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10 October 06

She's my other eyes, that can see above the clouds,
My other ears, that hear above the winds,
She is the part of me, that can reach out into the seas,
She has told me, that I'm her reason for being,
By the way she rests against my leg,
By the way she thumps her tail, at my smallest smile,
By the way she shows her hurt, when I leave without her,
When I'm wrong, she's delighted to forgive,
When I'm angry, she clowns to make me smile,
When I'm happy, she's joy abound,
When I'm a fool, she ignores it,
When I succeed, she brags,
Without her, I'm only a person,
With her, I'm all powerful,
She has promised to wait for me,
In case I need her and I expect I will,
As I always have -
She is my Yorkie - Tinky !

Into my hearts treasury
A golden coin was laid
A coin of priceless measure
Which you, my friend, have gave.

It is a coin of happiness
Which your own heart has mint
And once in my treasury
It cannot be spent.

Tinky's Diary

8:00 am - Food time
9:30 am - A ride in the car
9:40 am - A walk in the park
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted
12:00 pm - Lunch time
1:00 pm - Played in the yard
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail
5:00 pm - Milk bones
7:00 pm - Got to play ball
8:00 pm - Wow ! Watched TV with my mommy
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed

All my favorite things, in one day !!

- - - -

A Valantine's Message
From Me To You

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The Main Image & B'ground Was Made For Me,
By My Friend, Using A Photo Of Tinky.
Thank You Johanna !