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About Columbia [and Foozle]!

Columbia is a young queen. She looks alot like Etcetera but with purple stripe as well as brown, also, her face [what would be the make up] is alot more Teazer styled and she has large green eyes. She wears a black collor with silver studs.

Columbia was born a few days after Jerrie and Teazer. Her mother was very young at the time and it was because she had been raped by one of Macavity's hench cats. When Columbia had seen three jellicle moons [three years old], her mother gave birth to her sister, Foozle. Foozle's father was never known but when he found out that Safirilla had had a baby, he killed her, no one knows why. So Columbia was left to look after Foozle. Columbia never trusted toms really [because of the background with her mother], exept for Jerrie but that was only because he was one of her best friends and had been since she could remember. Columbia often joins Jerrie and Teazer on heists but you wouldn't call her a proper thief, she isnt really into the job as much as Jerrie and Teazer. When shes not on heists with Jerrie and Teazer she hangs around with her very best friend and soul sister, Serenity. At the last jellicle ball Columbia, quite unexpectedly, lost her innocence to Mungojerrie and they have been mates since.

Foozle likes Jerrie and Teazer but she doesnt usually hang around with them as much as Col, partly because she hates the fact that they steal. Foozle spends alot of time with Skimble on his trains, he has almost adopted her but everyone thinks she has a crush on him [she likes older fellas]. Foozle is white with brown patches and she has deep blue eyes.

Columbia's family and friends within the tribe:

Best friend and Soul sister- Serenity

Very good friend- Rumpleteazer

Mate and very good friend- Mungojerrie

Little sister-Foozle

Adopted Mothers- Jellylorum and Jennyanydots

Mother [dead]- Saffirilla