Completed Stories and Works In Progress
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For those of you who are frustrated by suddenly running into an unfinished end.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of slashers, for you are cute, and would look good with another guy."
Slash Fiction
Slash is fiction, original and fanfiction, that involves relations between members of the same sex. Here you will find stories based in many different fandoms, and also original works (including the stories of Clive, the Leather Hairdresser).
Mary Sue Fanfiction
Why the candy picture? Because Mary Sue stories are generally considered guilty pleasures. Well, I'm hangin' mine right out in front of everybody. Read my romps with my favorite characters from televison, movies, and books. That's right--I get all the boys (the cute ones, anyway).
Original Fiction
Completely original works of fiction, including many works in progress. Here there be politically incorrect romance and dark fantasy.
Family Stuff
That's right--I can write stuff suitable for the entire family. Be warned--cute ickle puppies and kitties inside.
Serious Poetry
Free verse and classic rhymed poetry--some with adult themes.
Funny fiction, poetry, and odds and ends (lists, rants, etc.)
Other People's Stuff
Care to listen to my innermost thoughts, rants, and ramblings?
Want to see where I hang out?
And a few lists and such. First, my personal list--the one that gets all my output.
Scribe Scribbles