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  1. Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Line
  2. Prey Targeted
  3. Contact
  4. The Lure
  5. Confrontation
  6. Sanitation and Celebration
  7. At the Lair
  8. The Client
  9. Exposition
  10. The Problem
  11. Middle Sister
  12. Night Out
  13. Bonding
  14. Acacia Out
  15. Goth Cop and Go-Go Chick
  16. Information
  17. Visitor
  18. Asking Around
  19. Offering Alliance
  20. Escalation
  21. Sanctuary
  22. Goth Cop On Board
  23. Gathering Info
  24. More to Come

    Main Menu
    Slash Fiction
    Mary Sue Fiction
    Original Fiction
    Family Stuff

    Send comments or feedback.  Or just jaw.  Heck, I'm easy.