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Self agrandizing reference. If you know my work at all, you'll get it. :)

Chase's First Leather
by Scribe

William had been working from seven am to nine or ten every night, finalizing the details of his agreement with Resurge. He wasn't quite ready to drop, but he WAS frazzled, and badly in need of some relaxation. His preferred method of relaxation would have been Chase, but that hadn't worked out, either. Since William had been over to dinner two weeks before, Chase was on the evening shift--six to two. It had been unusually busy at his job also, and by the time he got off he wanted a shower, then bed. Their schedules, in other words, had conspired to keep them apart.

When Leonard Maybury dropped by the office just after six and offered to stand him to a drink or two, he was ready to go. They went to a dark, quiet pub near the office and took a booth. Leonard ordered a scotch, and William asked for a Pink Squirrel. He got funny looks from the waitress, who said that she didn't think the bartender knew that one. "How about a Pink Lady?" She looked blank. He took a cocktail napkin, clicked his ballpoint, and scrawled '1 oz. Creme de Noyeaux, 1 Tbsp. white creme de coco, light cream, shake with ice'. "Here. And if he doesn't have cream, milk will do."

"If he doesn't have milk, would...?"

"In that case, make it a Mudslide. I know you make those here." She left, and he looked at Leonard, who was grinning at him. "Say it."

"I have to. Mudslide? Pink Lady? Pink squirrel, for God's sake?"

"I never knew there were so many sweet, fruity drinks till I started seeing Chase. He's practically memorized the Barthender's Bible." William shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "I like sweet things."

"And he's one of them?"

"He most definitely is one of them. That reminds me." William pulled out a cell phone and started dialing. "Just a second." He paused. "Hi. Ernestine? Yeah, it's me. Is he busy? What? Oh, great. I'm surprised I don't hear him swearing from here. Tell him I called, okay? Yeah. Ask him to call me when he gets a break." Pause. "Okay, if he gets a break. He's what?" William laughed. "Hey, it could be a lot of things. Bye." He hung up. "Crap. They had a bus of senior citizens walk in just before I called. Ernestine said it was a good thing they'd all taken a potty break before the bus rolled up, because God knows when they'll get a spare minute." He sighed heavily, putting away the phone. "I'd go visit him, but I heard that his manager was going to be working the next few nights with him, and Chase could get in trouble for having visitors while on the job. Assholes." He looked irritated, but then a small smile tugged at his lips. "She said she wished we'd find some way to get together, because Chase was getting bitchy with frustration."

"You've really gotten fond of that boy, haven't you?"

"I think it has bolted right past fond. We're deep into caring, with a real chance for a final destination of Love, with a capital L. And I think he feels the same way about me."

Their drinks had arrived. The waitress set before William a martini glass full of creamy, pale pink liquid, topped with whipped cream and a cherry. "Is this right?"

"They don't usually garnish it, but I happen to think it's a terrific idea. Thanks." She left, and William plucked the cherry off the top, eating it off the stem. "You ought to see what Chase can do with a marischino. Every watch Twin Peaks? Ever see what that bad girl played by Laura Flynn Boyle could do with one?"

"Oo. No wonder you're mad about the boy."

"It's not just that. Oh, the sex IS mind blowing, but Leo--he's just so damn precious." Leo was cocking an eyebrow. "Oh, I know that irritates a lot of people, but it charms the hell out of me."

"Then that's all that matters. I'm glad to see that you've found someone you want to spend time with--out of bed. You're the kind who needs someone steady in their life."

"Like you?"

"Like me." Leonard was older than William, almost a contemporary of William's father, and he had been with his lover Marcus for over ten years.

"I want to ask your advice on something. I think it's time I gave Chase a present."

"You mean you haven't already?" Leo slapped William lightly on the back of the head.

"I've given him candy and flowers, but I know that those are just your basic courting gestures. I want to show him that I think about him, whether it's an occasion, or not. Any suggestions?"

"Hm. Well, it all depends on what you want to say to him. I know that some people would say jewelry--real jewelry--right off the bat, but from what I'm hearing, Chase isn't really the gold-digging type."

"No. He'd be happy if I gave him gold or diamonds, but I'm afraid he might also believe that I thought I could buy him that way--and that would bother him."

"Glad to hear he's not that superficial. Anyway, unless the person you're buying for has a real passion for a certain type of bling it can look like you haven't put much thought into it. You want to get them something that's going to be personal, and expression of..." he made a small gesture, frowning, "how you see them. How you see your relationship with them. Where you want it to go."

"Which one?"

Leo shrugged, sipping his drink. "Your choice. Just as long as it isn't something you grabbed off the shelf, figuring that the price tag would make up for the lack of effort. It isn't any different from buying gifts for a woman."

"I haven't done that much, either, though I guess I can follow the popular public wisdom. Lord knows there have been enough magazine articles out there about it." He lifted his glass. "Here's for the day when they have just as many gay romantic advice articles."

Leo lifted his glass also. "May I live to see the day."

They drank, and William put his glass down quickly. "Mm, I just had a great idea."

He got his phone out again, and dialed. The phone was picked up, and a woman said, "You got Mona, Chase isn't home, what do you want?"

"Damn, girlfriend. You need to work on your phone etiquette."

"Oh, it's you. Listen you trifling honky, if you don't get over here and see that boy before he drives me around the bend I'm going to scalp you--and I can do it. I've got all the scissors I need."

He chuckled. He'd known that Mona accepted him when she started to include him in the sharp banter that she and Chase shared. "I love you, too. Seriously, how is he?"

"Seriously? That child is pining for you. Please come see him soon. He's going to waste away. I couldn't even get him interested in a Dove Bar last night. I almost took him to the emergency room."

"That is serious. He's off tomorrow, isn't he?"

"Finally. He swore that he wasn't going to call you and bug you to come over. He's afraid that he'll push you away if he's too needy."

"He's not going to do that," said William softly.

"I told him that. It's funny, Will. That boy has more self confidence than any five people I've ever known, except when it comes to you, and he doesn't have to be like that."

"No, he doesn't. I'm going to try to make him understand that. Anyway, I'm going to be over tomorrow evening, so don't let him go anywhere. Tie him down if you have to."

Mona snorted. "Ain't me he wants to do the tyin' down, big boy. Take care." She hung up.

"One more minute, Leo." He dialed and paused. "Claudine? It's William. That's right--the belt and cuffs set. How you doin', darlin'? I know it's late, but could you see me in about a half hour?"

The woman on the other end of the line said, "William, it's so good to hear from you. That shouldn't be a problem, but I have a nice catalogue if you'd rather I sent that to you."

"No, this isn't anything for myself. Well, it's sort of for myself, but not exactly."

"Ah." There was a world of understanding in her voice. "It's a gift. Someone special?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm need to look at and touch the items to be sure I pick the right thing."

"Of course you do. You just come right on over."

"Thanks." He hung up, then picked up his drink. "Cross your fingers I don't get a cold headache." He tipped up the glass and threw down the rest of his drink, and narrowed his eyes in apprehension. After a moment he sighed in relief. "My luck holds. Gotta go."

Leo held up one hand. "My blessings on thee, young lover. May the God of Gay Romance guide your choice."

"Who would that be?"

"According to the Internet slash fiction I read, I think he's a bi-sexual Dom hairdress named Clive.**"


Claudine had a small store, with a workshop in back, but she did a lot of her special pieces at home--the place where she felt the calmest and most secure. She felt that the pieces somehow managed to absorb these feelings, and thus instill them in those who later wore them.

William arrived at the pleasant looking suburban home just as dusk was deepening into night. Her next door neighbor was just drawing his curtains. He called to his wife, "Miz Dolby has another visitor."

"Another one of those funny ones?" asked his wife.

"No. This one is wearing a suit."

"Good. We've never had any trouble, but I have to wonder what she does with all those people wearing black."

The door was opened by a very short woman who looked a little like June Cleaver would have at fifty. She gave him a bright, genuine smile as he held out his hand. "What's this?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "I've been dressing you longer than your mama did, boy. Besides, you might not get a thrill out of it," she pinched his behind, "but I do. Come off the steps before the neighbors get the idea that I've hired a gigolo."

He went in, saying jovially, "You couldn't afford me, sweetie."

"No doubt. Come into the kitchen--the light is better there, and I have some coffee dripping."

William followed her into a bright, cheery kitchen--one that had geese or black-and-white cows painted, decopaged, or embossed on practically every surface big enough to hold an image. "You know where the cups are. Wait on an old lady."

As she sat down he said, "Okay--show me one." She giggled as he got two mugs off a row of hooks and poured coffee. He sat down, handing her a mug of dark, fragrant liquid, and they both took a sip.

"Now," she said, "tell me about this person who's special enough to bring you out here this time of day." William grinned, pulling out his wallet, and handing Claudine one of the four-for-your money strips of photographs you could get in a coin operated booth. Claudine studied the four pictures of Chase--three clowing, and one smiling shyly, like a child posing for their Sunday School class portrait. "Oh, he's sweet!"

"Claudine, you know--once or twice I've suspected that I was in love, but Chase? It's like I've been hit between the eyes with a sledgehammer. It's..." He gestured helplessly, searching for words. "Like a combination of a really good comedian, a diva, a fluffy kitten, and a sex bomb." He made a sound of frustration. "That isn't it, either. He makes me feel..." He trailed off.

Claudine patted his hand and said simply, "He makes you feel. That's enough, as long as what he makes you feel isn't pain. I'll bring some things in for you to look at, and if you don't see what you need, we'll try to figure it out."

She left the room and returned in a minute, carrying a pile of boxes of all sizes. She distributed them on the table, then patted the largest one. "I doubt this is what you want--at least right now--but I have to show it to you." She opened the box and removed a handful of red leather straps that glistened with small silver buckles.

"Oh, wow!" William held out his hand, and she gave it to him. He examined the small, even stitches. "Full body harness?"

She nodded. "With a few extra buckles, just to make it nice. I'm working on a matching hood."

"It's fantastic, but you're right--not for Chase." He ran a satin smooth strap between his fingers. "Not yet, anyway. You know, I wouldn't mind one like it for myself."

"I have your measurements. Would you like me to start it?"

"Please. Maybe I can surprise Chase with it for Halloween, or Christmas."

"Wear a matching bow around whatever part of your body seems most appropriate."

William snickered. "Dirty old lady."

"And proud of it. Okay, if the harness is too much, I have a nice six piece set--cuffs for wrists and ankles, belt, and collar, in four different shades of leather, with or without tooling. I've got a very nice snakeskin vest, lined with padded satin for comfort, though I can take the lining out if the wearer prefers it a little rougher..."


"Chase, that's the second batch of cookies you've made today," said Mona, munching on a Tollhouse. "If you keep this up, I'm gonna have to look to that skinny Jenny Craig bitch to help me wedge my ass in my jeans."

Chase looked up at her. His hair (faded from pink to a strawberry blond) was sticking up, and there was a dab of flour on his nose. "You know very well I cook when I'm nervous."

"Or when you're happy, or when you're pissed off, or when you're bored. Any man you ever live with better get a lifetime membership to a gym."

"I wouldn't care. The first boy I ever had a crush on was a teddybear. He's probably built like John Goodman now." Chase carefully lifted the last Oatmeal-Scotchie onto a cooling rack. "There. If you eat those before they cool, you'd better do it with a spoon, because you'll get nothing but gooey crumbs. Well," he went to the sink to wash his hands, "I can't make anymore cookies, because I've used up all the milk. But I can't just stay here twiddling my thumbs. I guess I'll go to a movie."

*Crap. William said I had to keep him here.* "Before you go, would you braid my hair?"

He gave her a curious look. "I thought you didn't want a braid. You said it would make you look like an overweight Sade."

"So I want to see if I was wrong. Don't make me say 'please', Chase." She put a hand on her bosum, looking pained. "You know it hurts me."

"Oh, I guess I have time. I can always go see the last show. Tips were good the last couple of days," he wiggled his hips, "so I have enough for a taxi."

They dragged a chair into an open space in the living room, and Chase got a brush and comb, and a couple of scrunchies (which he slipped over his wrist). He first brushed, then carefully combed Mona's hair. "It's looking good, sweetie. You won't need another process job for at least two-three weeks. It's smooth as silk. Okay, you want this Renaissance style, French, or plain ol' Dorothy Gail from Kansas?"

"Make it like the ones on the Chinese in those old Westerns."

"You don't have enough for that, but I'll see what I can do." Chase divided her hair in thirds, resectioning it several times till it suited him. Then he began to weave the hanks.

"Ow," said Mona. "I know I said Chinese, Chase, but quit tryin' to make my eyes slant. Not so tight."

"Wimp." He eased up the tension. "Mona? Do you think that William is having second thoughts about being with me?"

She sighed. "Baby, we've been over this. You two are just having a rough patch, through no fault of your own. Happens to everyone--lovers or marrieds, straight or gay. It's a damn good thing you never tried for a long distance relationship. And I told you--he tried to call you last night. If you're so worried, why don't you call him? He gave you his cell phone number."

"I don't want him to think I'm being pushy--checking up on him, or something. It's just..." Mona felt his hands stop, and Chase's voice was a little unsteady, "I just miss him so much. How is it possible for me to miss him like this when we've known each other for such a short time?"

Mona reached back, patting his hand. She didn't know what to say because, to her sorrow, she'd never experienced what Chase was experiencing now. Mona's grandma would have said that Chase and William both had been 'hit by the Thunderbolt'--that rare type of love that came as suddenly and strongly as a flash of lightening. The thing was, sometimes it only lasted as long as lightening, too, but Mona had a feeling that wasn't the case here.

There was a knock on the door, and Mona sighed in relief. "Go get that, Chase."

"All right, lazy butt." Chase opened the door to find William, in his familiar leather jacket, hands in his pockets. "Hi. Hope you don't mind unannounced visitors."

Chase didn't squeal, but he did say, "Get in here--right now!" William stepped inside, and Chase shut the door... Before hopping up and embracing William with both arms and legs.

William laughed, grabbing him and supporting him quickly as Chase peppered his face with kisses. "Man, I'd hate to see what would happen if I came back from an out-of-state business trip."

"You'll just have to pack me if you go," said Chase, resting his cheek on William's broad shoulder. "I should fit neatly into a garment bag."

"There's a morbid little thought," said Mona, getting up. "And on that note, I think I'll go take a bath--a nice, long bath."

Not looking up as she left the room, Chase called, "Try not to drown." When he heard the bathroom door shut he said, "I missed you."

William's hands were cupping his buttocks, supporting him, and he squeezed. "I noticed. Get down before I throw my back out." Chase squeezed with his knees. "Do you know what I can't do with a stiff back?"

Chase immediately let go with his legs, standing up, but he kept his arms around William's neck. "You've been here two whole minutes, and you haven't kissed me once," he pouted.

"You kissed me."

"Not the same, and you know it."

"Yup." William shifted his grip on Chase and dipped him backward into a classic 'sailor and nurse on VJ Day in Times Square' kiss. He kept it up till he could feel Chase starting to gasp a little.

When they straightened up, he led Chase to the couch. Chase pouted again when William made him sit down, not allowing him on his lap. "Don't be like that, sugar. We've got time for snuggling, but first I want to give you something." He was slipping out of his jacket.

Chase's eyes brightened. "You brought me a prezzie?" He bounced in excitement. "What is it, what is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." William sat beside him and rummaged in his jacket pocket, bringing out a small box. It was wrapped in pink paper, and sported a shiny, satiny bow. He handed it over. "Happy just because."

William was a little surprised when Chase turned the box over carefully in his hands, examining it. "Oo, pretty! Look how neat those folds are. Did you wrap it, or did you contribute to the finances of some tape stuck wench in the gift department of your choice?"

"I did it myself," said William, amused. "And why aren't you tearing into it? I haven't noticed you having any other noticible examples of self control."

"Anticipation is half the fun, silly. I used to be able to take all morning to open up my Christmas presents. I only ever hurried with my birthday presents because Mom didn't want my parties to last till midnight." He considered the dimensions of the box, weighted it in his hands, then held it near his ear and shook it gently, eyes intense in concentration.

"Bet you can't guess."

"Hush." Chase put his nose almost against the paper and sniffed deeply. "Well, it's not cologne, or chocolate. It doesn't rattle, so unless you've simple crammed it with padding, it's nothing on a chain." He shook it again. "I don't even hear any little thuds for something falling back and forth against the box sides. It's either soft, or mounted on something." He once agains considered the box's dimensions, frowning. It wasn't quite a cube, more of a slightly tall rectangle. "The shape is wrong for a jewelry box, and as for something soft that would fit in there..." He looked at William. "Sexy underwear?"

William laughed. "No, but you've given me a good idea for a later gift."

"I suppose it could be a watch--a big one. I'll love it and wear it, of course, but you'll just have to accept that I won't wear it all the time. I have that precious pink Barbie watch that goes so will with most of my clothes."

"Go on and open it, Sherlock Holmes."

"I'm stumped, so I might as well." Chase began to unwrap the box, and it was a true unwrapping, rather than a ripping. He used his slightly long nails to pry up the edges of tape, then carefully peel them loose. He managed, rather like someone peeling an apple in one long spiral, to get the paper off in one undamaed sheet, bow still attached. "My grandmother, who lived through the depression, taught me that when I was little," he said. His voice became cracked, "Don't tear it, dearie. It's so pretty, and we can reuse it, and that's a perfectly good bow.'" His voice dropped back to normal. "I didn't see new wrapping paper till I was ten. Oo, it's one of those movie boxes."

"What's that?"

"You know, the kind that are in two pieces, bottom and lid, so that the recipient can open them gracefully, without having to struggle with flaps, or tearing cardboard." He lifted off the lid and unfolded a layer of tissue paper. Chase gasped, and the 'carefull opening' flew out the window as he grabbed the box's contents, then let it drop, unheeded, to the floor. "Will! Ohmygod, it's beautiful!"

William slipped an arm around Chase's back, hugging him. "I guess I don't have to ask if you like it."

Not taking his eyes off his present, Chase slapped him on the chest. "It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." It was a strip of soft, smooth dense material the color of raw, unfiltered honey. The ends were piered by carefully lined holes, and threaded together with slender, dark brown rawhide thongs, extending nearly a foot pasts where they finally emerged at one end of the circlette. The edges were also trimmed with a dense, smooth line of the same rawhide, so that it framed the paler material. There were two small brass rings set side by side just below the juncture. Chase ran his fingers over the material. "What is this? Chamois?"

"It's doe skin."

"I'll be wearing Bambi?"

"Um... You're sort of like my little gazelle, so I figured..."

Chase kissed him. "I love it to death. What is it?" William laughed. "No, seriously." Chase turned it over, examining it. "I can tell it's meant to be worn, but it's too big for a cuff, and it's way too small for a belt or... or..." he glanced shyly at William, voice dropping to an intimate whisper, "a collar."

William's smile became more serious. "I wanted to get you something personal, Chase, but I don't think you're ready for that yet. And cuffs... They can be a sign of ownership to some people in my set, and we're both not ready for that."

Not in the least bit hurt, Chase nodded in understanding. Since this affair began, he'd trusted William to set the pace, and William hadn't made a false step yet. "So what is it? Am I incorrect in thinking it's an adornment of some kind? Is it maybe a funky S and M dreamcatcher?"

"Nut. It's an arm band. It's what Claudine... Remember I told you I got my gear from Love in Leather? That's her company. Claudine calls them Friends and Lovers bands. That's because if it's done up one way it can be removed by the wearer without too much effort, but fastened another way, you pretty much need help to get it off." He pinched Chase's chin. "You don't have to wear it immediately if you're not ready, Chase. Leather next to the skin is a bigger choice than a lot of people realize. Leather that someone else has given you next to the skin--it's in a whole 'nother ball park.

William felt a lick of disappointment when Chase draped the band across William's thigh. But then Chase pulled back a little, and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his smooth, slender torso. "Which arm do I put it on?"

"The community isn't into side-ism as much as it was in the sixties and seventies. We don't need codes to secretly identify each other anymore, since we can be pretty public about our lifestyle choice without having to worry about being arrested. You can pretty much wear it on either side--your choice."

Chase considered, then held out his right arm. "Maybe I'll switch it to the left side some day. Put it on me?"

William felt a lump in his throat as he picked up the band and slipped it over Chase's slender hand, then slid it up past his elbow, to his bicep. "You can put this on yourself, but it's really difficult to get it to fit right, and not run the risk of it slipping off." He adjusted the band till the lacing was in the back, then cinched it till it fit snuggly, without pinching. "Lift your arm, and hook your head so you can see how I do this." Chase obeyed, and William slowly and carefully fastened the thongs to the rings, using slip knots. "When you want to loosen it, you just pull, like this, then work your fingers under the band and loosen the lacing."

"Okay. Now show me how you do it if I want someone I care about to take it off me."

"Like this." William slowly repeated the fitting, then tying process. This time the knots were secure, and he smoothed the thongs to trail down Chase's arm to the elbow. "Try it."

Chase tugged on the thongs, and they didn't budge. He tried to work his fingers under the edge of the arm band, to work it down where he could slip it off, but it wasn't going anywhere--not without a knife, or some abraded skin. The band itself was like a smooth, firm caress, but the rawhide trim was rougher, and less yeilding--reminding Chase that he was going to need someone's help to get it off. Chase stroked the arm band, whispering, "This is so cool."

William watched Chase touch the suede, studied the way the golden band set off the whiteness of Chase's flesh. He took hold of Chase's wrist and bent down, kissing him just above where the rawhide pressed against his skin. Chase shivered as William continued kissing him there, then pinched lightly with his teeth. When William sat back up, he still held Chase's wrist, and slowly stroked the inside of his forearm. "I think this is the first leather, aside from plain belts and shoes, and maybe a watchband, I've ever had--and those were all bought by my mother. This is something else entirely."

"Then I'm double glad that I was the one who bought you your first piece." He hooked an arm around Chase's neck and kissed him. "I hope you decide you want more."

Chase snuggled against him, glancing down to admire his new adornment. "I don't see how I could help it."

"Good." William smiled rakishly, "Because I'm really looking forward to taking you to Claudine some day for a fitting."

The End

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