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Chapter Twenty-three
Axel Turner looked like shit, knew he looked like shit, and for the first time in his life, he didn't give a damn. He hadn't shaved, showered, or even combed his hair since just before he'd come to work yesterday, and it was early evening now. The lingering scents of alcohol and vomit that he'd acquired during his stint in several different bars didn't help, and he quite frankly stank.
He was sitting in his own funk, vaguely aware of it, but not really caring. He was parked across the street from Baxter Enterprises--he didn't dare go to their parking lot. He'd pulled through once earlier. Some yahoo he didn't know in a company security uniform had come out and given him the evil eye, so he'd just cut through and circled the block before going back to the bar two streets over.
Axel took his eyes off the entrance briefly to pick at a stain on his shirt. Was that vomit, or secret sauce? It was hard to tell. He sighed, slumping a little more. *I should have gone straight home after they kicked me out,* he thought. *If I hadn't started drinking right off the bat, I probably wouldn't have binged.* He thought about it, then amended, *I wouldn't have binged as badly as I have.* Axel rubbed his jaw, listening to the stubble rasp. The three-day-beard look was just so not him. Clean-cut looks like his shouldn't be covered up at all. *I'm going to have to go get myself scrubbed and scraped pretty soon, or they'll haul me in as a vagrant when I step out on the street.*
But he hated to leave his post just yet. He'd missed her arrival this morning because he'd been sleeping in his backseat in front of the bar. Her rust bucket was still parked in its accustomed place when he'd gotten here around lunchtime. That bothered him. *Shouldn't it have been moved, at least a space or a row from where its been these past weeks? Mina's just stubborn enough to have waited till she could park somewhere--anywhere else. Well, maybe Baxter and his bozo gave her a ride again, and she'll be driving herself after work.*
He was waiting for her to come back out. He needed to talk to her, and explain what it was he was trying to say yesterday. *What the fuck had I been trying to tell her? Shit, alcohol fogs the brain. Being pissed off and worried about your rent doesn't help, either.*
The big black car pulled up into the parking lot, then parked at the end of the walkway. Dominic Gennello got out and strolled to the entrance. Alex could feel the snarl pulling at his mouth. "Bastard," he muttered. "Sneaky bastard." *He's up to something--him and Baxter together, and no one's noticed anything but me.*
Axel waited. In a little while Baxter and Dominic came out, got in the car, and left. Mina wasn't with them. He waited. The sunlight started to slant. The other employees began drifting out, but still no Mina. "Son of a bitch," he muttered. "Is she working late, or what?" After a moment's thought, he got out and went to the phone booth nearby. He dialed records in the Baxter Building.
"Baxter Enterprises, Records--Hollachuck speaking. Can I help you?"
*Figures that Hollachuck would be the last one there.* "Hello, may I speak to Miss Mina O'Connell, please?"
"Mina isn't here. Can I take a message?"
Alex stared across the street at Mina's car. "She's left already?"
"No, she didn't come in. I believe she's taking a few personal days. She had a rather upsetting experience the other day, and..." her voice trailed off. When she spoke again, her voice was stiff with suspicion. "May I ask who's calling?"
Axel hung up. "Personal days, huh? Doesn't sound like Mina at all, at all."
Upstairs, Miss Hollachuck stared at the phone for a moment, then quickly dialed the number that she, as department head, had been trusted with.
Mina heard the door open. She kept her back studiously turned to it, though. "Good evening, Mina." She didn't respond, simply studying the dark painted scrapes on her hands. They were already healing over. Baxter had stood and watched as she used the capful of antiseptic he'd brought. When she said something about stinginess, he replied that a bottle could be drunk, and an aerosol could be sprayed in someone's eyes, so she'd just have to make do. He'd bring more, if she needed it.
The door closed, and she heard the footsteps approaching. The mattress dipped as Stephen sat on the other side of the mattress. "Did you have a nice day?" She turned her head long enough to give him a blank look, then looked away. "A little boring? Nothing on television?"
"Talk shows and soap operas. I hate both."
"Dominic could run a video feed for you through the set. Just tell him what you want to see."
"How thoughtful. I'd choke before I asked him for anything."
"You don't like Dominic much, do you?"
"You're a master of stating the obvious. Try 'hate'. While you're at it, you try it on, too."
"I'll have the movie channels activated, and I'll see about getting you some reading material."
She turned again, glaring at him. "Look, if you expect me to be grateful, you can blow it out your ass."
Stephen smiled. "And if you expect your crudity to repel me, you're mistaken." He reached for her. She jumped up, moving out of reach. "It's going to be interesting to see how long you continue to try to evade me when it's evident that you can't escape." He got up and began to come around the foot of the bed.
Stephen looked up at the speaker. "I'm about to be rather busy, Dominic."
"And don't think that I don't look forward to it, but something unusual has come up. You'll never guess who's on the phone."
"Whoever it is, you can take a message."
"Oh, you'll want to take this one--it's Hollachuck."
"And WHY would I want to talk to Hollachuck?"
"It's what she's calling about. She just got a suspicious phone call asking after our guest, and she thinks that it was Turner."
"Damn, Baxter," said Mina. "You actually sound surprised. You shouldn't be. Axel might be a self-satisfied egoist, but he's one of the most damn persistent men I've ever run across--present company included." He gave her a look, then left the room. She leaned back on the bed, moving casually, careful not to tremble.
*Axel. Mother-fucker What was he trying to tell me in the ladies room? He never said--he just kept telling me that I had to listen to him. Crap, I think what happened was something like all those stupid scenes in the horror movie where some idiot is trying to tell everyone there's a psycho about to break in with an axe. They keep trying to start the story from two days before instead of just yelling 'Knife! Nutcase with a knife!' If he'd just said, 'Baxter is up to something,' I think I'd have listened. Hell, hadn't I been thinking that door-to-door chauffer service by a millionaire was too good to be true?*
Out in the basement, Stephen took the phone from Dominic. "Yes, Miss Hollachuck?"
"Good evening, Mister Baxter. I hate to bother you at home. I know how a busy man like you cherishes his private time, and I wouldn't dream of interrupting if I didn't think this was important."
*Enough ass kissing.* "Why did you call? Dominic said something about that rogue security guard?"
"Yes, sir--Axel Turner. He called just a few minutes ago."
Stephen waited for further information. When it didn't come he rolled his eyes at a smirking Dominic, then said, "He identified himself to you?"
"Well, no. But I'm sure it was him."
"Recognized his voice, did you? You're one hundred per cent sure?"
"I... yes, pretty sure. He was just very suspicious."
"How so?"
There was a pause. Finally Hollachuck, sounding a little helpless, said, "He asked about Mina O'Connell. No one ever calls about her. Who else could it be?"
Stephen thought for moment, then smiled slowly. "I believe you're right. This does make me a bit uneasy, but I'm not sure alarm is warranted. I do want to speak to Miss O'Connell again, and urge her to press charges against the man. It begins to look as if she might have a stalker. You remember the unexplained flowers, and notes?"
"You're right!" Hollachuck's voice held a 'my God, I never thought of that!' tone. But doubt crept into her tone. "But those were directed at several of the girls."
"He was obviously choosing his victim."
"And they were quite expensive. On a security guard's salary..."
"Mrs. Hollachuck, I have no doubt that Mister Turner has other income that we know nothing about--illicit income. After all, a man who would assault a woman as he did..." Dominic raised his eyebrows, and Stephen smiled. "When I think of how distressed that poor woman was at being man-handled. You know, that wasn't the first time he'd harassed her. He had accosted her in the parking lot a week or so ago, when she first began to have car troubles. If Dominic and I hadn't come along when we did..."
"He's always been far too attentive to the girls," said Hollachuck firmly. "Oh, they don't say much about it, but you can tell. I think he must have had them frightened for some time now. I've noticed how, well, how creepy he can be. He makes me quite nervous."
"I'm going to speak to Mina tonight and try to persuade her to press charges. We may need you to make a statement later, Miss Hollachuck."
"Of course, sir. I want to do my part, if the man is actually dangerous."
"Just go over what happened carefully in your mind. Be ready to give the police all the details if you're called on--ALL the details. And thank you for contacting me. I'll let you know what I hear tomorrow." He hung up.
"Boss," said Dominic. "Old Rent-a-Cop didn't really do much of anything except startle Mina and piss her off."
"You know that, I know that, and Mina knows that. Which of us is going to tell that to the authorities, though? Believe me, by the time Hollachuck tells her story to anyone, Turner will have been interrupted on the verge of rape. This is working out splendidly. Tomorrow I'll alert the police to incident, and tell them that Mina hasn't been in to work for two days. I'll go on about how unlike her that is, and how I haven't been able to reach her by phone. How there was no answer at her apartment, and her car hasn't been moved. And officer, I'm just so worried that something may have happened to the poor woman, because that bastard who assaulted her has been calling around..." Dominic laughed, and Stephen smiled. "Poor Turner--he just keeps digging himself in deeper, doesn't he. He's so obliging. Now," he rubbed his hands together, eyeing the door to The Tank, "it should be interesting to see how Mina reacts to this."
Dominic followed him to the door. "What do you think? Hysteria? Catatonia? Major shit fit?"
"You know, I have absolutely no idea. That's what's so delicious." He paused, then smiled. "Would you like to come along and observe?"
"Fuck, do you need to ask? And, uh, maybe...?"
"No, not yet," Stephen said firmly. "She's got to learn who her master is first." Dominic blew out a breath. "Don't be disappointed. I very well may ask for your assistance, if she's difficult. I was rougher with her than I'd have liked the first time, and she hasn't fully recovered yet."
"Sure, sure. Anything to help." Dominic's voice was cheerful.
"Of course, since we'll both be inside, we'll have to leave the door open, and that means..."
"Please!" Dominic sounded offended. "As if I don't know enough to be careful to keep her corralled."
"I'm sorry, Dominic. It was foolish of me to think you needed to be instructed." He opened the door.
*God damn it--both of them!* "What did Hollachuck want? Someone filching paperclips? Doing obscene Xeroxes on the copy machine? Wanted to declare her undying passion? Good, you can let me out of here."
"You have a sick edge to your sense of humor, Mina. The very thought of Hollachuck being passionate about anyone, much less myself, gives me the shudders."
Mina knew that Baxter wanted her to ask him about the phonecall. She hated to give him anything he wanted, but she had to know. "What was that call about?"
"What will you give me if I tell you?"
"You're fucking kidding. I'll give you attitude, just like I would if you didn't."
"Typical. I'm in a good mood, so I'll tell you anyway. Yes, Hollachuck was calling to inform me that Turner seems to be stalking you."
"Stalking me?"
"Actually, she just called to tell me that he'd called anonymously to check up on you. After I got through speaking to her, it was stalking. Give me another day or two, and she'll be convinced that he's a local version of Ted Bundy. Should he be foolish enough to go to the authorities, there will be some interesting stories to tell about him."
"God damn you for a thorough bastard!"
Stephen began to unbutton his shirt, while Dominic stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Mina studied the situation, measuring the distance she'd have to slip past Baxter (practically none). "I'd tell you both to get out of here, but since I'm pretty sure that would be pointless--Dominic, you get the fuck out of here."
"Uh-uh. I'm here by invitation."
"Baxter, he listens to you. Get him out of here."
Stephen seemed to consider. "Will you promise to co-operate?" Mina was silent, glowering at him. "You won't do that, even if you don't intend to?"
"What would be the point? You'd just call him back in when I fought."
"Mina, are you trying to tell me that you don't lie?" He continued taking off his shirt, then kicked off his shoes. "I know you do. I've watched your eyes when you talk to Hollachuck. You despise the woman as much as I do, but you're unfailingly polite."
"And so are you. You are because you can be, and it's expedient. It puts up the image you want the world to see. I am because I have to be, and the same second reason. It's social and professional lying, Baxter. I don't lie just to amuse myself."
"No, I don't suppose you do, but he stays."
"I want a thesaurus."
That gave Stephen pause. "It's possible, but I'd like to know why."
"Because even though I have an excellent vocabulary, I can't think up words vile enough to describe you two."
Stephen smiled, and Dominic snickered, "Trust me, Mina--the words you'd want won't be printed in anything they'd have out in general circulation."
"It could still be useful. I might be able to brain you with it. Oh, scratch that--you need a brain to be brained."
"I like her," said Dominic cheerfully. "Ya know, Mina, if you were my bitch, I'd slap a little respect into you." He held his finger and thumb an inch apart. "Just a little--I love a broad who's a little mouthy." He wiggled his eyebrows at Steven. "Speaking of which..."
"No, Dominic."
"Crap." He shook a finger at Mina. "Matter of time, honey. Matter of time. I getcha all, sooner or later."
Stephen had pulled off his shoes and socks--now he was examining his shoes. "These have rather hard soles." He tossed them to Dominic. "Better leave them outside--no point in tempting her."
"She's not deaf!" Mina snapped.
"She's not stupid, either," said Dominic, tossing one of the shoes out into the basement. When he saw Stephen's frown, he deposited its mate more gently.
Stephen started to circle around her as he unbuckled his belt. Mina knew she was being herded, but she couldn't help it--she felt the instinctive need to keep as much space between herself and her captor as possible. "You're still feeling a little sore, aren't you, Mina?"
"Get fucked."
"Yes, I thought so. I'd dearly love to screw you again, but I'm willing to resist for a little while. How about a little oral sex instead?"
She made a disgusted expression, but then it melted into a feral smile. "Sure, Baxter."
Dominic laughed. "Right, and get a natural Lorena Bobbit."
"Not till you're properly trained," said Baxter blandly. "No, I was thinking more of you being on the receiving end."
Her expression went rigid. "I know you're kinky, but somehow I didn't figure you would willingly risk drinking pee."
She felt a chill when he said calmly, "You wouldn't be the first. I believe that some defense experts advise that as a way of avoiding sexual assault. The motivated are willing to endure a few less than pleasant moments for the sake of the experience, though. Now, I'd rather not tie you again so soon, so there's only one other option." He looked at Dominic. "I believe you're going to get some marginal participation anyway, Dominic. Hold her."
Dominic grinned, flexing his hands as he started toward the stunned woman. "Playtime, sugar."