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Title: To feel or not to feel.
Rating: pg13
Author: Sorceress aKa The One Called Death
Show: Special Unit:3
Summery: Nick muses about his love life.
Spoilers: "The Wall"
Disclaimer: I dont own SU:2, I just love to love Nick however! hehehe
Authors Note: I know, this wont be happening, but I'm making fics for us Kate/Nick Shippers!
"Would you stop being such a baby?"

"Me? You're the one that's complaining. My body just doesn't bend that way."

"Too bad, or this could be alot easier."

"Oh shut-up."

"You know how much I'm loving this?"

"As I said before, shut-up." She stood fully up and put her hands on her neck. She looked over to her partner and saw the smile on his face, from the pleasure of this situation. She then bent back down.

"All you have to do. . . ." Kate slapped him before Nick could say another word. "I find this very funny."

She huffed at her partner. When she went to stand up, he stopped her. "No, you gotta stay down."

"Why am I even playing this game of yours?"

"Cause we're both bored?"

"Besides that. This is a kids game!"

"Hey! Twister is a very fun and relaxing game." She stood up and pushed him over.

"Times like these I wish we had a bad link some where to kill." Nick just started laughing at his very fusterated friend.

It was a wensday, and no case's for them to do. Not even Carl around for Nick to bug and annoy. It had been a week since Kate's HighSchool reunion. Nick had noticed that Kate had a smile on her face all that week. He could undersand, he was one of the outers in his time at highschool. He was just happy that he forced her to go, that and the fact that her friend was cute. He was so dissapointed that she was still. . . still. . . he couldn't even say it. It was beyond him how a 28 year old woman was still a virgin!

He moved to where the game was setup and looked over to his partner. It was starting to get a little annoying to him. The feelings that were bothering him when he was around Kate. It was like he was going to drown in his own confusion. He always felt safe around her, and also felt scared about her.

What was it with him to fall for his partner? And Kate wasn't his usual type at all. He was used to the dark haired, mysterious type. Not the fair haired and is-always-right type. Everything just confused.

He didn't want to fall in this trap of love again, he was hurt to many times. And he didn't want her in his list. He wished that he could have her, then again he also wished that he was spiderman. He seemed to get all the cool chicks.

She's always pushing his limits, not even Jullie had been like that. That dark haired vixen was always seducing him to make to many small jokes, they just seemed to be together from the start. And one day he was going to have Kate. Not now, he wasn't ready now to handle it, but maybe in the future he will be. And when that times comes, maybe he'll find a love to stay.