Raver Check-List
Before driving up to Home Base make sure you got all your crap together. You don't want to
forget things at home (like dj-tessai's mix , emily's top, or sara's visor). Here is a handy-dandy
little check-list that just about covers all the things a raver would even think of bringing to a party.



pharmacuticals (as you can tell i don't approve but at least be smart about it, stay safe!)

[ ] Vivarin/No Doz ( if u don't have the energy, then don't go....and when you get tired duh! ur body needs rest so leave)
[ ] Mini Thins/Ephedrine (ok kidz, comeon now....use your head...mini thins? r we all going on a diet 2gether)
[ ] Tums (ok this makes sence to me, you dance, jump around. might give ur self heartburn.)
[ ] Tylenol (again makes sence......loud musik =headache) i never leave home with out it
[ ] Vics Vapo-Rubb (kidz r we there 4 the musik or the drugz? i don't believe all uv u have koldz)
[ ] Vics Inhaler (just b-cuz, some people sit, doesn't mean we r rollin' , so pleaz no un-invited sea breazes!!)
[ ] Peppermint Essential Oil (ok rollin' is not homeotherapy)


[ ] necklaces
[ ] braclets
[ ] pacifier
[ ] whistle
[ ] wallet chain
[ ] glasses
[ ] hat/visor
[ ] stickers
[ ] glitter
[ ] laminates
[ ] kid's umbrella
[ ] faux eye lashes
[ ] head band
[ ] ear muffs
[ ] suspenders


[ ] E Baby (stuffed animal)
[ ] playdoug/gak
[ ] stress ball
[ ] random kid toys
[ ] baby keys
[ ] bubbles
[ ] bubble gun
[ ] Mickey View MasterTM
[ ] rainbow slinky
[ ] squirt gun


[ ] water bottel carry strap
[ ] unity wrist bands
[ ] flourescent crayons
[ ] rave book
[ ] disposable camera
[ ] flourescent highlighter
[ ] small container (plastic egg)
[ ] vibrating massager/massager
[ ] pen
[ ] squirt bottle
[ ] battery operated fan/hand fan
[ ] body lotion/motion lotion/hand creme
[ ] flashlights
[ ] band-aids
[ ] ear plugs


[ ] bike light
[ ] glostix
[ ] light sword
[ ] glow belt
[ ] glow necklace
[ ] glow worm
[ ] oral glow stick


[ ] gummy bears
[ ] Sweet Tarts
[ ] PEZ
[ ] Pixxie Stix
[ ] Star Bursts
[ ] Twizzlers
[ ] Blow Pops/Dum Dum Pops


[ ] Entrance Fee
[ ] Water
[ ] gas money
[ ] Train Money


[ ] Smiles
[ ] Hugs
[ ] Kisses
[ ] "Hi, how are you?"
[ ] "Oooops! Excuse me."

Personal Stuff

[ ] ___________________________
[ ] ___________________________
[ ] ___________________________
[ ] ___________________________
[ ] ___________________________
[ ] ___________________________

Emergency Items

[ ] Tampons
[ ] Pads
[ ] Pantie Liners
[ ] Saftey Pins
[ ] Duckt Tape


[ ] Back Pack
[ ] Fannie Pack
[ ] Suitcase on wheels
[ ] Lunch Box


[ ] Car Keys (really people?!!)
[ ] ID/Driver's License (you need that too!)
[ ] Pager/Cell Phone
[ ] House Keys (It's 7Am in the morning, you look'n'feel like shit, & you locked yourself out of your home!)