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JV ~ Chapter one

A cold autumn breeze swept the streets of Jellicleville. Clouds concealed most of the stars from veiw but the moon shone brightly, lighting up the sky, until a cloud drifted in front of it too.

Back down on Earth, the door of a place called 'The Junkyard Cafe' clicked shut. A young queen stepped off the curb outside, holding her jacket around her tightly, as the zip had brcken.
She sighed, crossing the road and heading down the street.
She wore a short skirt with a tightish shirt, with the letters 'JC' embroidered on the breast pocket, to match. Her slender legs walked quickly up the street, in her, uncomfortable looking, high heel shoes. Truthfully, she hated the outfit she had to wear for work at the cafe. She hated wearing skirts and hish heels like these at all, and always looked forward to getting home and back to herself, back to the real Columbia.
Reaching the entrance to the building where her flat was, Col got out her key and slid it in the door, shutting it behind her and walking down the corridor to the door with the number 9 written on it. The place she'd called home since a couple of years back when her parents had chucked her out of their home.
She slipped inside, almost colapsing on the sofa before she did anything else at all. She sighed and kicked her shoes off.
Col couldnt say she was exactly keen on where she worked, infact she hated it. The pay was crap and the boss was an arrogant male, who loved himself and unfortunately, so did most queens. But, working there was the only way she could afford to get by in life these days.
She turned and lay back on the sofa, closing her eyes, tired. The room was silent and dark, as she hadn't bothered to turn the light on.
A faint noise was heard from the bedroom, the door to which was open on the other side of the living room. Col rolled over, not thinking much of it. Suddenly, there was another noise from in there, this one louder. Col opened her eyes, her ears perked up, listening. She could hear something moving in there, she was sure of it.
Slowly, she slipped off the sofa and looked around for something she could use as a weapon maybe. Seeing an empty wine bottle, from when her neighbour had come round a few days ago, she quickly grabbed it and crept slowly towards the bedroom.
There was unmistakably something or someone in there. She silently cursed herself as she remembered she'd left the window in there open before she went out. She shook her head at herself angrilly and slowly advanced, peeping cautiosly round the door into the dark bedroom. She could faintly make out a figure, standing near the open window, its back to Col. Col crept in, placing her bare feet down carefully on each step closer. Just then, the figure moved and in panic, without thinking, Col swung the bottle, smashing it off their head.
The intruder fell to the floor, obviously knocked unconsious by the blow. Col rushed to the light switch and flicked it on. The intuder turned out to be a quuen, probably about the same age as Col. The eyes on her pretty orange and white face, closed as she lay on Col's bedroom floor. Col cringed and looked her up and down, "Oh shit, I've killed her" she said, putting her hand to her mouth. She bit her lip and quickly rushed through to her little kitchen area, wetting a cloth and taking it back through to the unconsious queen. She grabbed a pillow off her bed and knelt next to the queen, lifting her head carefully and sliding the pillow underneath it. Blood trickled from the cut on the side of her head and Col pressed the wet cloth against it, gently.
Her priority would have been to call the police after this queen had broken into her home but she didnt really fancy being in trouble with the police herself if they found this queen's dead body in her bedroom.
Col looked at her, she was breathing, she wasnt dead. Col sighed in relief, continuing to hold the cloth against her head.

In another part of town, a tall, firey orange tom, known everywhere as Macavity, snarled as he sat down on his armchair, another black queen and tom sitting ob the sofa nearby. The queen crossed her long slender legs and looked at Mac.
"That cop is gonna get whats coming to him" Mac snarled, looking rather narked.
"Want us to finish Alonzo off sir?" the queen asked.
"Yes sir, if we let him go, now he knows where we are, he'll go straight to his boss" the tom added. Macavity looked up at the two.
"Do you're job, I want him dead" he said, a slight smirk curled on his lips,
"...and tell Mungojerrie I want to see him".
The tom and queen nodded and stood up, making for the door.
"We'll have to tell the others about the job then" the tom said. The queen nodded and followed him to his car.
"And about Jerrie, you seen him lately?" she said.
"No, but I'll drop by at him and Teazer's tomorrow probably", the tom opened his car and climbed in. The queen nodded and got in the other side.
