people can be really opinionated and i love to hear peoples comments,

i am in the process of finding a message board to add to my site so we can have discussion, or for people to just vent.

before anyone jumps on the defensive, remember we are all entiteled to out own opinions, the purpose here is not to attack anyone, just to share our views with each can become aggressive, but lets try to remain friendly.


(if you wanna take part just email me)


i'm sorry if i offend anyone, but that shit is soooo damn annoying....
if you wanna do drugs stay home. dont come and give us "
un -rollin" people, sea breezes, vicks masks.....(do you realize how retadred you look) and dont take up the dance space cuz you and your friends are to gone to move so you form a damn e-puddle and take up all the room....i am a kandy kyd, but i get catagorized with this childish crap......i have been clean for almost 5 years, and i like to go a little all out (magenta hair and kandy kovered armz), but you dont see me getting all drugged out and makin a fool of myself.......come on people are we here for the drugs or the musik......
the people that wonder " oh why is our scene gettin a bad rep?"......are the exact people bringing it down.....
almost everyone at a damn"party" is a walking contradiction..... I myself, am the only person out of about 20 i know who go to "partys" and go sober, and when we all sit and talk about the scene and how it has a bad name attached to it......i sit and laugh to myself....cuz, you dont see me bringing drugs or doin drugs........but everyne i know does, and then they wonder why the scene is so badly labeled.......hello people wake up....stup the f**kin wanna make the scene better....
if you want the drugs so bad stay home and put in a cd...cuz apparently the musik live and the people aren't good enough cuz you have to ruin it by doin your damn drugz.

"don't just sit there what the hell did you come for.........shut the f**k up and dance"

~*KaNDy MoNSTeR*~



-Is it the anit-rave scene? -Is it the
- Is it the cops?
- Is it 20/20?
Is it our own attitdes?

But every time one of collapses after taking GHB, we are bringing our scene down. Every time one of us abuses its limits,
every time we walk the street all ate-up shocking people, we bring our scene down.
Every time we bring unwanted attention to our scene by these careless actions,
we are killing our scene....
every time



IS THAT THE WAY IT'S SUPOSE TO BE? when will all this violence end? now a day you can't trust your best friend. so addicted to alcohol and weed. so addicted to money and greed. is life supose to cost pagers and phones? is saying the wrong words going to break your bones? does your family die over you obsession for money? do you laugh, cry, or say that's funny? is this world supose to be ran by fear? why can't we all be loving and sincere? is love what were supose to seek? how can we, when hate is all we speak? this world seems like such a blur. we need to find the real meaning of plur! Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. those four words we need to perfect. but maybe that's the way it's supose to be, because growing up that's all i see.




*sigh* this question..well i used to, sort of, i've done a lot of stuff in my past, hardcore stuff, but in small amounts ya know..i always had control, until i did's weird thinking that i've done so many "harder" things than E, but that was the drug that fucked my life up..i had a beautiful, amazing life changing experience on it the first time, the second time i had a very devasting...i only did it a total of 4 times, but it was more than enough to be completely adicked and changed for life..i'm now on serious anti-depressants and mood stabilizers, partially a result of doing E i belive. I am now dealing with a very close friend of mine who is withdraing from Herion and having hard time...i've seen my friends lose complete control to E, become potheads, and drop acid liek crazy, not to mention, some friends involved with herion...i've realized that drugs are nto a game, YOU can't beat it, no one can..and why would you want to "beat" something that you don't need to do in the first of now, i am a changed person, i still drink moderately, smoke pot occasionally, if it's around, and do some other things here and there in small amounts..which i really should be stopping..but it's hard... drugs really are a dead end..only experience thru yourself or other people will teach you that..



personally think it is too late.
its like you either grin and bare it or et out of the scene.... i am a SOBER raver, but you get the kidz that are like" well im an oldschool raver and rollin is cool" man thats should be about the people and the musik, NOT the drugz....if you wanna do drugs do them at home....cause apperently you arent being safe enough when you do it at raves, cause look at how many people are getting hurt....not only will you hurt yourself, but you hurt others around you....and i thought this was supposed to be about PLURR not YOU......its selfish and inconciderate.....
come one poeple wake up....we need to join together on this and work together....not break apart.....

~*kande monster*~


you know, i have watched many things change over the years, and especially the past year, and situations that i never really thought i would be a part of, have happened. So many nights i have driven home alone wondering why none of you really seem to care about anything but yourself, if you even care about that, or why my heart hurts for you... For these people that choose to tear themselves and their "friends" apart. Do you realize all the games you play with eachother? You think your so different, yet you toy the
exact same way as your "enemy". You think your so real, just because the people in your little area dont know anything different, but, as soon as you begin to bore them, they will search out another small town to rape, and you'll sit there rotting, wondering why your not the king anymore. Do you even know who the fuck you are? My mom always said that if you actually have one real friend in your whole lifetime, your lucky, and that is true. This is the end of this letter, and hopefully it will transmit the way i intended. I am involved with "raving" for the music, and if the oppression of these painful interactions becomes too much, im out, i dont need anymore shit.


If someone is having any kind of difficulty with any kind of mind altering agent, then good friends discourage such indulgence - do not enable compromised peeps No one needs a false reality to enjoy themselves - although sometimes it appears so. Correct education eradicates confusion and, a little hand holding doesn't hurt either.
