Kaworu Nagisa, the Fifth Child, an impressive title in its own right. However, this enigmatic youth bears so much more significance. You see, he is also the Final Messanger, Tabris, the Seventeenth Angel. He is all that stands between mankind's full potential and their utter destruction. He must be annihilated in order for man to survive. One life must surely not amount to much to save the lives of millions, right? Oh, he is also the closest friend of Shinji Ikari, the First Child, Savior of the World.
His only appearance in the Neon Genesis Evangelion television series is in Episode 24. He appears suddenly as a replacement for a mentally traumatized Asuka. He has a soft and enlightened manner with a wisdom beyond his mere 14 year existence. He adores Beethoven's 9th Symphony, calling it "the highest acheivement of the 'Lillum' culture". He seems to have a sort of innocence about him, despite his incredible intelligence, he is unfamiliar with the way humans behave and asks several questions that make Shinji very uncomfortable at first.
Kaworu is the only being outside of SEELE and NERV who fully understands the meaning of the AT Field and the true nature of Rei Ayanami. He is also the only character to proclaim that he "loves" Shinji.
Because of his nature, Kaworu must face his best friend in a battle to the death. Kaworu allows himself to be killed for the sake of mankind. His heartfelt final confession is on my personal 10 favorite dramatic moments in anime list. He says that only one lifeform can escape destruction and seize the future and Shinji "is not that existence that should die". His understanding of the human need for the future and their hope is one of the most uplifting experiences in Evangelion. Kaworu allows Shinji to crush him to death in the mammoth hand of EVA-01.
Even though he died, Kaworu's spirit endured, appearing in THE END OF EVANGELION first, as a replacement for Rei/Lillith and then beside the spirit of Yui Ikari and the 3 Reis in Gendo's final moments. In effect, the source of Shinki's pain is surrounded by those who love Shinji.
His final appearance is beside Rei II in the closing scenes of END. He and Rei say that they are the words "I Love You" and will be with him forever, in his heart. (Awwwww!)