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Cats Try-outs!

You've probably all seen Virtual auditions on other peoples sites. Well me and Teazer [Jerrie is too busy stealing Teazer's pearls back off Foozle, who nicked them the other day] have had a little idea

Oooo can I tell 'em, can I tell 'em?!

*looks thoughtfull for a moment* No I wanna, you go find your brother.

Anyway as I was saying, I really wanted to put auditions on my web site but I didnt know how. But I'm putting them up now so you can find out what Cats you might be if you were in Cats! Although I know nothing about anything like that at all so its just a sorta wild guess really cuz I aint got a clue.

Anyway lets get on with it, if you want to audition, please copy and paste this form and sent it to my address[at the bottom of the page]:

Your name:

Your age:

Your Gender:

Your height[short, medium or tall]:

What dance experience have you had?

How would you describe your singing? appauling/ just about what you'd class as singing/ Not too bad, alright/ Brilliant:

How would you descibe your flexibility? Use same words as above question, brilliant- being you can do the whole clobber i.e. back bends, splits etc:

Whats your vocal range? [Highest to lowest-soprano, Mezzo,Alto - for females] [Tenor,Baritone, bass - for males]

Which dance/s in Cats can you do the best?

Which chraracter's/s part can you sing the best?

Which character/s would you most like to play?

