Chibi Hime's Mini Shrine For Dark Schneider:
Anime's Biggest Bad Ass
"My Obvious Charms and god-like powers always dazzle the simple, ordinary folk."-Dark Schneider
Well, what do we have here? Its a mini shrine, of course! What's it for? DS! Well, Dark Schneider! The world's most powerful wizard! Lust incarnate! And all around bad ass! Never heard of him? What fools you mortals be! Dark here is from the anime/manga Bastard!!. I've never read the manga, but the anime flat out rocks. Just one thing..............where's the end? We leave DS and his buddies after the defeat of a Lord of Chaos (two turned good, one got iced) but there's still one left!0 Ah well............Anyway. Here are some Dark Schneider pics and a little info, umkay? Yay!
Dark Schneider Pics <((~_*))>
A Little About Dark
*Sigh* You are bored with my perfection already? Very Well, please visit one of Chibi's other pages:
The Magic Shoppe
Crimson Shadow: A Vincent Valentine Shrine
Date No Otaku: A SoulTaker Page
Things Chibi Hime Screams About
Earth Angel: Kaworu Nagisa
Devil in Disguise: A Hsi Wu Shrine
The End!-Oh! Wait! DS belongs to Pioneer and whoever wrote the Manga. No copyright infringement meant. Pics came from all over the net, mostly Animated Lust, there's a link to them at the Magic Shoppe! Thanks!