Sara Bio Page
I love this pic of Sara!

A Little About Her...
Sara goes to Cal State Fullerton and is a vocal performance major. I think she is minoring in computers. She got a job up at school working in the office for one of the head officials at her college. She's 19 and loves music. I swear, this girl knows almost everything about it. Let me put it this way - she would kick ass in Rock 'n' Roll Jeopardy. She lives up school in the dorms most of the year and comes home in the summer so I get to see her. She usually does come home on the weekends and we try to make time so we can hang out.

How We Became Friends...
We met in high school. I was a sophmore and she was a freshman. Yes, we both were in band (don't laugh) and during a freshman orientation trip to Disneyland we started to talk. She and I played the clarinet so we would be sitting together during practices swapping stories. After that year we became close and my best friend at the time and I invited her to eat lunch with us. You probably remember that weird feeling you had as a freshman in a high school where you don't know anyone. She came along and we claimed a cement block in front of the english building as 'the spot'. Soon my junior year started and Sara was a sophmore. We hung out some that summer and kept in touch - but this school year we became close/tight/trusting buddies. She made a shitload of friends but still ate lunch at 'the spot' and after lunch the three of us (my then best friend) would walk to 'the place' and stand there talking waiting for the bell to ring. While standing there we could over look the whole quad while other people ate. That year went by fast. That was the year I lost a lot of wieght and was the smallest I have ever been. All three of us had crushes on guys and my crush was looking quite promising. That was a good year and I think Sara would say that was the best one too. My senior year and her junior year were a little weird. She was hanging with the people in quire but still ate with us and stood at 'the place'. I had my car this year though and Andrea and myself would usually ditch lunch and go to 7-11 for beef jerky and slurpees. I dropped out of band also and joined orchestra which I later dropped and told the instructor off for being an ass. Sara played in percussion and still was doing the singing thing. I graduated and we kept in contact.

The Codes...
The codes were names that we made for people so we could talk about them and they wouldn't ever find out. Here is a code list:
'Orange' - My crush
'Desk' - My crush 'God' - Sara's crush
'Scraggles' - Sara's crush (code compliments of me!)
'Carly' - Guy in band
'Athena' - Guy in band
'Beautiful' - Andrea's crush
'Palm Tree' - Guy that we all kept tabs on
'The Spot' - Where we ate lunch
'The Place' - Where we stood to watch the quad and after lunch
'Bitch' - Girl in orchestra
I can't think of anymore, but I'm sure Sara can so I will list them later.
We would use these codes and say, "I saw Desk going to class today and God looked at me. Do you want to meet at the place before lunch so we can get some food?" Sly huh?

This is Sara and me at a bonfire in April of 2000Sara and me at the MTV Summer Beach thingy in 2000Sara with VJ Ray Ray and Brekin Myer at the MTV Beach House 2000

A Thank You...
Sara is seriously an awsome friend. She has helped me so much! Of course like normal people we get mad at eachother but we get over it. I can talk openly to her and we are honest with eachother. I appriciate her so much and she is such a wonderful person. Since I am no longer cool with my best friend she helped me through that and she listens. Its so hard to find people who can do that. Thank you Sara so much for everything.

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