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The contributions to this page have increased fairly dramatically, so I am going to divide it into several pages. Any artists who contributes more than one piece of art work will have their own page. Therefore...

Art for my Clive/Trenton stories.

Art for my Dracula story--Child of the Night

Art for two of my 'non-mainstream' romances--Professor, Professor: or the Flowering of a B and D Romance, and Roman Enslavement.

Photo manipulation by karisima

Here is a photo manipulation by my friend, karisima. This is her concept of Clive and Trenton, using the images of author Clive Barker (my personal choice for the image of Clive), and Justin Whalin (a suggested image of Trenton). I love this one. It convey's the total involvement of the two--both gentle, and possessive.

This fantastic sketch of Trenton Vittelli is by Naya. I can almost hear Clive's heartbeat speeding up.

And finally...

Yuyi did this wonderful character study of Nicolae Calugarul--Prince Draculea's love in Child of the Night.

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