This is Justin (~Mal's cousin)
This is Justin.. ~Mal's lol cousin.. hes soo cute! Hes gunna be pickin up the ladies??? lol!
This is Colin in french class.. he borrowed ~Mals shoes cause he had to dress up like a girl! lol.. some girl eh?? haha
This is Jeff! We really really miss him!We havent seen him in a lllloooonnngggggggg time!:(
This is just a gang of friends from school!
This is Jerome.. he was an exchange student at ~Mals school from France! He too was a big flirt!hehe
This is ~Mal and her friend Kurtis! ow ow! haha!
This is Mandy and Jesse (they were close friends b4 he moved away) Awww.. werent they cute??
In tec class.. fun times girlz!
Fun times at school??
I (~Mal) hate school .. as you can tell i dont look too happy in this pic! lol! Ahh well.. shit happens!
This is one of our friends... Ryan Versnick! Wow eh?? What a looker?? hahahahah
This is our friend Shanna! She is soo great!We miss ya hunn!
This is Shays art class.. they are fighting at the front of the room.. hehe.. fun times!
More friends pics!
This is Bill.. he moved away.. and Shay misses him!:( awww...
Shes cool.. looks like shes havin fun! (~Mal wants her shirt back hunn) hehe
We miss you hunn.. you better be pickin ~Mal up one day this semester.. you promissed!haha and nice pic by the way!;)