-
more restrictions to life!!!
*Sign~ Leo...yea guess you
say I can be a lil feisty...like a lion!
*Nicknames~ Freaky Jamie,
*Hair~ long, layered
auburn...what I call "flexable"-wavy(au
natural), curly, or straight!
*Eyes~ umm bluish green??
*Body~ 5'6, slim, fair
skin, belly ring
foods~ mexican, chinese(seasame chicken
and white rice-mmm), Dominos pizza (ham and pineapple), bread (damn you
Kyre!),chicken, Reese sticks, Cheddar Munchies...theres more...gotta
love bein able to not worry about what eat-for now that is!
Restuarants~ Max and Ermas, Damons,
Apple Bees, Finleys, Fazolis, Chens
drinks~ Dr. Pepper, Mt. Dew, Wild Cherry
Pepsi, Grape Koolade, Chocolate milk
Animals~ white tiger, monkey, hippo,
chinese shar pei, chinchilla
Fav Place to shop~ EXPRESS!!
Its my store...and basically the only place I really shop! I
practically own almost everything in there by the season. Dont believe
me?? Shit...ask me how much
I owe/credit left on my express card!! But it sure is sweet havin' a JOB
there and gettin' a discount!! :oD
*Extra fun facts~ played
flute/pic, LOVE TO DANCE-especially booty music(the freaky
side) and now Reggaeton ;op...might even catch me once in a while at
the Bar doin' my
thang (haha! white
girl shake it like
she burnin' from a suntan!) cuz I'm 21!!! :oD
*Car~This is my BABY...a '97 grand prix GT!!
FOXYRED Jr!! My first big time $ investment!! Hey...it may not be much
to some but I love this car (minus the few random "issues" that cost me
some more $) But I have a need for speed and this car gives it...hey
been pulled over twice leavin' the bar and NOT ONE ticket in the yr had
it (knock on wood!)! Just gotta keep away from Merd. Twnship!! Lol!
*Music~ I love to listen to
anything upbeat and fast (hiphop, rap, r&b, reggaeton)...especially
if I can dance to it!
Let me tell you...when Reggaeton comes on @ the bar...you will see me
haul ass to the dance floor and do my thang LOL!!!
GOOD SONGS: "Dirrty" "Cant hold us
down" & "Walk Away"-Christina
Aguilera,"4 my people" "Gossip folks" "Pass the Dutch" "I'm really
hot"-Missy, "Naughty Girl" "Me myself and I" "Dangerously in
love"-Beyonce, "Yeah" "Burn"-Usher," Move ya body"- Nina Sky, "New
workout plan"- Kayne West, "Turn me on"- Kevin Little, "Slow Motion"-Juvenile,
"Lean Back remix" Terror Squad,"Get Away"- TI, "Sunshine"- Lil Flip, "Only U"- Ashanti, "You make me
wanna"-Jadakiss,"Fire"- Joe Budden, "Get Back"-
Ludacris, "Drop it like its Hot" "Signs"-Snoop, "Jimmy Choo"-Shayne,
Trick Daddy, "1,2 step"-Ciara
MY FAV. SONGS:" Dip it low"-Christina Milian; "Goodies"-Ciara
( you wish you could have
my goodies!)
SONGS of Moment: (you just WRONG if aint got or heard these!
theyre HOT!)
Apr, 3rd 2004, I
went to the SWEETEST
CONCERT... Tamia, Missy Elliot (my girl!!!!), Alicia Keys, and
Let me tell you...the seats were awesome(you know how I do!)!! We were
dead on the Pistons
court....and I was on the aisle and our section was only 4 seats wide(
I had another aisle by me three seats away)! Not only see the stage
Missy jumped her ass offstage and ran feet from us. And to top the
off was Beyonce...her entrance was from the sound platform rows behind
was brought out on a chariot thing carried by four huge dudes...and she
inches from me and she was throwing silk rose petals...which I might
I caught one!!! :oD It was the best night out ever...def gonna have to
things like it more often!!
I graduated in 2001 from Lansing Eastern High School. I was in marching band
all four yrs and a varsity cheerleader for three yrs. Now I am
finishing up my SENIOR
year (unfortunately I still got a 5th) @ I had changed my
major second semester of my Junior yr. from pre-med/zoology to
Kinesiology (I did finish all my premed
req...so it still can be an option)!! BUt since I switched late in the
yr...Kinesiology is gay with their course sequencing I for sure have an
EXTRA semester (meanin' I could grad. in Dec 05)...but since my
advisor said I'd practically have a semester of hell and wanna kill
myself...I'm gonna do the FULL 5-year deal (hey...I'm in no rush!!
Youre young once might as well keep the fun rollin'!)! I plan on
applying to Graduate school @ Oakland & GVS to pursue a Doctoral
degree in Physical Therapy...we shall see!! I work at the
MSU clinical center in the Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology. I
work there full time in the summer and during
classes I go in when I'm free.
Pic of me and Tom Izzo at a party at his house!!So Izzo held a party back in the fall of 2003 to thank all the people that helped with his golf outing...and seeing as how my mom works for the Sparrow foundation she was invited. Thanks to her boss's persuasion for her to go, she invited me to come check out the fun!! Not only did I get to check out some of his house but got my pic with him and a personally signed season poster. Not a bad wed night if ya ask me!! Shit...how many MSU students actually would get to do something like this anyways! I know I feel special!
Big ups to BOTH the mens and womens B-ball team on a GREAT 2005 Tourney Run!!!
~*~Best Friends~*~
All through life people come in and out of your life. The ones the stay at your side through thick and thin are true friends. Over the years I've learned who I can trust and who I need to turn my back on. There are a lot of people who I feel are special in my life...but these are what I call my girls for life!!!
Chanelle~ I'm really glad that we lived together freshman yr. of college. I didnt
realize til the end of the year how great of a friend you are. I thank you so much for being there for me when I needed you and your "psychology". HA! To see how close we have gotten ...its crazy! You are my girl ...I love you!! And you didn't think I'd come visit you last summer!! HA!! Proved you wrong
and came to the "D" TWICE!!! I had a blast in Canada...and lets not forget the fun of Detroit bars once I turned 21...def gonna go back to Beach grill when your ass aint wearing some crazy heels!! That way you can really keep up with me on the dance floor...You know how I do...LOL! I'm relaly uspet your leavin' me and graduating....I feel like such a loser havin' a 5th even tho its not my fault! We def gotta stay in touch once you move back home and I'm gonna come down for your graduation open house! And I PROMISE to come stay with you some weekend this summer!! I love you girl!!!
No...we did not PLAN to dress kinda alike...total coincidence!!
Me & Chanelle @ Olive Garden to celebrate her 22nd Bday!
Krystin~ I really wish that we hung out more way back in the day! Guess we know the reasons why we really didnt ...But we both learned there was no reason never to start! We relate so well and you've always been there for me when I needed you. I feel that we can trust eachother with anything. You are
one of my best friends...girls always! I'm here for you anytime you need me!! And I would love to babysit lil Cameron for you guys anytime you wanna get out!! Hes such a cutiepie...and a FLIRT!! What can I say...I'm hooked!! I sure miss my almost weekly visits from the summer time...I'll def have to stop by and see you more before you move to Indiana :o( !!! And we HAVE to go out more often....you are sooo much fun!!! I cant wait for July 2nd...I'm soo honored to be a bridesmaid in your wedding!! Promise when you go off to grad. school you'll stay in touch....and I'm def gonna find a way to travel down to Ind. and visit!!!!
Me holding cutiepie Cameron!! Awww...hes getting so BIG so FAST!!! :oD
Kyre~ After all the years we go back...didnt really learn til the summer after freshman yr how close we could get. Girl why you hoe and go to UofM!?! At least your stayin' @ MICH for dentist school....I dont know what I'd do without you!! You need to step up your keepin in tough with me tho...ever since you got your MAN youve been slackin' w/ me lol!! I'm glad we're there for eachother and we have some fun memories. We def had our share of drama...but no matter what its good to know weve got eachother!
AND I LOVE goin' to the bar w/ you....you're the only other person that will wile out on the dance floor(even tho you really need a guy on you and I dont!)! So do me a fav and start comin' home more often Missy!! But I dont think I'm gonna let you drive my baby again since you got us pulled over....dont know which is worse...you drivin' your car and doin' a donut in the winter or you drivin my car and damn near gettin' us a speedin ticket!! Crazy times goin' out in EL!! LOVE YOU GIRL!!
**I can't thank you enough and you know how much you mean to me...but one things for sure...I'm here for you all always!! You are what I call true friends and are always there for me no matter what! No doubts....thats all I can say! And if I've learned anything through the years and friendships I've had..."Its not the quantity but the Quality!".
Special Shout outs:
* Kayla....Girl we go waaaaayy back!! All the way back to 6th grade...shiiit everytime I look at my upper left arm and see that bullshit scar you gave me junior yr of HS cheerleading @a football game I think of your crazy ass!! But its cool we get a long real good now...were like two peas in a pod almost (one albino and one burnt---lol ha you know I playin'! just another one my racist jokes lol)! Nah...we do got some odd similarities....we have been thru a lot as inidividuals...crazy how our drama and our male issues are similar! Im glad you work @ the clinic cuz its nice to have someone else to talk to! Just remember Im always here for those grown woman conovs lol! Thanks for bein there for me when I needed advice and anytime you got issues to discuss you can talk to me! I had a blast with you and Roz in Miami!! About damn time your ass came out...esp doin' it up on the dance floor...glad to see a new you breakin out before you hit it BIG! And you best not ever forget your girl Jamie!!
*Audrey...you are a sooo awesome!! I am so glad I got a job @ Express to finally meet some cool people!! When I first started there you were my "competition" for cutie A. LOL!! Then I got to know you and realized how similar we are! Im gonna miss you when you graduate!! Ive had so much fun goin out to the bar the few times we did (battlin' @ Post, New Yrs, Downtown Harpers...)!! And I cant forget my first time playin' flippy cup @ your house party!! Any time you need to talk Im here for you...esp if it involoves goin' to IHOP! :o) Keep me posteed on everything (esp guys!)...and never stop bein you!! <3 ya!
* Katie...I'm really glad I got to know you workin' @ Express!! You are an great person! Who knew that you hiring me and that one night you chose me to stay that floor waxin' that months later we'd be friends!! LOL...its funny hearin you tell people your my boss when I go out! And you need to stop stressin the age thing lol! In all honesty....you are MY FAVORITE person to go out with!! I'm gonna be soo sad when you get a job away from here and cant go out with me anymore!! And I love havin' a "neighbor" up the street!! You suck leaving!! Whos gonna love kitty-sitting Rune as much as me?! No matter what happens...if you get another MI job or move to Texas or wherever you better keep in touch! And if you do go to Austin....I wanna at least visit if I cant move there with ya!!
*Old school people (ya'll know who you are)....I just wanna thank you for whatever part of time you were in my life (even those that still are). In some way you've helped me to grow as a person. I am in some ways a lot different than I was 4+yrs ago. It sucks that for some I lost what were close friendships once we went to college. But hey Im always here...around in EL def for 1 more yr... so I'm always down to keep in touch or hang out! I wish everyone the best in the future and whatever they chose to pursue!
And everyone else....you know if you matter or not...much love for you!!!
That all for now....ya'll come back!!
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