Hsi Wu-nderful Links!

Hsi Wu Linkage!

Aww! Don't look so angry Hsi, They're only leaving to visit cool sites about you and your JCA buddies! <((~_*))>

Yay! Hsi Wu-nderful links for more JCA and Hsi Wuness!

Official Kids WB! Website (Love that song that plays during the Jackie Chan Adventures Intro to the page +_+)

Spleef's JCA Site! VISIT IT! For JadeXHsi Wu, Lovable Brits and A Damn Funny Scrapbook!

Fanfiction.net (has a larde selection of JCA Fanfics) Including "Lotus Moon" (Plug) and Legend in Love (plug), both by me!

Demon Uncle's Art for both gorgeous and terrifying artwork, GO HERE! Up and Coming Sections look GREAT!

Another cool JCA site! (They just keep popping up!) Check out this one for info, pics and other such things.

Ha! This site is tremendous fun! Spleef's homepage! Mmmmmm Chocolate! Here you can access many mightily cool things such as Shrines, Fanart (really good fanart) and a Shrine to Tomato Soup! <((~_*))> WARNING-This isn't always -ahem- kiddie friendly, but its plenty of fun for us

The Alpha Quadrant-My Pal, Spinkie's page, while not JCA or Hsi Wu related, it's still mightily cool
Devil In Disguise
See! Another evil Seymour!!!!!