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Career Girl Blues

Chapter Twenty-nine
Megalomaniacle Musings

Lex Luthor's POV

Hm. She has guard dogs. An entire pack of them. She makes no pretense about it, but I don't believe it is her idea. She doesn't strike me as the sort who would be easy with close supervision. Good. That means that she will make it a point to slip them now and again.

I wasn't lying to her about the research I've been doing on interdimensional travel. I've been interested in it for years. I determined, at an early age, that I would control this world eventually. After I do, what then? Complete power would soon become boring, I fear. So I will need fresh worlds to conquer. Space is one possibility, but this is another. Since the world governments are already racing to go into the depths of space, I decided to investigate the less crowded field of parallel dimensions.

I have several teams based in different facilities working on the concept, and I dedicate a portion of my own time to the research. My latest hope is a certain new crystal that one of my drilling corporations uncovered while sinking a particularly deep well in Iceland.

It appears to be an entirely new element, hitherto unknown. I haven't bothered to announce the discovery yet. Plenty of time for that later, though I may amuse myself by writing a paper on it's discovery and observed properties. It bends light rays in a most peculiar manner, unlike any other substance. I've named it Lexanium. I believe I can be forgiven a bit of vanity.

The first step will be to attempt to utilize the crystal in a viewer of sorts that will allow me to see into the other dimensions. After all, there’s scarcely any point in being able to send or fetch if you don't know what you're going to or fetching from. I want at least a good look at the other place before I risk perfectly good peasants using them as guinea pigs.

What? Of course I'll use humans in the experimentation. Lab rats and monkeys can't very well follow directions or give a sensible report, can they? My God, if you're going to go dragging that civil rights and humanities nonsense into a rational discussion of a scientific endeavor...

Pardon me. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, as ignorant and short sighted as it may be. In any case, I have high hopes for Lexanium.

And while my team and myself are working on finding a way to utilize it, I can also be working on getting closer to Miss Scribe. I will admit that the aura of the unattainable is very attractive. It has been a long time since I actually had to extend an effort to obtain the female companion of my choice. A few traditional romantic gestures is usually all it takes. And if those don’t work, the jewelry usually does. Not this time, though.

Her mind doesn't seem to work in the female patterns I'm familiar with. Like at our first meeting. Her response about how I'm drawn, referring I suppose to my image in the public's mind, was surprisingly sly, but climbing over the desk was an impulsive, childish thing to do. Effective, perhaps, but hardly mature. But when I kissed her wrist, and gave it that small caress, I could feel her pulse speed up. She's aware of me as a man. I find that pleases me.

I don't understand her, and that both exasperates and fascinates me. I'd like to study her at close range.

Very, very close range.

But there's the 'posse' to consider. I'll have to set a few operatives to observe her. Can't formulate a plan without the proper data base, after all. I’m sure it can be done without alerting those who are not concerned. Most people are willing to talk, if the right questions are asked. If the right incentives are offered.

There's one advantage to my diversification of holdings: they are excellent sources of information. I can think of at least one that will give me a good bit of information, honestly offered by the lady herself. A free medical insurance policy, granted with the promise of a hefty donation to a charity she favors, will get me a complete physical work up on her. They'll also have an excuse to ask a good number of personal questions concerning habits and history.

I'll have the mayor suggest it to her. They're going to have that gala ball to benefit the city free clinics next month, that will be an excellent excuse. Her participation would be such a coupe that he'd eat his own young to get her to make an appearance. I like that in a man.

I look forward to seeing what she makes of the cream of Metropolitan society. I have a suspicion that she won't be too terribly impressed. I wonder if she'll wear a dress? No one has ever seen her in one.

Of course, getting her... er, within my sphere of influence would have the added favor of upsetting Superman. He seems to feel in some way responsible for her being here, and by extension, for her dilemma. His reactions whenever one of his friends is threatened have always been most gratifying.

I think I'll make a suggestion to the ball's planning committee about a possible fund raiser. I have an idea that would not only serve my purposes, but I believe would actually generate a good many hefty donations...

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