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Photo Gallery of My Family

Ok well these are some of the photos of my family I dont have many now but I will soon:)

My mom on new years

My Mom and Dad

My mom

My dad

My dad

My Nanny and my Dad

My parents & me

My Grandfather

My Mom

My great granparents grave

My Nanny & Grandfather
on their wedding day

Memere & Pepere

My dad and Tristan arm wrestling
(Tristan won!)

this is my dad outside
Kingston Pen.
and no he was never inside :)

This is our house

My mom and I

My Nanny

Well this is my family. My mom and dad
have been married for 18 years now. We have 2
cats and a dog, and a bunch of stuff. My dad works
for the city of Ottawa and my mom works for City
Living. Dont know what eles I can tell you bout them.My
dad is a plumber by trade and my mom loves to read
(big bookworm)