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Friends pics!!!

These are just some pics of our friends outside of school! Hope you like em! Xox0

Cute lil girlz!

These are a friend of ours lil sisters! Awww.. arent they cute?? Xox0 These are the big "parkside playas" lol!(well aron neway!) Luv ya guys! Xox0 This is our friend Dave.. we met him at teen town! Hope you like it! Xox0 This is Joe.. ~Mals cousin.. and Shays friend! lol Xox0 This is our friend Johnny! Awww.. isnt he cute?? Xox0 I love this pic.. and Kev makes is all.. (lol we all know its the lil boy Tyler!hehe jk hunn) Xox0 These are some friends of ours ~Mal met at a camp site... Ow Ow! Xox0

This is Ryan

This is our friend Ryan.. we met him through Sarah (sorry hunn we had to cut out your head) Xox0 Whoop Whoop hunny!hehe.. nawww so cute! Xox0 Keep on Rollin Ladies!(Shanna and Hil) you know what time it is! lol! Xox0 This is Ty and Hil.. they used to be a couple.. as well as friends .. at one point in time! lol! What happend to the love?? hehe Xox0 This pic is cute.. Its at ~Mals new house.. just chillin on the bed!hehe Xox0 This is our friend Chris from St.Thomas.. Ow ow?? Xox0 This is Chris.. yet again.. with his ex gf.. and our friend Elise! Xox0 This is James.. Shay met him in Port Bruce! Awww.. what a cutie eh?? This Shays cousin Joey.. and his gf Karen! Xox0 This is our friend Justin.. now this pic can be taken many different ways.. lol.. haha.. but yeah.. Ow ow! Xox0 This is a pic of ~Mal and Adam.. aww arent they cute?? Xox0 This is Mitch.. he too is a lil cutie! Awww Xox0

Another pic of Mitch!!

This is another pic of Mitch! aww! Xox0 This is Justin on the beach! Wow! fun times guys! (mm yummy water hehe) Xox0 This is a pic of David and Josh right b4 thier grade 8 grad!A couple of real hotties here! hehe Xox0 Props to Shanna.. shes a great "roller" lol! Xox0 Just a couple of "homies" lol.. from ~Mals school! ow ow?? Xox0 This is a pic of Adam.. and ~Mals cousin Joe! hehe..(a couple of real thugs over here??) Xox0 This is a pic of ~Mal and he best friend for 14 years.. Tiffany! Some realy hotties up in here! Xox0 OMG this guy is such a sweetie! This is Andy and ~Mal! Hope you like it! Xox0 This is a pic of Mal and her bro... wow?? Xox0 OMG this is BY FAR my fave pic! Tyler makes the pic... (yet again lol) Soo cute! Xox0