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Hey Hey to all you fellow jellicle kitties! If you're reading this then you must be visiting Columbia's den... and I, as it happens, am Columbia *happy dance*
I live here with my hyper lil sis, Foozle...
Hello!!!!! *waves*
And the lovely Mungojerrie...
and Rumpleteazer...
*bops her brother on the head* hehehehe, Oh Hi!!!
Oh and sometimes my bestest kitty buddy, Reni comes to stay too! *waves to Reni*
So... feel free to explore my home, enjoy yoursleves and dont get doing anything I wouldnt do... [which doesnt leave much *giggles*]


UPDATE [8TH JUNE 2004]- I'M BACK!!!!! My computer has been broken and my parents havent bothered to get a new one for like a year so I havent been line at all for like a year, sorry about that guys. But We got one yesterday and as of now, I am back, the RPG's are hopfully gonna get active again [yes, they're still there, lol] and my website will be updated more often, I'm not sure about the fan fic [Jellicleville] cuz I dont have as much time to come online as I used to have but I'll do my best!

Have missed u all, Glad to back


We REALLY love to hear from visitors so PWEASE leave your paw print! [pwease]-

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Here's what I got.......

Fan Fiction
Jellicle Poll!
About Columbia!
The human behind the whiskers!
My Cats Experiences!
NNNNOOOOO! The fatal moment has come!
Cats RPG's!
Cats Try-Outs!!
Drew and Jo's video Credit scandal!
CATS chat [msg board]!
Wassup in the junkyard [dont ask]!!
My Graphics!
Jo's [my] online Diary
