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KKI @ ASU History

Traces of Krimson Kourts Inc. has faded in and out of existence on the campus of Arkansas State University for up to approximately 20 years with little or no organization or record. It wasn't until the spring of 1997 that the idea of a more constructed organization came into existence. In the fall of 1998 the eight ladies known as "Sweet Beginnings" adopted the name Pretty Girls Inc. (PGI).

"Sweet Beginnings of Fall 98"

These ladies, however, found a desire to persue other interests leaving only one member active. In the fall of 2000 Kymberly Allen extended an invitation to the bond, and the "Five Elite Ladies of the Dime-ond" accepted. It was then that the organization finally became more structured and efficient. The organization developed a more systematic way of functioning, created long and short term goals, and participated in regular meetings as well as social/community service events. With these changes in the business affairs of the organization came the change from PGI to KKI (Krimson Kourts Inc.). It was on the day of April 2, 2001 that Krimson Kourts Inc. became an official organization on the campus of Arkansas State University.