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Michael Cawood
03/55 - 11/03

We Will Love You Forever -
We Will Miss You Forever !

With Michael, his wife, Sharon & 2 kids, Joshua & Megan,
living in the UK and the rest of his family,
living in South Africa, made visiting each other,
quite difficult.

In Sept '03, word came that Mike wasn't very well.
Stomach problems, but he went to see the Doc.
He was working very hard and away from home,
for periods of time.

A biopsy was done & we prayed for his recovery.
Then came the results...
Michael had a very rare cancer. No cure known...
It can't be ! Michael is the youngest of 3 kids !
Nevertheless, the big C was spreading fast -
Started in the lymphnodes and deteriorating very quick.

Fortunately, Mom, Sis Cathy & Bro Tony,
could go and spend his last days,
with him, by his side.

On Sunday, 23 Nov '03, Michael left us,
for a better place.
No more pain & no more suffering.

Michael - This page is for you.
Your sis in law, misses you a LOT !
Till we meet again -
Lovies, Me...