this page is dedicated to all of our loved ones, who are no longer with us.

-=we love you=-

i added a new page, for people who would like a little more info ~*decisions*~


i had some one close to be die due to heroin. she wasnt in any "scene".
( i dont understand how in the rave , goth, metal, etc. scene people are so into getting a fix.....and i know every group does i am not trying to single any group or style out, but its true, from living in ny and texas, i have found that heroin and coke is high in the goth scene, and xtc and ghb and special k is high in the rave scene. please again dont think i am being stereo typical, i am speaking through experience, because i see it, i am not assuming. i just dont understand how people feel the need to do it.... when people asked me what i liked about things i had done....i didnt really have a good answer.....i cant say it made me feel good, cause when i came down from "k" i got killer headaches, and after a while weed made me paranoid, and shrooms always made me sick.etc. but why did i do it.?...because i felt at the time it was enhanceing the good time i was having. but since i have been sober, man , i'll tell you, i party more, and i enjoy it more.....there is no better feeling then a natural high.)
i dont condone (sp?) drug use, all i ask is that people do it responsibly.
but no matter how responsible you are, you have to ALWAYS worry, whos hands it was in before it got to you. you may trust the person you get it from, but think of the chain of people it goes through before it gets to your "connection".

(please feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to share on the page)

(please feel free to leave a comment as well, but please don't put your story there, email me for that)


I've been partying since I was about 15 and I just turned 22 so designer drugs are nothing new to me. But what happened two Christmas's age changed my life, outlook on life and the way I choose to party forever.
The first time I ever tried Crystal meth I was 16 and with two of my close friends Ryan and Jason. Ryan was a couple of years older than me and Jason a couple younger. It was all our first time and we had a blast. After that night we snorted or smoked it almost every weekend, usually in combination with XTC. Since we lived in a small town in B.C. , Canada the only time we could get it was at parties so this limited it's availability. For this reason Ryan decided to start dealing it since he already dealt pot and sometimes E. This went on thoughout high school.
When I graduated I moved over to Vancouver for school and immediately attracted a group of friends that parties as hard as I did. One night after I'd been living away from everyone for about a year an old friend came over to visit. We dosed two caps and started remenissing about old friend. We tried calling Ryan but there was no answer so we called another mutual friend. She was sobbing on the phone harder than I've ever heard anyone before. Through her studdering and sobbing she kept screaming,"Ryan's dead, I can't believe he's dead. He's gone, he's gone forever! I can't believe he's dead." When she finally calmed down enough to talk she explained that Ryan and Jason had gone on a week long meth binder the last she had heard. Then the police had called her house wonder if she new where Jason was because he was under arrest for the murder of Ryan. All sketched out Jason had waited for Ryan to fall asleep and then took a hammer to his face. When the police found him the hammer was still lodged in his scull and it took them two and a half hourse to identify that it was Ryan. The Jason I once new was not capable of such a disgusting, horible act, but the Jason that meth has turned him into obviously was. All because he needed a few more points and he new Ryan had some that he was selling. All of this two weeks before Ryan was suposed to spin at his first big party.
Now out of the three of us that all tried meth together for the first time Ryan is dead, Jason's in jail for life and then there's me. I binged for about a week afterwards because I wasn't mentally strong enough to deal with it. Then one morning I woke up and looked it the mirror. My long blond hair was a big matted greasy mess, I had big blue eyebags, my ribbs were sticking out (a girl that's 5'5 souldn't weigh 93 pounds) since I hadn't remembered to eat in days and I just said why? What good will come out of me making the same mistakes? If I don't at least clean up my own act it's as though he died for no reason.
I've now been clean for over a year. I still think about Ryan and miss him all the time but I also have a new found love of life and I only wish that both,Ryan and Jason could go back and get the same chance to do things differently. I still go to parties because I love the music but some extra sleep and three shots of espresso is all I ever need. Just make sure you're partying to have fun with your friends because you love the music and not because you want an excuse to get high.

~*The names have been changed but the story is true*~
~*from A BC candy kid*~



i've done a lot of stuff in my past, hardcore stuff, but in small amounts ya know..i always had control, until i did's weird thinking that i've done so many "harder" things than E, but that was the drug that fucked my life up..i had a beautiful, amazing life changing experience on it the first time, the second time i had a very devasting...i only did it a total of 4 times, but it was more than enough to be completely adicked and changed for life..i'm now on serious anti-depressants and mood stabilizers, partially a result of doing E i belive. I am now dealing with a very close friend of mine who is withdraing from Herion and having hard time...i've seen my friends lose complete control to E, become potheads, and drop acid like crazy, not to mention, some friends involved with herion...i've realized that drugs are not a game, YOU can't beat it, no one can..and why would you want to "beat" something that you don't need to do in the first of now, i am a changed person, i still drink moderately, smoke pot occasionally, if it's around, and do some other things here and there in small amounts..which i really should be stopping..but it's hard... drugs really are a dead end..only experience thru yourself or other people will teach you that..



i remember when muh brother told meh about one time he was at a party not to long ago and this girl he had been chillin with through out the party was on sumthin and well she either passed out or fell asleep and she was like sorta laying on his lap so a few mins. later when he was ready to get up he tried to nudge her a bit to get her to wake up but, she didn't move and he opened her eyes and they were juss dialated- soo he stood up and tried to yell as loud as he could "someone get sercurity.. EMS!!!" and mostly everyone was like all fazed out but someone luckly heard and sercurity came over, check her pulse, and the cop said "oh my god.." "go call EMS NOW!" to one of the promoters and soo he (bro) just stood there, seeing them pick her up and carry her away from everyone so they could servey her meanwhile asking him (my brother) if he knew anything lyk wat she was one or wat-so. i guess it was just an over dose on X or soo the usual.. but i would never forget that story he told meh that sunday it devistated meh to hear the way his voice sounded soo scared and shocked.



I had a friend who was addicted to coke, pretty heavy into it, and Iguess that's why he started taking prozak (to deal with the depressionassociated with the abuse), and he kind of went nuts, killed his girlie, tried to kill himself

and jumped out of his apartment balcony. . . he's injail now, but drugs like that, ones that are designed to target specific
chemicals or processes in your body. . . IU think those kinds of drugs canbe so much more powerful than regular old illegal stuff. they can driveyounuts quickly, make you hallucinate. . .some poeple go places and don'tever come back. . .



What's up kyds,n-e ways I live in Dallas,Tx,My mom and I had a good friend just die from taking bad X,There is a bad bunch of it going around in Dallas,as well as Acid,I don't condone the use of either,it's like she said you don't need it,And she is right ain't nothin like a natural high with the music pumping through your veins,I am just looking out for my kyds,If you're gonna do the stuff I woul'nt suggest getting any thing in Dallas.You may end up DEAD,So party have fun,dance,spin do whatever just do it smart and safe.
Till next time.
Chris logging out....latter

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My cousin, Sarah Jane Prill, was 25 when she died of heroin last year. It was on the 23rd of December, 2 days before Christmas... she wasn't a drug user, and that's why it's so bad. She was against drugs, she really hated them. But her brothers and various other members of my family do deal drugs, and that upset her a lot. Everyone knows she shouldn't have died. She got punished for something she did once, that so many people are doing all the time. She was just our partying that night, with her brother's friend, a dealer from West End called Eddie. She was very drunk and ended up going back to his apartment. She did a £10. wrap and was then left on the sofa while he went to bed. And when he woke up, she was gone. I just want to warn people - please don't make the mistake Sarah did, it ruins your whole family.



my friend died at an after-party on saturday nite/sunday morning. she was my oldest friend as far as partyin buddies are concerned. i've hung out w/ her ever since middle skool. she was really cool, funny, street smart, but waaaay too heavy into drugs...i've always worried about her.

i see her out at AV02 at least twice a month. she died from GHB...if any of ya'll do that shit, i hope to god you stop. this girl was drug smart but that wasnt good enough. she's gone forever now and i'll miss her and think about her for the rest of my life. and i vow to never let anyone around me do that shit.

i was out at an after party friday nite/saturday morning and i saw a guy givin some girl a cap. my first instinct was to slap it out of her hand but i didnt. now if i ever see that happening again, i wont hesitate. i could save someone's life. i could have saved sam's life if i had been there....and that shit hurts like hell....

5-14 -01 -"unknown" (she asked to be left out)



*Randy was 18 when I first met him at a rave. He was a cool buddy, pretty cute too, and he was always happy when I seen him, whether he was high or not. About 2 months later, he became a dealer, so he could have it any time he wanted. People tried to warn him what it could do to you, but he usually did what he wanted to do. After about a year of doing this, after his 19th birthday, something weird just clicked inside his head. He was still really happy when he was high, but he got too independant on the drug for his happiness, and every time after, as E usually does, he went into a depression that grew deeper and deeper every time he came down off of it. This wasn't him, not the real him, not the one I knew even just months before, when he did drugs only on occasion. After parties when he started coming down, he*d start getting really snappy to his friends, pushing them further and further away, and then two days after partying with him, I heard the one thing I never wanted to hear. I had seen him leave the club at 8 in the morning, and like usual at that time, he was alone. When I went down to the local chill spot the next day, I ran into a couple more of my friends that I had partied with. Friends that were usually happy, and hyper, and carefree, but this time.. they were crying. I ran up and asked what was wrong and they could barely even speak about it. In April of 2000, Randy had gone home, and turned a gun on himself. My friends had gone to his house after he stood them up the night before, and Randy's father had sat down and told them what had happened. The police had already left, and taken what was left of someone I truly cared about, no matter how many times he had pushed me away as well. I've seen what drugs can do to someone, more times then I can count, but Randy*s case is definitely the most tragic. He had a full life ahead of him, and it was taken away because of an addiction to one little pill. There is not a day that goes by that I don*t cry for him, and there is not a day that goes by that I don*t pray for the people I know that are already heading down that path. I miss you and I love you dearly, Randy. I get through the days just knowing that now you can smile... and actually mean it. ~Cristi~ In loving memory of Randy.


*name has been changed, but the rest of the story remains untouched. 


Im a pretty peaceful guy and for me my local rave scene was always a way to escape the crazy and often cruel word we live in. There is one night that changed things though, a night that sort of shocked me out of my happy little perception of my weekend activities.
I showed up later than normal and was stuck with like a half hour wait to get in the door, not too bad except the fact that i had snorted two white euros in the car, at the time I thought that is was funny I said "look everyone tonight im riding on the euro rail" haha little did I know what would happen to me by the time I got in the door.
I hate cutting and I never do it so all my friends just went straight for the door and I was left rolling my balls of in line with strangers, just the way i like it. Some guy near me was getting absolutely like 5 calls every ten minutes and we all assumed he was slanging rolls, no big deal somebody's got to do it. WellI vaguely remember him getting into and argument on the phone when we were about 20 people from the door. I don't remember what he said or anything I just remember he was the only one with a bad vibe in the whole line, i mean after all it was pumping inside and we were all jonesing to get to the dance floor. Roughly Five minutes before I would have been at the door this car pulls up next to the line and the passenger window rolls down. Our man with the phone walks up and leans down to talk to whoever is in the car. I think at the time I was wondering if they were these dealers I knew so i watched with the detached curiosity that mdma always brings me. The guy seemed to be emphatically explaining something to whoever was in the car, for it wasnt anyone I knew, these guys were older than the kind of people I normally see. well the guy started to back away from the window and that's when i saw the gun. I wasn't scared of course cause I was all retarded, pretty much peaking already and though I saw the gun, threat didn't register in my brain till I heard the guy go "no! no wait!"
Then, four shots in the chest later the guy fell back into me and I just caught him, I was so shocked I just drug him back to the fence and sat down with him leaning against me. In side I felt like I had just gotten shot in the heart, I felt like I was going to die. Those feelings of empathy that people always speak so favorably? theones that come with ecstasy? Well right then I swear i felt what this guy felt and I had never even talked to him or seen him till that night.The paramedics and police showed up and told the security at the door to get the whole line inside immediately and to not let anyone out. I had to be carried inside. I couldn't talk.I certainly couldn't walk. For all purposes I was dead too. in the span of seconds I had been sent from the purest euphoria to the darkest depths of despair. I was carried me to the bathroom and soaked my head in the sink. I took off my white tank top, now completely soaked in blood and attempted to wash the blood off my hands. it took a really long time to do this and while I was turning the sink dark with blood, it finally hit me what had happened. I cried, I wept and then I collapsed to the floor.That night my fiends had heard the shot and thought i had gotten shot when they saw me fall up against the fence. I could tell they were all shaken upjust at the thought ofone of us dyingand they all pretty much babysat me all night till the cops started letting people out at about 3 am.
I passed out in the car from what was surely pure emotional fatigue and didn't wake up till my girlfriend at the time woke me up the next night. I was pretty twisted for about a week after that. Kids at school would make jokes about it to try and cheer me up, but none of them knew the horror that I felt that night Unfortunately my beloved rave scene is not as wholesome as i would like to have believed.With the drugs come the criminals and often violence and death. These are the kind of things that I got into the scene to get away from but they found me.There's not much anyone can do to prevent a situation like mine that night but I sure wish I would have dropped my rolls once I got inside like I always do. I f there is one thing i learned from that night besides the power of mdma was that I would forever after that check myself and my friends to make sure we weren't getting distracted from the things that were really important to us. We would certainly neveragain think about getting involved in the business side of drugs again and that's all I can urge others to do. If you're goingto usedrugs go ahead and do it safely and in moderation, but be careful that you don't put yourself in a situation where evil people have a reason to harm you or someone you love
