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Slash Fiction
Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff
Believe Half of What You See...

  1. Hey, I Gotta Start This Puppy Somehow
  2. A Hint of Things To Come
  3. This Segment's Premise Becomes More Clear
  4. A Fan Fiction Fan's Dream Comes True
  5. Space Escape Through Something We All Dread
  6. An Open Smile on a Friendly Shore... Usually Means You're About To Get Jumped
  7. Cold Hands, Warm... uh, No I Can't Say That Other Anatomical Part Here
  8. 'Nother Couple of Close Escapes
  9. It Had to Happen Sometime--Harry Potter
  10. Rescued... Sorta
  11. From an Orgy to a Truly Evil Situation
  12. Oh, Crap! Trapped in a Multi-Character/Single Actor Movie!
  13. Home Stretch
  14. Gathering Elements

More to Come

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