(this is the exerience we had, and peoples feed back to it)


i just want to say that cyber fest was one of the worste planned parties ever.... and i feel sorry for anyone else that had to deal with that... me and my boi drove down to houston (from dallas), for cyber fest and import expo......and import expo was awesome, but things kept happening as a sign for us not to go to cyberfest....but we went anyway.....and boy oh boy was that a mess......people had to walk miles to get to the pary and then miles back to their carz....it was poorly handled, poorly delt with, and poorly planned.......me and my bf sold our tickets and decided to drive people to and from there cars. (it was aweful seeing all the kydz walk for miles just to the gate, and then another mile to the party) so me and my bf drove for about 4 hours picking people up off the road, and taking them to the party if they wanted to go, and then taking people to their car if the wanted to leave.....and man was there more people leaving then there was wanting to go... we got there at 10:30 and we picked up this one couple on our way to park and they we telling us how the first dj just started....(um...it was supposed to start like hours earlier)how a lot of dj's canceled, cops were being abusive, and lots of bad attitudes... do i regret goin .....NO! i had a better time helping to drive kydz to their cars, and meeting a lot of kool people. ( a few other cars were doing it and chargeing between 5-10 dollars to drive)) man all me and my boy asked for was 2 dollars.....cuz we were doing it for hours and we needed gas money and to get back to dallas...and you know what it wasnt even about the damn money......if we lived in houston we would have done it for free......it was about showing PLURR to the kydz , who in a time of need, was taken care of.

~*~sara bear~*~






Hell yeah girl...it's party kidz like you guys that make it WORTH goin to parties. Lovez and hugz to tha both of ya!!!! Keep PLUR alive! Skittlz 


~>xtc_rollin 9/29/2001 <~


Dear Sara (Bear), I wanted to let you and your boyfriend know that I am so glad to hear that you two are so wonderful as to helping those in need. Thank you for being such a wonderful couple together and please take care of your man. You two are so good together and I hope that your future together is everything that you have ever hoped and dreamed about. Good luck together. Well Thank you for being such a wonderful young lady. Peace and God Bless!!! 


~>JQSCYBERDUDES 9/25/2001 <~


hey there! ~*waves*~ it's good to hear that you and ur bf were so willin to help out others when dey needed it! dat's awesome of ya! me n muh gurlfriend did sumfin similar to dat durin oddesey! lotsa peeps were all messed up n couldn't find dere carz n stuffers so we drove around wif em to em help find em! I know dat I haven't really been apart of da club, but I don't really know anyone in dere..... n everytime I like reply to a post or sumfin I get da feelin dat people are like "who da hell is dat?" But i guess no one will get to know who I am if I don't start sumwhere, right? LoL... Aighty i've taken enuf of yas time! buh bye! N danks for da helpin hand wif dose peeps! I know I would've appreciated it lotz had I been dere! 


~>MsPartyQueen 9/24/2001 <~

~~~***** ~~~

hey that so incredably cool!thats the main reson i go to raves is for the people,u got to spred the love!i hope u guyz find and awsome party,have lots of fun to.there was a party like that out here all far away too promoter didnt pay anybody either,peps cars were dying to it sucked i felt so bad!!Later love, Raves_r_4_us P.L.U.R 


~>raves_r_4_us 9/24/2001<~


that is so sweet of you giving people rides,we need more people like you around :o) sorry to hear that the party sucked.cheers.~spaz~ 


~>spaz601 9/24/2001 <~


that is all about plur!! we need more people like u around here!!


~>aghag 9/24/2001 <~