Rosalie "Rosie" Octavius is the loving and dedicated wife of the incredible genius that is Otto Octavius. She has a warm smile and supportive and loving air about her. She is a right brainer who enjoys tea and literature.
She studied Brittish literature in college and is a fan of T. S. Eliot. She first encountered the young Otto Octavius on the campus steps where he attempted to explain to her the theory of relativity. In return, Rosalie made an attempt to explain poetry to the left brained science enthusiast. Otto admits to still not being able to understand T. S. Eliot literature ("Its easier to understand quantum physics!"), bt he was taken with the luminiscent English major and vice versa. He proceeded to read his Rosie poetry in an attempt to woo her. The two were eventually married ^.^!
Rosie later accompanied her husband to his work at OSCORP, where he attempted to create a new type of fusion that would allow the generation of inexpensive power for the entire world, as well as new forms of AI and the mechanical arms that would later make her husband infamous. There, she met Harry Osborn and a very ingenius, yet strange boy, Peter Parker. Rosie immediately picke dup on his hidden feelings for someone when he couldn't answer her question about having a girlfriend. Rosie tells him that love is not perfect or easy, but its worth the trouble.
Fate seperated the loving husband and wife the day that Otto tested his fusion techniques. When things began to go awry, Rosie stayed at her husband's side while others evacuated. The magnetic field was breached and caused the many windows in the laboratory to shatter. The broken glass embedded itself in Rosalie's flesh and she died almost instantly.
Her loss dealt a devastating blow to her newly transmogrified husband who became momentarily suicidal at his predicament. Only the intervention of his arms' AI persuades him otherwise.