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Deepest Intimacy
by Scribe (Fannie Feazell)

A little over a week after he'd given Chase the arm band, William showed up at the house Chase and Mona shared. Mona opened the front door to find him standing there, an overnight case in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. "Hey, Mona."

"Hey, yourself." He entered, and she shut the door after him. "Chase walked over to the video store to hunt for something for you two to watch. I think you're going to end up with either George Romero or Pillow Talk."

William shook his head, setting the shopping bag on the table. "His tastes are nothing if not eclectic." He carried the overnight case back to Chase's bedroom, putting it away in the closet. He came out and went to the shopping bag again. "Last time I was here I waited till Chase went to shower, and I checked his sizes. I got him a couple of things." He reached in and pulled out several folds of pink, black, white, and periwinkle pleated plaid.

"What the hell is that?" asked Mona. William shook it out. "You bought him a skirt?"

"You don't think he'll like it?"

"He'll love it, 'specially since it's from you, but a skirt is kind of girlie, even for him."

"Officially it's a kilt, and it's in the Aberdeen Tartan. I don't know if he has a traditional pattern, but I thought he'd like the colors."

"A kilt? Oh, that's all right, then--as long as he doesn't wear it with his lace ankle socks. What else?"

"If he has a kilt, he needs a sporran for the stuff he'd normally have in his pockets." He removed what looked like a white fur clutch purse, decorated with black tassels. "He wears it," he pulled out a silvery length of medium link chain, "on a chain around his waist. Traditionally it hangs in front, but I guess he could get away with toting it on his hip." He grinned. "Did I mention that the kilt is traditionally worn without underwear? The sporran hanging in front assures a certain amount of modesty on windy days."

"Hey, now!" Mona took it, stroking the soft fur. "He's gonna like that for sure. Maybe he'll let me borrow it sometimes. What's it made out of--rabbit fur?"

"Something like that," said William as he tucked the items back in the bag, then set it against the wall beside the sofa. Actually it was chinchilla with sable trim, and it had cost around $250.00. The kilt had been custom made, and had cost more than the sporran. In other words, the two pieces together cost more than half what Chase made in a month--working overtime.

"Park it on the sofa and I'll get us a beer," said Mona. William did as she suggested, immediately feeling relaxed. It hadn't taken him long to feel at home here. He'd been spending two or three nights a week since he'd been introduced to Mona. Mona returned and offered him a bottle, taking a seat beside him. He took a deep swig, then almost choked on it when Mona said, "When are you going to screw that boy?"

William wiped his eyes. "Try being a little more direct, Mona."

"Don't dodge the issue."

"In case you're deaf and blind, Chase and I have plenty of sex."

"I've heard. You two are noisy things, but you still haven't really fucked him yet."

"How do you know?"

"He told me, naturally. You know that girlfriends talk about sex. Why haven't you?"

"That's our business, Mona."

"It's mine, too, because I have to live with the little toot, and he's getting frustrated."

"Mona, I've lost count of the blow jobs, hand jobs, and rub offs I've given him. I'm surprised that parts of the kid aren't chaffed."

"Well, that's nice and all, but you haven't fucked him, and he's starting to think you don't love him."

William sighed, letting his head thump back on the sofa. "I don't believe it."

"Don't you want to?"

"Don't be stupid--of course I do! I just haven't wanted to rush him. It's a big step."

"You should have at least discussed it, given him some sort of a theoretical time table. The child wants to at least be asked."

"You know, Dr. Ruth, I remember you as being shorter."

They heard a key in the lock. "Don't tell him I mentioned this to you," she warned, "or next time I'll dye his hair green, with blue streaks. He'll like it, but you'll have to look at it."

Chase was smiling when he came through the door, bubbling, "I know who's here! That ocean liner parked out front told on you, Will."

"Can't exactly hide it, can I?" said William.

Chase came right to him, stepped over the coffee table (his legs were short, but he was nimble), and settled neatly on his lap. "Hello to you, too," said Mona.

Chase mimed a kiss at her. "Got you Showgirls."

"Damn, you're thoughtful."

"I'm a peach." He hugged William's neck, and held up a plastic bag. "I hope you're ready to sleep in tomorrow, because I got us a marathon, and I have popcorn in the kitchen."

"Sounds good," said William. "And we'll order something in--no cooking for you tonight." He squeezed Chase. "I want all your time."

He leaned his head down on William's shoulders. "I'm being smothered, Mona. Isn't it marvelous?"

Mona drained her bottle, setting it down on the coffee table. "I'll go order the pizza. What do you boys want?"

"Whatever," said William. "Just no anchovies. Can't stand hairy fish."

Mona gave him a wicked smile. "With me bein' a lesbian, you just left yourself open for a ten minute stand up routine, but I'll pass. Chase?"

He was playing with William's hair. "My usual."

"Deep dish with mustard instead of pizza sauce, topped with Canadian bacon, sausage, mushrooms, and pineapple. Got you." She went to the phone.

"I'm going to have to try some of that," said William. "You've got me trying a lot of new things."

"Just return the favor, and I'll be happy."

"Great." He pinched Chase's chin. "Because it's been hinted that perhaps we ought to add to our sexual repertoire."

Chase's head shot up. "Mona!"

"If you didn't want me tellin' him you wouldn't have told ME," said Mona calmly. "An' I guess you didn't directly tell him, William, so I won't carry through that threat."

"What did you threaten him with?" asked Chase.

"Givin' you green and blue hair."

Chase looked thoughtful. "Say..."

"No," said William.

"But..." William kissed him. "Okay. What did you have in mind, he asked innocently."


Chase wrinkled his nose. "Please don't joke about that. I'm a farm boy, and I highly suspect that some of the 4 H-ers I knew were on better terms with their stock than they should have been." He bounced on William's thighs. "Duh, what shall we do tonight, Brain?"

William grinned, making his voice droning, "Why, what we do every night, Chasey--try to take over the world!" His voice returned to normal. "Or try to kill each other with sex."

"How about if we try to take over the world through sex?"

"Works for me."

Chase stood up, grabbing his hand. "Let's go."

William gestured toward where Mona was just hanging up the phone. "I'm not stirring. I have pizza on the way, movies to watch, and a cute boyfriend to spoil me by bringing me beers."

Chase tugged on his hand. "But we're going to have sex."

"We sure are--later." He turned his hand, quickly catching Chase's wrist, and jerked him firmly back down on his lap. Chase scowled, only half in jest, and William said, "Oops. Made him pout. Chase, can you reach that shopping bag by the wall?"

"Shopping bag?!" Chase lunged, and William had to grab him around the waist to be sure he wouldn't topple over. Chase dug excitedly in the bag. "Oh!" He held up the kilt. "Pretty, pretty! I'll have to watch all the old Star Trek episodes so I can practise my Scottish burr."

"That's not all," said William. "Keep looking."

Chase reached in again. "How soft. Did you get me a stuffed bunny?" He pulled the sporran out. "I love it. What is it?"

"You don't even know what it is, and you love it?"

"It's from you, and it's fur. How could I not love it?"

"It's a sporran. You hang it around your waist when you wear the kilt," he rummaged in the bag, and came up with the chain, "on this."

Chase took the chain and let it trickle from one hand to the other, relishing the smooth, cool slide. "This is nice, too." He giggled, and said jokingly. "Maybe we can think of some other uses, when it isn't working as a purse strap."

William kissed his hand, saying softly, "We can discuss that." When Mona returned to sit beside them, she wondered if it was just the gifts that had made Chase so bright-eyed.

When the pizza came he insisted that William try some, and he hand fed it to him, nodding wisely when William said he liked it. As he always did in anything physical, Chase followed William's lead and remained where he was. That didn't mean he wasn't going to make William regret his abstenance. He set out to be as flirtateous as he could--and Chase could FLIRT, in capital letters. Mona got more amusement out of watching William trying to keep Chase's hands within decent boundaries than she did watching the movies.

They sat through the entire Living Dead trilogy, then Pillow Talk (Mona was very good at reading Chase). All three enthusiastically consumed pizza and popcorn during the zombie gut-munching scenes. Chase had seen Dawn of the Dead at what was probably the only 'second run' movie house left in existence ("Should give you an idea of the social progress of the area, hon."), and he entertained them with his impression of how the other patrons had reacted to his behavior (he'd giggled occasionally, called advice to the actors, and kept a running, vocal body count). When he used a twanging, county hick voice to whisper, "Martha, that ar sissy boy just laughed when that ar man got his arm pulled off. No! Don't look at him! Just get up and sidle away, casually," Mona almost wet herself.

Chase had wanted to lie on the sofa with his head in William's lap, but William had refused to eject Mona from her place, and Mona was enjoying teasing Chase. Instead Chase sat on the floor near William's feet, leaning his head against his lover's knee. The third time William removed a wandering hand from between his legs, Pillow Talk was almost over. Rock Hudson had carried Doris off to the monstrosity that had been his apartment before she got her vengeful hands on it, and Chase was cooing over the decoration. William stood up, saying, "Bed time."

Since he'd been put off for so long, Chase felt obligated to be perverse. "But there's still a couple of minutes to go."

"He's going to go back to Randal's office building to announce that Doris is knocked up, and that obstetrician is going to nab him, thinking that he's pregnant."

Chase gaped as William hauled him to his feet. "You snot! You've seen it before."

"Nope. It's just that only Helen Keller could have missed that one coming." William ducked, getting a shoulder under Chase's belly, and hefted the squealing boy up over his shoulder. "Mona? If you have earplugs, you might want to use them tonight."

She chuckled as he carried her roommate back to the bedroom, while Chase giggled, "I'm a happy, happy boy!"


William used his foot to close the bedroom door. He considered tossing Chase on the bed, thinking of how he'd giggle when he bounced. He considered the sturdiness of the bed and decided against that tactic. It had groaned a little during their previous sessions, and he didn't want to risk cracking anything. As it was, it was going to get extra strain tonight.

Instead he lowered Chase gently till he was sitting on the edge of the bed, then sat beside him. Chase was smiling at him, and William took his hand, "I need to tell you something, sweetie."

Chase's smile disappeared, and he looked apprehensive. His voice tiny, he said, "You're really married?"

"What? No. No, Chase! Have you really been worrying about that?" Chase bit his lip. "Baby, why?"

Chase fidgetted. "Well, I have a cell phone number for you--no permanent line. I don't know where you work. You've met some of my friends, and the only ones of yourse I've met was Leo, that first day. I haven't ever been to your home--I don't even know your address." He looked quickly at William, "If it's because of where you live, I've been worse places than here, and it wouldn't mean a thing to me."

"No, sweetie, that's not it. It's just..." He sighed. "I've kept certain parts of my life walled off from others for so long. It's not easy to let down the walls now. I will. I have, to a point." He stroked Chase's cheek. "No one has ever got inside like you, Chase. I want more, I want to be closer--but it's going to have to be gradual."

"I understand." He smiled shyly. "So you don't have a wife and kiddies at home?"

"Not even a goldfish."

"Oh, you need a pet. I'd have one if it wouldn't cost us our deposit. Can you have one where you are?"

"The owner is very lenient. I could opperate a menagerie if I wanted to."

"Then we need to get you a cat or a dog. You're out most of the day, right? A cat would be better, or you could have a grown dog, no puppy, as long as you wouldn't mind occasionally having to clean up a mess. Persians are elegant, but they're a lot of work... Oh. Well, they're expensive, too, but some of the animal shelter kitties are very sweet, and..."

"Chase? We can decide on my companion animal later, can't we? I'd like to fuck you now."

Chase's eyes got huge and serious, but then he smiled. "Your lube or mine?"

"You keep lube?"

"I have a 'single girl's friend', William. I'm not going to try to use it without lube."

"Show me."

Chase giggled. "Now?"

William's voice was firm. "Show me."

It was an order. Chase gave a tiny shiver, then went to his bedstand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a small cylinder. He came back and stood before William, showing it to him. William smiled. "That almost looks dainty. Nice to see that you're not a size queen."

Chase shrugged sheepishly. "Oh, all right. I'm not Pearl Pureheart, but I'm not Clara Bow, either. I've had a variety of partners, but none of them was exactly over endowed, and the largest ones didn't seem to know the best way to use the equipment." He stuck his tongue out. "The term 'battering ram' comes to mind. So I figured I'd play it safe." He ran a finger along the smooth, plastic size. "This is a little bigger than anyone I've been with," he glanced almost shyly at William, "except you."

William had wrapped his hand around the vibrator. Eyes fixed on Chase, he stroked slowly. "And you can take this into your body safely, without pain?"

"It... it ached a little the first few times I used it, but now..." he licked his lips, "now it's very nice."

"But I can give you something even nicer, if you want."

"I want, Will. I want it so much."

William reached up and cupped the back of Chase's head, holding him firmly as he kissed him. "As long as it isn't bad for you, and it's within my power, I'll always give you what you want, Chase."

"Thank you," he said quietly. "Why are you so good to me?"

William pulled him into his arms. "Because you're good, funny, and sexy, sweet, talented, and skillful. Lots of reasons." He kissed Chase. "But mostly because you always give me what I want, Chase--even when you don't try."

"You've had plenty of chances to measure me with your hands and throat," said William. "Do you think you'll be able to take me without it hurting you?"

"I don't mind a little pain," said Chase quietly.

"A little bit of an ache makes it sweet," agreed William, "but you know what I mean, Chase."

"Yes. I can, Will. I've just never had the incentive to, um, expand my horizons."

"All right, then."

Chase started to stand up. "I have some Astroglide..."

William didn't let him stand. "No need to bother." He pulled a tube out of his pocket and showed it to him, grinning wickedly as he wiggled it. "Mine's flavored."

"Ooo." It was almost a croon. "What kind?"

"For you--strawberry, of course." He laid the vibrator aside on the bed. "Now, take your clothes off, little boy." He gave Chase a gentle push, letting him stand. "Show me how pretty you are."

Chase stripped slowly, moving with the grace of an experienced exotic dancer, pausing now and then to stroke a revealed stretch of smooth skin, or bend and twist to display some part of his body to best advantage. William sat forward, watching intently, one hand slowly kneading the growing bulge beneath his fly. It excited Chase to know that he was exciting his lover, and he was almost fully hard by the time he stood there naked, save for a seductive smile.

William planted his feet firmly, spreading his knees wide, and silently gestured to a spot between them. Chase floated over and took up the indicated position. Then he just stood there pliantly, allowing William to explore him, orally and tactilely, at his leisure. He enjoyed every second of it. William took his time, touching, licking, nibbling and nipping everything he could reach comfortably. Since he was a big man, that pretty much covered Chase from just below his shoulders to below his belt for William's oral caresses, and everywhere else, down to Chase's knees, with his hands.

Knowing that William wanted this time to just play with him, and perfectly happy with that, Chase just let his arms hang at his sides, his head tipping back gradually in pleasure. He didn't try to move till William stripped off his own shirt, reached around to cup a buttock in each large hand, and pulled till Chase's erect cock was pressed against his smooth chest, right between his nipples. When William started to nibble Chase's nipples, while ryhtmically squeezing and spreading his buttocks, the boy couldn't help humping against him.

William allowed that for a few seconds, then pulled away. He opened the tube of lubricant, squeezing some into his palm, and said hoarsely, "Turn around, spread your legs, then bend over and grab your ankles. Make sure you're balanced."

Chase obeyed, almost trembling with excitement. Again he felt William's hands on his ass, spreading the cheeks wide, so wide that he felt the skin at the top strain a little. Then a slick hand rubbed down the exposed valley, slowly and sensually, spreading an even coat of lubricant. When he came to the bottom, William continued, taking Chase's almost smooth balls in his palm and massaging them carefully. Finally his hand slid up, encircling Chase's now straining shaft, giving him one milking stroke. Chase tried to pump into the loose grip, but it was removed, and he yelped in surprise as William gave his ass a sharp smack. "No, no, sweetheart. You're not to come unless I'm inside you. Do you understand?"

Chase thrilled at the gentle order. "Yes, sir," he breathed.

"Good boy. This is going to be a little cold." Chase was surprised to feel a very small, narrow prod at his asshole. It couldn't possibly be one of William's fingers--it was far too small. He was just about to ask what was going on when he felt the cool liquid creeping up inside him, and he realized that William had inserted the tube's tip, and was squirting most of the tube into his rectum.

A little breathless Chase said, "That's an awful lot. I'm not complaining, but you might slip right out when you..."

"It's not all going to be in there when I fuck you."

Chase was caught by surprise at the warm breath that wafted across his spread cleft. William's hands were spread, holding and framing his open ass, and then there was a warm, wet touch. Chase moaned as he felt William drag the tip of his tongue around the little star, and he felt it pass over every tiny crinkle of skin. He couldn't help flinching a little, making his anus clench. William bit one cheek gently, whispering, "Try to relax, baby." Then he licked.

"I am not going to survive this night sane," sighed Chase. He bent his knees slightly, not wanting to risk a fainting fit at this stage of the game. William was now licking steadily, but he showed his approval by rubbing Chase's back. William pushed as he licked, and soon his tongue was penetrating Chase shallowly, then not so shallowly. This was the first time Chase had ever been rimmed, and he decided that he'd be willing to do anything William wanted if he'd do it again sometime. *Of course I'd do anything he wanted anyway, so that's not much of a sacrifice.*

The tongue was withdrawn, and William said, "You don't need to bend over like that any more, Chase. Be careful standing up." He took hold of Chase's arm, supporting him. "Tell me if you're dizzy."

"I've been told I'm dizzy many times, but not physically. Are you through with that part?" He tried to keep the disappointment out of his tone.

"With that stage, but I haven't had nearly enough of playing with your ass. Lay down across my lap." Chase happily obeyed. William didn't hesitate. Since Chase was already relaxed, he simply pushed one finger deeply into the boy's body, but he was careful to move slowly, waiting for any sign of discomfort. He paused with his finger seated up to his hand and said, "Chase? What's your safe word?"

Chase was luxuriating in the pressure and friction inside. "Huh?"

William gave his ass a smack with his free hand, and his voice was brisk. "Safe word!"

The slap wasn't at all unpleasant--in fact it set up a nice tingle, seeming to creep up to Chase's prostate. "Give me a minute."

"If you don't know and aren't ready to use your safe word when you need it, we're going to stop this right here."

"Daisy! It's daisy, and no--I don't want to use it now."

William caressed the slight pinkness he'd raised on Chase's ass. "You understand that I didn't do that because I was angry with you?"

Chase folded his hands, tucking them under his chin. "Yes, I know."

"Good." William started to slide the finger in and out at an unhurried pace. In a moment, without pausing or consulting, he added a second finger to the first. Chase wasn't built along large lines, and this made him feel a little full, but he loved it. He couldn't help wiggling at the firm, assertive probes deep into his core. He hadn't allowed too many men this intimacy, and none of them had ever been as gentle and considerate, but still in control, as William was. Chase's fingers plucked at the sheets, the rising sensations making it impossible for him to stay still.

William removed his fingers, reaching to the side, and Chase stiffened when he heard the quiet hum of the vibrator. "Stay calm, darlin'," William soothed. "You're still a little tighter than I think you need to be, but I don't want to cram half my hand inside you. I think this will do the trick. Be ready. Don't go flying off the bed."

"Will, I think I can contain myself and... Oh, my God!" Chase didn't fly off the bed, but he suddenly bucked upward when the vibrator slid easily into his ass, bumping his prostate with it's smooth, shivering tip, while at the same time William gripped his balls tightly, tugging just a little.

William had advised Chase to remain calm, but he himself was tensed. Every sense was alive, working hard to moniter the little man who was so sweetly, trustingly giving himself up for his pleasure. If he hurt Chase he'd want to cut his own throat. But long experience told William that the recent reaction owed nothing to pain, and everything to sheer sensual sensation. He pulled the vibrator half-way clear of Chase's body, then thrust again, a little deeper this time, angling it so it would press against the prostate rather than just pass over it. Chase's hips jerked again, but William maintained his grip on his lover's testicles. Chase trusted William not to hurt him, and William trusted Chase to help him in that by letting him know if things got too uncomfortable, or intense.

Chase was whimpering helplessly, hands fisting, as William pumped the vibrator slowly in and out. Finally he said, "Will, please!"

William bent over and pressed a kiss to his shoulder blade, pulling the vibrator out and laying it aside. "Lay down on the bed, Chasers."

Chase scrambled to lie down, his eager erection bobbing. William patted Chase's hip, then stood up and began removing the rest of his clothing. When he was naked, Chase held out his arms invitingly. William watched him, seeming to consider something, then glanced over at the vanity. "One second."

Puzzled, Chase watched William take the two steps necessary, then reach out. There was a long white chiffon scarf hanging over the side of the vanity's mirror, and William caught its trailing edge, pulling it off. He stepped back to the side of the bed, drawing the wispy fabric between his hands. "This is nice. Very smooth. Feel." He bent down and let the scarf trail over Chase's torso. Chase arched as the fabric skimmed over the peaks of his nipples, making them stiffen even more. It whispered down his torso, then William swirled it, causing it to wrap around Chase's hard-on. "Does it feel good?"

"It feels fantastic."

"Turn on your belly." Chase did so eagerly, sure that this was finally the moment. But then William said, "Now, clasp your hands behind your neck." A little hesitantly, Chase did. William had quickly folded the scarf into a long, thin rectangle, and had given it a couple of twists. Now he had what was essentially a soft, smooth length of rope. He put one knee on the bed, bending over Chase, and quickly and efficiently tied the boy's wrists firmly together behind his neck.

Chase had frozen the moment tha he realized what William was doing. He was so excited that he had to consciously think to breath. When William was finished binding him, he couldn't help giving a short, sharp tug at the bonds. Immediately William's hands were on him again, stroking and reassuring as he murmured, "Do you have anything you want to say, Chase? Remember, all you have to do is say it."

Chase believed him--he believed that William would stop.

But he didn't want him to.

He rolled his head slightly, so that he could make eye contact with William, and whispered, "Don't hurt me, sir."

William studied Chase closely, needing to be sure that the boy was playing the game, and wasn't really frightened or reluctant. He saw the hot need in Chase's eyes, and smiled slowly. One hand slid down, fingers skimming in Chase's crack to prod at his loosened asshole. "I won't hurt you, pretty. Not if you're good."

He moved quickly, flipping Chase over onto his back. That surprised his younger lover, and Chase stared up at him with wide, startled eyes. "You're going to get it missionary style the first time. I'm strong enough to support you, so your back won't hurt, and I can really go deep this way."

Chase shivered. "Then do it."

William bent toward him. "Do what?"

Chase smiled sweetly. "Fuck me."

William took the spare pillow and slid it under the small of Chase's back, not so much to lift his ass as to give him added support. Then he took hold of each slender ankle and lifted and separated them, spreading his legs in a V and moving to kneel between them. "Chase, I'm going to drape your knees over my shoulders, and I want you to hook your feet down, pulling up. Don't worry, I'll get my hands under your back. Can you do that for me?" Chase nodded. "I'm going to need you to hold on strong for a couple of seconds while I get seated inside you."

"All right." Chase's legs settled and he flexed his strong thigh muscles, pulling himself up a little, pressing his heels against William's broad back. William's left hand went under Chase, spreading against his lower back. With the right hand William gripped his own lust thickened prick and guided it toward the slick, relaxed hole waiting for him. When he was securely butted up against it he let his right hand join his left in bracing Chase, then he thrust forward quickly. There'd be time for slow, lazy joinings later, but he'd learned to read Chase's physical responses, and he knew the boy wouldn't be able to hold out long. That was good, because the heat and tightness of Chase's body was driving him quickly toward the edge. Chase was arching his back, bearing down with the muscles inside, and William couldn't tell if it was accidental, or deliberate. He didn't care.

William was fucking Chase with long, hard strokes, rubbing solidly against his prostate with almost every pass. Chase's skin was tingling, his nipples felt hard enough to cut glass, he could feel his sphincter gripping around the thick pole of flesh that filled him so deliciously. He was being stretched farther than ever before, and he was glorying in it. Chase desperately wanted to move, to grab, pull, encourage, but all he could do was accept each jolting thrust and experience the sensations.

William bent over Chase, cradling Chase's back so that there was only enough strain to increase the marvelous tension. His hips worked smoothly, and his short black hair fell spikily over his damp forehead. He bit his lip, dark eyes narrowed as he watched Chase, drinking in every reaction. Chase felt like the center of the universe. The the universe seemed to narrow, funneling down till it was a bright, hot ball, burning deep in Chase's core. William jerked hard, stabbing deep, teeth bared, and Chase felt the hot, liquid gush deep inside. He cried out in a mixture of triumph and surrender. William dropped his ass to the bed, and Chase whimpered with loss as William's still hard prick slid out with a wet, meaty sound. But then William dropped his legs and was crawling over him, his bulk pressing Chase down into the mattress.

William thrust quickly against Chase, rubbing his still swollen arousal lustily against the boy's own hard prick. A few sliding motions, and Chase cried out, humping upward wildly as he came. William propped himself on one hand, reaching between them with the other. He smeared his still lubricated fingers with Chase's come, then wrapped his hand around the boy's cock, stroking him gently as the pulses slowed, then died to a dribble.

Chase was gasping deeply, staring up with wild eyes. William lay down at his side and pulled him into an embrace, whispering, "Sh, sh. Calm down, baby. It's all right, now. Just breathe."

Chase's breath gradually slowed to normal, with only an occasional hitch. His hands were still tied behind his neck, so that William's head was pillowed on Chase's elbow. William moved up a little in the bed, pulling Chase down till the boy was nuzzling William's neck. "Ow!" He felt a sharp sting just where his throat met his shoulder, and looked down in surprise. Chase was licking his lips, and there were two semi-circles of faint pink marks on William's skin. "What the hell?"

"I'm sorry." Chase's voice was tiny, and his face flamed even brighter than from the sexual flush he'd had almost from the moment they'd entered the room. "I just... just... I wanted... But I didn't know..."

William laid a finger across his lips, smiling at him. "It's okay, baby. You're full of feelings right now, and you had to let them out, but the words just wouldn't come."

Chase nodded. "Did I hurt?"

William kissed the tip of his nose. "Did I hurt you?"

"Oh, no! It was... was... splendiferous."

William laughed. "Good word. Splendiferous for me, too, sugar. Raise up a little." Chase did, and William reached behind him, feeling for the knot in the scarf. He was surprised when Chase pulled back. "What?"

Chase's voice was faintly yearning. "Could we leave it like that just a little longer?"

William stroked Chase's forearms, fingers lingering on the silky twist of fabric binding his wrists. "Would you really like that?" Chase nodded. "It doesn't scare you?" Chase shook his head. "Good." William settled back down, this time pulling Chase to lie, face down, half across him. "Not too long, or you'll cramp." He continued to stroke Chase. "Next time we do it, we can try tying them behind your back--less of a strain that way."

Chase shivered happily, nuzzling against William's chest, and whispered, "Next time."

The End

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