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Jellicleville [the fan fic]

Welcome to Jellicleville!
The town where the jellicles live. Where they work and play.
This is my story of them and their lives.

~ Just so you all know, this story was influenced by the lovely Krista's Jellicleville RPG, although I aint nicking any of her storylines [lol]
~In this story, the jellicles are anthros, they wear clothes, have hands, but, where as some see them with hair, I see them with head fur, so, just so there's no confusion.
~This story will contain adult material, incuding violence and sex, so if you're gonna get offended by it, I'm warning you now.
~This story is going to be on-going sorta, so I will put the chapters up as and when I write them.
~I'd really, really love some fan art for this story intro page thingy, so once we get to know the chars abit more and whatever, or now if you like, feel free to send any art you do of the chars!

Read, if you like, and enjoy my tale......

Chapter one
Chapter two