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CSI: Gorgeous Stud
or Someone Else With the Initials G.S.

  1. New Girl In Town
  2. First Impressions
  3. Smitten
  4. Kindred Souls
  5. Blip on the Radar
  6. Younger Man
  7. First Date
  8. Backseat Boogie
  9. A Man Who Listens
  10. Tragedy
  11. Dinner In
  12. Silver Tongued Devil and Red Flags
  13. Reporting
  14. Closer to Home
  15. Security
  16. Chocolate
  17. Bait
  18. Info
  19. Friends
  20. Old Foes, and Misinformation
  21. Dubious Assistance
  22. New 'Boss'
  23. Humanizing Influence
  24. Setting Up
  25. Settling In

More to Come

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Mary Sue Fiction
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