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Bondage Banquet
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Notes: Shibari is Japanese rope bondage. Spot the Mel Brooks reference (High Anxiety).

Bondage Banquet
by Scribe

"You're not ready for it, Chase." William, dark hair ruffled and damp at the temples from his exertions, settled back on a pillow.

Chase frowned, glaring at his lover. "You sound just like my father used to," he accused. He sat up and reached down to where his pants lay beside the bed. After rummaging a little he came up with a Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate miniature, unwrapped it, and popped it in his mouth whole.

William shook his head. "You and your after fuck treat. No, I'm not your father--I'm your daddy." William was thirty-three to Chase's twenty-two--enough of a gap for Chase not to protest the chosen term--and after all, he was following William's lead in his sexual exploration. "You're new to my sort of play, and I'm telling you that you're not ready to attend one of my club's meetings."

They were in bed. William had just untied Chase's wrists from the headboard, rubbing them solicitously to be sure that the circulation hadn't been cut off during the last, hard minutes of their rutting session. Judging that his new lover was ready to move up a step in their play, he'd used leather straps instead of scarves, then used one of the scarves to blindfold him. He'd then fucked Chase long and hard. Chase had seemed a little bit surprised by his ardour, but perfectly happy with how things were going.

They'd been lovers for close to three months now. They'd met at a Gay Pride march, so there had been no need for the usual careful questioning and checking for clues to determine sexual orientation. Chase had complimented William on his belt and cuffs set. The leather had been double thickness, gleaming black, tooled with elaborate designs, and studded with chrome. William had been amused by Chase's costume. Chase had put platinum highlights in his blond hair and was dressed in white pants and a pastel pink T-shirt that said TWINKS FOR TOLERANCE. William invited Chase into a bar for a drink, and about two hours later, slightly drunk, they had exchanged blow jobs in the men's room. They'd been growing steadily closer since then.

"But it's a club for bondage and discipline enthusiasts, isn't it?" Chase flicked the straps at William, as if to say, 'You see?' "I like B/D."

"You don't know what real bondage and discipline is."

"Well, what do you call what we've been doing?"

William snorted. "I've tied you up a couple of times, but never anything that you couldn't have escaped if you'd been determined. Well..." He took the strap away from Chase and drew it between his fingers. "Not till this time. And I've warmed you ass with a few swats. That's it."

"And I've liked it. I want more."

"And I'll give it to you. But baby, you going to a Shibari meeting would be like tossing a toddler off the high diving board and telling him to swim. He might survive, but he's damn sure going to be the worse for wear. Do you know what Shibari is?"

"It sounds Japanese."

"It is. Specifically it's Japanese rope bondage." Chase got round-eyed. "Yeah, you've seen some photos of that, haven't you?"

"It looks pretty uncomfortable," Chase said hesitantly. "Especially if they use that thick hemp rope. Is that what you do at your club?"

William smiled. "Sometimes, but we're by no means limited. The founders chose that name because it's not readily recognized by vanilla people, but anyone really into bondage will know what it means. So you see, Shibari is for those who are serious about B/D--not beginners or someone trying something new on a whim."

Chase rested his chin on William's shoulder and fluttered his eyelashes. "But how will I ever be ready if I'm never exposed to it?" William wrinkled his nose. Chase moved quickly, scrambling up on his knees to straddle William's thighs. He twitched his hips, making his cock (large for his build) swing back and forth. "I'm not giving up on this," he crooned. "I'm going to bedevil and tease you unmercifully till you agree to take me to a meeting." He cocked his head. "What's wrong? Afraid some other Dom will steal me?"

"Real Dom's don't pull shit like that." William took hold of Chase's hips, pulling him tight against his body, relishing the tigher press of his lover's ass and balls. He started to stroke his thumbs inward toward Chase's prick, but the younger man quickly covered himself with his hands, tsk-tsking him. "What?"

"If you don't want to show me how to play in your park, I'm damn sure not going to let you boff me through the chail link fence."

William barked with laughter. "Gawd, what an image!" He eyed Chase, and his smile faded slightly as he considered the boy. "Maybe it IS time. This way I'll know whether you're just an occasional playmate, or if you're true mate material. We're having the annual Bondage Banquet next week. Do you have a tuxedo? It's formal dress."

Chase didn't quite squeal. "I can get one! Do you want classic black, or can I go for the pastel seventies prom look?"

"I'm going to have to beat them off you with a stick."


William eyed his date. Chase was wearing a perfectly tailored tuxedo--in pastel green. His shirt was an even paler shade of the same color, and his cummerbund and bow tie were white satin. "You threatened, but I didn't really believe you'd do it. You look like an after dinner mint."

Chase arched a fair eyebrow at him. "Honey, you knew from the moment you saw me that I'm a little camp. If you don't like it you can just..."

William smiled, shaking his head. "I meant you look like an after dinner mint--sweet, spicy, and definitely good enough to eat."

"Nice save. You look pretty spiffy yourself. You could walk right into any society to-do and no one would bat an eye."

"Till I pinched a waiter's ass. There's one advantage to that get up--the members are going to be able to tell immediately that you're new to the game, and they won't try anything too hairy with you. Are you ready, baby boy?"

"I was born ready."

William's eyes glinted. "We'll see."

William drove a meticulously maintained Thunderbird (well, that was ONE of his cars), with a back seat big enough for acrobatics. In fact, that backseat had already seen quite a bit of action from Chase and William. This time Chase decided to sit in the back and pretend that William was his chauffer. William good-naturedly played along, and they bantered about 'hard driving' during the short drive. They pulled up in front of a gracious looking, well lit Victorian mansion. It would have looked like nothing more than a rather lavish private residence if not for two things--the commercial sized parking lot off to one side, and the tasteful sign declaring it to be the Clarion Social Hall.

William pulled into the curved drive that led to the front entrance. As he came to a halt, a uniformed young man holding a clipboard trotted out, coming around to the drivers' side and bending down to the opened window. "Good evening, gentlemen."

"We're here for the Shibari banquet," said William.

"Names, please?" William gave their names, and the valet made two checks on the list. "Very good, sir." He snapped his fingers in the air a couple of times and another valet who'd been sitting on a bench beside the entrance hopped up and trotted out. "If you'll just give your keys to Alonzo, he'll park your car for you."

"Thanks." William and Chase got out of the car, and William dropped his keys in the young man's hand. "Hi, Al. How goes it?"

The valet grinned at him. "Great. I'm making good tips tonight. It isn't often I get paid for having fun." He got in the car and drove it to the parking lot while William and Chase started toward the building's entrance.

"I know you go out to nice places quite often," said Chase, "but I didn't realize it was often enough for you to get on first name... No, nickname basis with a car parker."

"Draw the claws back in, kittycat. Alonzo isn't one of the place's regular valets. Our club always supplies our own staff for our shindigs. That way we don't startle the citizenry. Alonzo belongs to the club secretary."

"Belongs to?"

"With Ayesha it's more Master/slave than simple bondage/discipline. She and Alonzo have a slave contract. I think he has another year to go, and it's a pretty safe bet that he'll renew if she'll have him--and she'll have him." They'd reached the door, and William pushed the button beside it. Distant chimes sounded. As they waited, William said, "Chase, you're going to see some things tonight that will startle if not shock you. Please don't embarrass me."

"You aren't planning any human sacrifices, are you?"

"No, but... Chase, you probably considered that blow job in the stall to be a daring act of public sex. I'm telling you right now that after tonight it will seem like a married couple doing it missionary style in a dark, locked room."

"Goodness," Chase drawled. "Oh, Will--stop it. This isn't my first time at the rodeo, you know."

The door was opened by a young woman wearing a porno film version of a French maid's costume. "Welcome, gentlemen." They entered and she shut the door behind them. "The other guests are gathering in the Victoria and Albert salons."

"Thank you," said William. He was glancing around, and his eyes fell on an old fashioned umbrella stand. He reached toward it, and Chase was surprised when he drew out not an umbrella, but a thin, flexible bamboo cane. William's voice was suddenly hard as he said, "Present."

Without hesitation the girl whirled around and bent at the waist, grabbing her own ankles. This brought the back hem of her skirt up around the small of her back. A plump and completely naked ass was exposed, dark curls barely visible between her thighs. William drew back his arm and swished the cane briskly laying fresh pink stripes over the dozen or so that already decorated her white skin. As William dropped the cane back into the stand the girl stood up, and Chase realized that the flush in her cheeks wasn't just from bending over. "Thank you, sir," she murmured.

William nodded as he took Chase's arm and led him down the hall. "The Albert salon is on the left. You see, when we have the formal affairs, we split into heterosexual and bi or gay groups."

"Does that mean we're going to have lesbians with us tonight? I like lesbians. We can talk about what pains you men are," said Chase.

William laughed. "Not tonight. Our chapter is small, and we only have two lesbian members--a couple. They're out of town tonight, but they probably would have gone over to the het salon--more women there. Here we are." He stopped just before they reached an archway that led into a side room. "Chase, one more time--this isn't going to be like anything you've experienced up till now. If you can't handle it, tell me and I'll send you home in a taxi--no recriminations. Just remember that everyone you see here is either a member, or happily volunteered their services. In fact, we always have more applicants than we need, so we can be rather picky."

"One more time--you're not going to shock me." A man walked past the open arch, carrying a tray of drinks. He was completely naked, save for six studded leather bands--ankles, wrists, collar, and cock ring. He was also wearing an assortment of body jewelry through places that Chase would never have considered allowing a needle near, unless it was for the purpose of anesthesia. "Oh," Chase said faintly. "Maybe you are."

"Still want to go in?"

Chase lifted his chin. "More than ever."

"Good boy. Let's." They strolled into the salon. Barely in, because William paused near the entrance to give Chase a chance to look around, and adjust. William still wasn't entirely sure that Chase wouldn't babble some apology, then rush back to the front door. Someone's first 'let it all hang out' event of Shibari could be rather... intense. Chase's eyes grew bigger and rounder as he looked around.

To begin with, that first waiter was far from the only naked, or nearly naked, person in attendance. There appeared to be at least one nudist to every three elegantly clad men. This didn't include what William later told him were the 'set pieces'. The set pieces were individuals positioned in various parts of the room, restrained in a number of inventive ways, for the amusement of the guests. Chase's first exposure to one of these came when he heard a sharp, rhythmic slapping sound, and looked toward it.

There was what looked like an authentic set of stocks nearby. A handsome, naked young man was locked in the stocks, head and wrists held firmly, bending him over at a sharp angle. Several people were gathered around, sipping cocktails and nibbling from a tray of canapes sitting on a small table. Another, older man was standing behind the imprisoned man, spanking him vigorously with what looked like a ping-pong paddle. Chase felt a brief flash of dismay--then he noticed that the 'victim' had a juicy hard-on. It jiggled as the paddle cracked against his ass. As he watched, one of the audience set down his drink and started opening his fly.

"William," Chase whispered. "What is he going to do?"

William whispered right back. "He has a naked, aroused man restrained before him, with his head at about crotch level. What do you think he's going to do?"

Sure enough the man drew his own hard-on through his open fly and stepped closer to the stocks. He put his hand in the moaning victim's hair and lifted his head so that the man came eye-to-eye (so to speak) with his cock. The man immediately stuck out his tongue and began licking the viewer's glans. He strained forward a little, mouth open wide, trying to take the cockhead between his lips. The watchers laughed when the second man teasingly pulled just out of reach. The submissive (that's what he had to be) whimpered, "Please, sir."

The paddler gave him a particularly hard smack, earning a yelp. "Were you given permission to speak?"

"No, sir." Another hard smack. This time the submissive just shook his head.

"I give you permission to speak," said the man holding his hair. "What do you want?"

"Please, sir, let me."

"You know better than that. You have to be specific, or you don't get anything. Let you what?"

"Please, sir, let me suck your cock. I'll make you happy, I promise. I'm good at it."

"He is," one of the onlookers commented. "Even if you hold his head immoble and fuck his mouth, he can still get suction, and he can take it all the way down his throat, up to eight inches."

"How would you know?" someone catcalled.

There was laughter, but the speaker calmly said, "I checked with a dildo. And he can take ten inches up the ass before he really gets uncomfortable." The speaker smirked. "I know that from PERSONAL measurement."

"Good enough for me." The man in front of the stocks moved a half step forward, sliding the head of his cock into the submissive's mouth. The young man immediately began to suckle.

Chase blinked as William dug a sharp elbow into his ribs. "Look, but don't stare like you're at a circus," he ordered. He plucked two glasses of champagne off the tray of the waiter who'd come to stand beside them, waiting patiently. "Come on, and I'll give you a quick tour of the room. You might decide you want to sample something, and I don't mean the cheese and crackers."

He started leading Chase around the room. There was one young man facing a wall, arms manacled over his head. There was a suede flail hanging on a hook beside him, and his ass and the backs of his thighs were a warm pink. "This," said William, "is Wylie. Say hello to Chase, Wylie."

Wylie tipped his head to look back over his shoulder. "Hi, Chase."

"And what," said William sternly, "does turning away from the wall earn you?"

Wylie grinned. "Oh, drat."

"You get another ten strokes for that." William took down the flail and gave Wylie ten brisk strokes across his thighs. Then he offered the flail to Chase.

Chase stared at it, then looked up at William. "Me?"

"Sure. It's one way of finding out for sure which side of the fence you're on." He pushed it against Chase's palm. "Take it," he ordered. Chase's hand remained limp and open. "Chase!" There was command in William's voice. Slowly Chase's fingers curled around the handle. When William let go of the flail, Chase didn't drop it, but he let it droop. "Now, give him ten of your best." Chase bounced the flail, letting the soft brown straps flap. "Damn it, Chase I said not to embarrass me."

Chase took a deep breath and swung the flail. The strips barely pattered against Wylie's buttocks. "Oh, ow," he said mildly. Chase swung the flail with a little more strength, but it was still more a caress than a blow. "Mercy, mercy, mercy." Wylie sounded bored.

That was a mistake. William snatched away the flail and laid it across Wylie's ass for eight more strokes with a will. Wylie jerked and yipped. "You know why you got that?"

"Yes, sir," Wylie sounded apologetic.

"Wrong. That was for looking back." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a short, thick butt plug. He quickly spread Wylie's cheeks and thrust the plug home, getting a sincere groan. "That's for the sarcasm."

"William..." said Chase quietly.

William pointed at him. "Don't. He knows the rules, Chase. He knows the penalties."

"Yes, sir," said Wylie breathlessly. He was humping gently against the wall.

William took Chase's arm and led him away. "Well, I guess that proved one thing--if you continue with this, you're a taker, not a giver."

"I'm sorry. I just..."

"Chase, don't apologize. There are Dominants, there are submissives, and there are a whole lot of gradients inbetween. The secret is finding your level. We're closer to finding your level now. You aren't comfortable dealing out discipline. It remains to be seen how much you enjoy taking it."

Next they came to a muscular man sitting naked on what almost looked like a throne made of dark, polished wood.. His thick wrists, arms, ankles, waist, thighs, and neck were buckled to the chair with thick straps, and he was wearing a ball gag. He was also completely naked, and his thighs were fastened wide apart, displaying a very nice set of privates. "This is Loman. Loman likes to be used as furniture. Don't you, Loman?" Loman nodded silently.

"Is he just going to stay there all night?"

"It's only a few hours. Someone will check on him periodically to make sure he doesn't become dehydrated, and that his circulation isn't compromised. While we're dining, if he wants, someone will let him up for a little while. If not they'll hold a chamberpot for him to relieve himself." William smiled. "Chase, Loman likes you."

Chase frowned. "How can you tell?"

"Just look at him. Not all communication is verbal." Chase looked at Loman doubtfully. Loman winked at him. He jerked his head back, then tipped his chin toward his own lap. "He's inviting you to have a seat. Go on--make him happy."

Chase approached the man slowly. He lowered himself to sit on Loman's lap--sitting on one leg with his own legs between Loman's thighs, for all the world like an overgrown child preparing to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. Chase peered curiously into Loman's face, and the man wiggled his eyebrows. Chase giggled, relaxing. He threw one arm around the bound man's neck and pressed the other flat against his broad chest. "I may have sat on more comfortable chairs, but never one so handsome," he said coyly. Loman made a crooning sound around the gag, and leaned his head down on Chase's shoulder.

A couple of other club members had drifted over and were watching the exchange with amusement. "Who's your pretty little friend, Will?" one of them asked.

William introduced Chase. "I'm going to ask you folks to keep a modified hands off policy. He's a novice, and we don't want to scare him out of the woods on his first foray."

"Perish the thought," said the man who'd first commented. "He's too sweet to risk losing."

"What does modified hands off mean?" asked Chase.

"No actual sex unless you initiate it. No discipline unless you explicitly ask for it. You may get fondled a little, but you like that, right?"

"Riiight." He had been stroking Loman's chest during this conversation. His fingers passed over a stiffened bit of flesh, and he looked down to find that Loman's nipples were hard. Now he felt a firmness pressing against his thigh. He looked up in surprise. "William? He's getting hard."

"Of course he is, silly child," said William almost indulgently. "Wiggle a little and you'll get him so stiff that you'll be able to fuck yourself on him, if you want." Loman was nodding. Several of the watchers applauded.

"Oh, I don't think so." He stood up. Loman looked so bereft that Chase patted his shoulder. "Maybe later."

He went to William and they moved farther into the room. "I'm glad that you said 'maybe'. It isn't nice to get their hopes up, then not deliver."

There was one more station. It was yet another young man, this one bound naked and face down on an X shaped table. His legs were spread wide apart, and there was another guest standing in the V. His pants were open, and he was leisurely buggering the bound man. "Hello, Curtis. How's Pete tonight?"

"As tight as always," said Curtis cheerfully. He slapped Pete's ass hard, then thrust sharply. "Aren't you, sweetheart? You haven't been with Pete, have you, Will?"

"No, haven't had the pleasure."

"It is a pleasure. Pete does squeezing exercises every day. He can grip like a motherfucker. It's like he has a fist in there. Do it, Pete." The muscles of the man's buttocks flexed, and Curtis groaned happily. Curtis noticed Chase's fascinated stare. "So, Chase. First time as a voyeur?"

"I go to gay bars," Chase murmurs. "I'd have to be blind not to have seen some sex."

Curtis laughed. "Well, you'll be a veteran before the night is over."

There was a chime, and everyone looked to the archway. A clothed waiter was standing there, lowering a small bell. "Gentlemen, we will be seating for dinner in ten minutes. I suggest that you wind up your entertainments. Those who are late," he smiled, "will not get fruit cup." There was general laughter as he exited.

"Damn," said Curtis mildly. "I hate rushing, but I don't want to miss the first course." He speeded up, pumping vigorously into the man's ass, pushing him forward on the rack in little jerks. After a moment he tensed, then groaned. He stepped back with a sigh, his still hard cock sticky and glistening.

A waiter hurried over and offered him a wet cloth. Curtis stood with his hands on his hips, regarding him silently. "I'm sorry, sir," said the waiter. He carefully wiped Curtis clean, then tucked his now soft cock back in his pants and refastened them. Curtis patted him approvingly on the shoulder, and the man beamed.

William gave Chase his arm again, and led him from the room. There were men and women trickling out of another archway a little farther down the hall. Chase peeked through the open archway. It looked a lot like it had in the Albert salon--perhaps a little more elaborately furnished and decorated. The main difference was that there were some women strapped into the various devices. They made up the majority, but men were by no means absent.

The two groups merged and mingled as they made their way farther down the hall, finally coming to a spacious dining room. There was what looked like a single table (but was probably several under the crisp white tablecloth). Tasteful centerpeice of flowers and candles marched down the center of the table, and before each chair there were gleaming settings of china, flatware, and crystal. William started to steer Chase over toward one side of the table, but the boy hesitated. "Why can't we sit here?"

"Because." William pointed to the wall behind them. On it was a poster that showed the male and female sex symbols interlocked. Then he pointed to the far wall. This one sported two male symbols, also entertwined.

"What? Are we segregated?"

"Not really, but wouldn't you rather be served by a handsome man than a pretty girl? Groping the server is allowed, as long as you don't startle them and cause them to dump something on someone."

"Oh, well, then."

William led Chase to a pair of chairs at the end of the table, then held the last one for him, tucking it under his butt securely as he sat, before himself sitting on the boy's left. Chase noticed that men on the other side of the table were doing the same for women, and some of the men on his side were doing it for other men--most of whom were younger and softer looking than their companions. Chase deduced that the ones receiving the courtesy were submissives, and the chair-tuckers leaned more toward the dominant end of things.

As hinted by the waiter, each plate held a double bowl--the bottom one filled with chipped ice, and the top one containing a lovely fresh fruit salad. Everyone was seated, and the same waiter perused the table, then rang a small bell. He snapped his fingers and pointed. Chase leaned over and looked down the table, seeing that there was an empty chair. A waitress, this one naked, hurried over and picked up the fruitcup, carrying it quickly toward the back door that had to lead to the kitchen. Her bare behind was just disappearing when a guest came hurrying into the room, pulling his zipper up.

Snickers followed him to the one empty seat. He screeched to a halt before he sat down, staring at the bare plate. "Oh, no fucking way!"

"You were warned," said the waiter as laughter welled up.

The man took his seat, shaking his fist playfully at his razzing neighbors. The woman next to him took pity. She plucked a large, luscious strawberry out of her own salad and fed it to him. The rest of the meal went very much like any other banquet Chase had attended--with perhaps better food than usual--and nuder servers. He was thinking that things weren't really all that different when his current waiter set his slice of nectarine tart with vanilla sauce before him, handed the tray to a fellow server, then got down on his hands and knees and crawled under the table. Then Chase felt a hand on his knee.

"William," he whispered.

"Hm?" William had chosen chocolate cake, and it wasn't easy to distract him when he was concentrating on chocolate. A can of Hershey's and a rainy afternoon had taught Chase that lesson.

"William, there's a naked man under the table with his hand on my knee."


Chase sat up straighter. "Now there's a naked man under the table with his hand on my crotch--his moving hand on my crotch."

"Do you want him to stop?"

Chase shivered as he felt a soft squeeze. "No, I don't think I do."

"Do you want more?"


"Then open your pants and either take hold of his hand if you want a handjob, or grab his hair if you want head. Now don't bother me--I'm concentrating."

Chase bit his lip, then considered the handsome man who was currently massaging his groin. He reached down, found his zipper, and lowered it. Then he felt around till he encountered soft hair, and tugged on it gently. He heard a quiet, "Thank you, sir," right before he felt the first soft, wet touch on his rapidly swelling prick. When he was fully engorged he was engulfed in heated wetness, and the licking and suction started. Chase's eyes almost rolled back in his head as he gripped the edge of the table, fingers scratching at the tablecloth.

William had finished his cake, and was now watching Chase with fond amusement. "Having fun, sweetie?" Chase whimpered. "Oh, go on--you can make noise. It isn't like you're the only one." Chase looked around, head jerking a little, trying to figure out who was having sex. The only one he was fairly sure of was a woman far down the table who was being rhythmically bumped back in her chair by an enthusiastic server.

Chase didn't even miss his untouched dessert. The centerpeices were removed as well, leaving the table clear of everything except the clean base plates and the final glasses of wine. The server, mouth shiny and slightly swollen, crawled back out from under the table, bowed, and made his way after the others, out into the kitchen.

A man that William had pointed out as the acting president stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know about you, but I've had a hell of a time." There were murmurs of agreement. "Excellent food, lovely and talented entertainment, and good companionship. What more could one ask for?"

"Dessert!" someone called.

Chase gave William a puzzled look. "I thought we had dessert? Well, you guys had dessert. I missed mine."


"Hell no. But I would like something sweet. You know that I like candy instead of a cigarette after sex."

William covered his mouth, smiling, as the neighbor across the table chuckles. "I don't think these sweets will be to your taste. You might find something you like back in the Albert salon."

"I don't recall seeing any candy dishes."

"Be quiet, Chase. The president is talking."

"I was going to say another year of the same, but yes--dessert," said the president. He raised his voice. "Bring him in!"

Chase said, "Him?" as the door to the kitchen opened.

Four servers came in, carrying what looked like an old fashioned litter between them. The litter bore the largest covered silver serving dish that Chase had ever seen. It looked big enough to cover an entire hog, never mind a suckling pig. Another two servers hurried over as the first four reached the end of the table, and they slid the dish off onto the table. Then one of them laid down a couple of items, they all bowed, and the head waiter approached the dish. He bowed and gripped the handle (he had to lean over, since the dish was so large), and lifted the lid. Chase couldn't help it--he squeaked in shock, though later he decided that after what he'd seen so far he really should have expected it.

The dish (actually a rather huge silver tray) was graced by yet another naked young man. This one was trussed tightly with thick white cord, bundled rather like a Thanksgiving turkey. The cords around each ankle were cinched up around the respective thighs so that the legs were bent sharply, but spread. Then several more loops of cord were passed over the torso, then under the knees so that his body was secured. His arms were pulled back tightly, then the wrists were tied at the small of his back, tied to the leg ropes. It was quite impossible for him to move. The final touch was the blindfold and bright red ball gag. Chase found himself once again reminded forcibly of a suckling pig, with an apple in its mouth.

There was applause and cheers. "Ladies and gentlemen," said the president. "Let me present Timothy. He's new to our area, but came with an excellent recommendation from our New York chapter, so you know that he's well versed in our life. He beat out twenty other applicants for the honor of being our dessert tonight, so I think he deserves a hand before we begin the final festivities.

There was hearty applause, and Chase thought that he could see Timothy trying to smile around his gag. "Now, each of you check the bottom of your plate for your number. You can, of course, decline. Our other generous servants are waiting in the salons, if you'd prefer. I'll wish you all good night right now," he grinned, "because I expect to be preoccupied."

William looked at Chase. "Are you going to participate?"

Chase gave him a mildly horrified look. "You mean fuck him in front of all these people?" William nodded. "Not on your nellie. I'm just not interested in topping, Will. I keep trying to tell you that."

"I believe you. Unless you're really interested in watching Timothy pull a train, I suggest you go amuse yourself, but I want you to stay till I'm finished. Then you can trot along while I finish watching the fun. I'm going to see how far down I am in line. I hope I'm in the first five--it really gets sloppy after..." He'd turned his plate over. "Well, son of a bitch!" He stood up, waving his plate. "I'm number one!"

There was laughter and more cheers as William strolled up to the head of the table. He stopped halfway up and looked back at Chase. "Well? Come on." When Chase hesitated, William gave him a 'look', and he recalled the admonition against embarrassing his lover. He got up and followed William, standing close beside him as he took a place at the end of the table, and gave Timothy several smart slaps on the ass. "One thing about Shibari--we get the tenderest meat."

He opened his pants and someone called, "Will, you planning on running around?"

"No." "Then if you don't have to worry about getting your pants around your knees and tripping, push 'em down and give us a good look at your ass."

William laughed and did so, pushing his pants and underwear down his thighs. He was already rampantly erect. Chase watched in near befuddlement as his lover picked up one of the objects the waiter had left on the table. It turned out to be a tube of lubricant. As he coated a finger, the president said, "And you don't have to worry--he had two enemas earlier this evening."

"I know that, you nit," said William cheerfully as he firmly thrust the finger deep into the boy's asshole. Timothy shivered, and William said, "Oo, tight! You must've abstained for a few days, Tim." He worked the finger back and forth a few times, then picked up another object. This one turned out to be a small vibrator. He slid it into the boy's rectum, winked at the crowd, then turned it on. There was a low hum, and Tim started whimpering.

Chase watched as his lover worked the smooth white plastic in and out of the stretched, shiny pink ring, gradually widening its circumfrance. Finally he laid aside the instrument, spread the asscheeks even wider, and moved up close. He paused. "Chase, give me a hand, here."


"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

Someone down the tables said, "Aw, he's shy. Isn't that sweet?"

"Chase, I want you to take hold of my cock, then do what you know I want you to do."

Chase knew--he didn't have to have a picture drawn. He reached around and took hold of William's stiff cock, tugged gently, and guided it up to the slightly open hole. Then he tugged a little more, till the deep pink head spread the lighter pink of the hole. He looked up at William, who nodded. Chase took a deep breath, then tugged again. At the same time William leaned forward, and his cockhead was swallowed by the boy's body. "Thanks, sweetie. I can take it from here." Chase let go, and it was a good thing. As it was, his hand was almost pinned between their bodies as William rammed forward. Timothy jerked, but he wasn't going anywhere. William took tight hold of Tim's hips and began to fuck him with long, hard strokes. The rest of the guests began making favorable comments about technique. William, voice uneven, said, "You can go now. Have fun."

Chase's eyes were rivetted to the action, almost hypnotised as his lover's prick slid in and out, in and out. "I want to watch till you're done."

"Good boy!" said the club president. "Looks like you might have one that doesn't get the jealousy bug, William."

Chase was feeling distinctly warm. He knew that William occasionally had sex with other men, and it didn't bother him. In fact, he found that watching Will screw someone else was damn erotic, but he wanted to be included. He'd never really performed in public, but now he couldn't resist. Making up his mind, he quickly knelt behind William and grabbed his pistoning hips, using his thumbs to pry Will's taut ass cheeks apart. Then he leaned forward and buried his face in the fragrant crack, licking and probing, somehow managing to find his moving target repeatedly.

The crowd laughed, cheered, and called encouragement. William reached back with one hand, grabbing Chase's hair and holding him tight so that he'd be less likely to lose contact. It had taken him a month and a demonstration to convince Chase to rim him, but the boy had taken to it, and now it was a favorite part of their foreplay. Chase had an agile and surprisingly long tongue. William occasionally teased him by calling him his 'little giraffe'.

William came quickly, spraying into the boy's clutching back passage, then he stood still to allow Chase another couple of peaceful moments to tongue fuck him. Finally he tugged Chase away from his ass, saying, "That's enough, boy. It's not that I don't enjoy it, but there are others waiting." As Chase backed away and stood up, William pulled his pants back up, fastening them. "Go play, Chase. I'll be here for awhile." As Chase left the room, William was sitting and accepting a glass of wine as the second man in line opened his pants and moved up behind Timothy, prodding experimentally at the loosened anus.

Chase knew exactly where he was going. It looked like everyone had elected to either stay in the dining room or go to the Victoria salon. The Albert salon was empty, save for the bound submissives. The ones who weren't blindfolded followed him silently with his eyes as he strolled around the room. He could feel each of them silently pleading for his attention, and it was a rather heady sensation, but he knew just where he was going.

Soon he was standing in front of Loman on his throne. Chase smiled at him shyly. "Hello. They're all busy making a choo-choo... No that's not right. Um... Pulling a train. Yes, they're pulling a train, and I didn't want to get in line. I don't fuck--I get fucked. Would you like to fuck me, Loman?" Loman nodded as vigorously as he could. "I can't let you loose." Loman nodded again. "But I did think I might be able to... Sort of... Since you have your legs spread... If you could get..." He smiled slowly, looking at Loman's cock. "Oh, you've already started to get hard, haven't you?" He twisted back and forth, rocking on his heels. "Am I that pretty?" Loman nodded.

Chase went over to him, moving to stand between his legs. "Now, let's see. I think it would be nicer if I did this." He removed his pants and underwear, hanging them neatly across the back of the chair. Then he sat as he had before, wiggling his bare ass against Loman's muscular thigh, giggling at the slight tickle of his leg hair. "Much better." He hooked his arm around Loman's neck again. "You like having your nipples touched, don't you?" He started rubbing Loman's nipples. They were already hard. Loman's eyes almost glowed with pleasure, and in just a few moments his large, solid erection was once again prodding Chase's leg. Chase thought about the sort of things an experienced submissive probably liked. He knew what he liked, or thought he'd like--things he hadn't yet told William. So he pinched. Loman groaned happily, so Chase repeated it on the other side. Loman seemed to like that so much that Chase did it harder, plucking at the stiffened flesh, stretching them. Loman was soon panting, and his eager cock was smearing warm fluid on Chase's skin.

Chase peered down between them. "Look at that. I didn't even have to touch you there, did I? And look at that nice hard-on." Chase remembered how much he enjoyed talking dirty, and having William tell him in explicit detail what he was doing, and what he was going to do to him, so he continued is a small voice, "Can I have it, Loman? Can I stick it up my tight little ass and fuck myself on you till I shoot come all over the floor? Would you like to feel how hot and wet I am inside? I can't squeeze like Pete can--yet. But would you still like that?" Loman groaned. "I take that as a yes."

Chase stood up, and Loman made a protesting sound. "I'm not going anywhere, silly, but I need some supplies." He dug in his pants' pocket and came up with a tube of lubricant. "I brought my own. I figured I'd probably have some sort of sex before I left and I thought 'be prepared'." He coated Loman's straining prick. leaving it shiny. "I know you can't open me up, and I tell you, Loman--I feel too damn impatient right now, so you'd better brace yourself." He backed up toward Loman, reaching down to position the man's cock so that it butted up firmly against his anus. "This will be a little uncomfortable at first for both of us."

He rammed himself down, crying out as the slick, hot flesh split him open. Loman made a muffled sound of mingled discomfort and pleasure, and Chase thought smugly that he'd have made the big man scream, if anything could have gotten past that gag. Chase started to post up and down, whimpering with pleasure at the fullness and friction. He wrapped a hand around his own stiff, bobbing cock, stroking himself roughly.

Chase rode Loman with all the enthusiasm and vigor of a child riding one of those huge, bouncing, inflatable balls. By subtly adjusting the angle of his strokes Chase got Loman's cockhead to bump his prostate. He yelped at the hot ecstacy, and did it again, and again. He would have come more quickly if not for that spectacular blowjob he'd had at dinner. As it was he screwed himself on his living dildo for long moments, giving Loman an experience he'd remember for the rest of his life. Finally he sank down as far as he could, taking Loman's cock deep inside, till his buttocks were pressed against Loman's heaving belly. He reached down with his free hand and gripped Loman's balls, squeezing. Loman gave a muffled shout and came, filling him with liquid heat. While he still felt the pulses, Chase gripped his own balls, giving them the same treatment (but with an even tighter grip), and stroked himself ferociously to a climax.

He collapsed, sweating, against Loman's broad chest, and just sat there, feeling dampness cool on his forehead and in his armpits. He shifted a little, and Loman's softened cock slid out of his ass. "Oh, what I pity I can't keep it a little longer," Chase sighed. He rearranged himself, once again sitting across Loman's lap, hugging his neck. "That was fun." Loman nodded. "Loman, you're a submissive, right?" Loman nodded again. "Does what I just did make me a submissive, or a Dominant?" Loman thought for a moment. Then he managed to lift his hand about a half inch. Hand held flat, he see-sawed it back and forth as much as he could. "Could go either way?" Loman nodded again. "Hm. Well..." He snuggled against the other man. "I guess William's right--I don't quite know what I want." He sighed again, eyes bright as he contemplated vast new areas to explore. "But it's going to be fun to find out."

The End

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