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Waaaassssssssuuuuuuupppp in the junkyard!!

Foozle: Skimbleshanks the railway cat, the cat of the railway trAAAIIIIIIIII......

Rumpleteazer: OOOwww! *rubs ear*

Foozle: Hey, shut up, my singing isnt that bad!

Rumpleteazer: No commen'

Foozle: *angry that someone has insulted her wonderful [cough] singing, storms off* stupid good for nothing cat burgalar, I'll show her, I'll get singing lessons....

Rumpleteazer: *giggles*

Old D: Alright, alright, whats all the commotion?

Rumpleteazer: Foozle was singin'

Old D: Oh heaviside, not again

Rumpleteazer: *nods*


Foozle: *wonders behind the car bonnet where she finds her sister and Mungojerrie in a somewhat dodgy [ahem] situation* AH! Teazer, help, your brothers doing something nasty to my sis!!!!

Columbia: *jumps off Jerrie* No, no, he's not, I'm fine Fooz...honest

Mungojerrie: *cough*

Foozle: Then why was he......

Columbia: Yeh...erm...we were erm...

Foozle: *looks from Col to Jerrie, to Col, to Jerrie etc* Oh,Ok...I dont need to know

Columbia: *blushes* So...erm..what you been up to today Fooz?

Foozle: Nothing much, really. You?

Columbia: *shrugs* Ah, ya know, the usual, had a chat with this kitty from the insane asylum round the corner, we really had alot in common actually, erm...yeh, oh and I went for a cup of tea with the Grim Reeper and then I came back here, so nothing interesting.

Mungojerrie: *stands up* Oy, I'm starvin', I'm goin' ter ge' some grub, yer comin' luv?

Columbia: Yup, you bet. Fooz?

Foozle: Nah, I was gonna go and stand just about over there *points at the other side of the junkyard where Skimble happens to be*

Columbia: *rolls her eyes*

Foozle: Anyway, I wouldnt want to be going anywhere alone with you two anytime soon *gives Jerrie a discusted look and then walks away*

Columbia: Whatever. So where are we going nice Jer?

Mungojerrie: I was finkin' we could go ter tha' ho' new dumpster roun' da corner. I 'ear i's go' grea' fish 'eads *licks his lips*

Columbia: Sure, sounds good to me. Should we go see if Teazer wants to come along?

Mungo: Yeh, come on *grabs her paw and heads off, singing* Mun..go..jerrie and.......

*Come back next time to see 'waaasssuuuppp in the junkyard!'
