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Family Stuff

medley(plural medleys) noun musical sequence of different songs: a continuous piece of music consisting of two or more different tunes or songs played one after the other 2. mixture of things: a mixture or assortment of various things

Chapter Eighteen
Grading on a Curve

"Absolutely fascinating, Blair."

"Yeah. It's small, but it's choice."

"I could not agree more."

Blair yelped and jumped as Constable Benton Fraiser of the RCMP goosed him. "Hey!" He backed away, rubbing his behind protectively. "I was talking about the collection, man."

"That, also."

"Whoa, you certainly have gotten over that repression thing quickly."

"You have created a monster."

"Nah. Unleashed, maybe, not created. I can't possibly take credit for you, all the glory goes to Stanley."

Benny smiled fondly. "Yes, that would be a fair assumption. By the way, Blair, do you happen to know what it is Stanley had in store for Jim? He was looking inordinately pleased with himself when they left."

Blair spread the fingers of one hand on his chest, eyes wide and innocent. "You don't think we were plotting anything, do you?"

"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might spoil my chances of getting to have sex with you again."

"Not likely. C'mon, you've seen everything worth seeing here. Let's go to the anthro building. I'll show you one of the lecture halls. They keep them locked on the weekends, but I have a key."

Benton followed along. He pretty much figured that a lecture room was a lecture room was a lecture room, but if it made Blair happy...

It was a big one, able to seat a couple of hundred students at a time. They came in at the top, and Blair locked the door behind them, then bounded down the slanted aisle to the lecture area in front. "Pick a seat!"

"Oh. Um. All right." Benton made his way about two thirds down, then chose a seat in the center section, on the aisle. Blair was writing on the chalk board that ran across the front of the room.

"Pull your desk up, man. You're in class."

"I am?"

"You are." Blair had sritten PROFESSOR SANDBURG in large, scrawling letters. Benny flipped the little desk attached to the arm of the seat up and over his lap, resting his arms across it. A bit crowded, but possible. Blair laid aside the chalk and began to pace the front of the room, giving a lecture on the comparative courting rituals of primative societies. Benny rested his chin in his hands, eyes following the compact figure as he strode back and forth. It wasn't what he had been hoping for, but it was interesting. Blair was never less than interesting...

"Mr. Fraiser?"

Benton blinked. "Um. I'm sorry, Blair..." A scowl, and a finger pointed to the black board. "Professor Sandburg." Fraiser felt a little tingle. "I'm afraid I was not listening very closely."

"Well, that is just plain rude, Mr. Fraiser ." Blair's voice held a snappish tone Benton had never heard before, and he suspected that very few other people had heard it. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the RCMP is paying your way through this university, is it not?"

"Uh... yes, sir. Full scholarship."

"It hardly seems to me like they're getting their money's worth. I've seen your previous work. You're obviously very bright, but you don't apply yourself." He sighed gustily. "Come down here."

Fraiser struggled out of his chair, and came down the aisle. Blair picked up a piece of paper off the desk and handed it to him. "Explain this to me."

It was blank. "Uhh..."

"Yes, uh. That is a horrible grade, Mr. Fraiser. Did you study at all?"

"Things have been difficult, sir."

"There are no excuses for slackness like that. I haven't recorded this yet. Do you know what will happen when I do?" Benton shook his head. Blair arched his eyebrows. "You'll be back wherever it was you came from, Mr. Fraiser--relegated to a back office job for whatever pitiful span of 'career' you have. They aren't going to let this slide." He took the paper back.

"Please, sir, do you have to record it? Couldn't I take the test again?"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I have to record it. And I don't do retests when simple laziness is the excuse."

"It wasn't that, sir, I swear. Couldn't I perhaps do some extra credit work to bring the grade up to an acceptable level?"

Blair scratched his chin, eyeing Fraiser. He let his eyes slide down the long, well muscled body thoughtfully, then slowly laid the paper on the desk. "I'm not sure. It would have to be a very special project to warrent changing that to a passing grade. What do you suggest?"

Benton lowered his head and said humbly. "I do not know, sir. I was hoping you might suggest something."

"Mm. Well... Perhaps something having to do with classic forms of education. What do you know about the teacher/pupil relationship in ancient Greece, Mr.Fraiser?"

"Not much, sir."

"Among the nobility, young men were educated by tutors: older men who guided them and taught them in every aspect of life, not just academics."

"Oh? Like what kinds of things... sir?" Benny put a meek, but suggestive, emphasis on the title.

"Life, social skills, love, sex. I'm assuming you've had sex with a woman, Constable?"

Benton flushed. "Yes, sir."

"Were they satisfied?"

"I... I believe so. They gave every indication."

He waved away the rest of the words. "What about men?"

"Beg pardon?"

"Men, Fraiser, men. You're not deaf. Have you had any sexual experiences with men?"

He whispered, "No, sir."

Blair snorted. "Well, it seems your classical education has been sorely neglected. I suppose if you were to demonstrate a little expertise in that area, I could see my way clear to bringing that mark up to... a C. Perhaps even a B, if you show apptitude and enthusiasm."

"I am eager to study at your feet, sir."

Blair's eyes glittered. "That's not the part of me you'll be studying at, Fraiser ." He stepped over to the Mountie, moving up flush against him, reached around, and grabbed his ass with both hands, pulling him close so that their groins bumped.

Benton let his eyes go wide, as if he were surprised by the large, warm erection he found grinding again his crotch. "Sir!"

"Do you want this grade or not?" Blair rubbed up against him. He could feel Benny responding, the rapid thickening. "Let me put it this way. I can change that grade with just a few strokes of my pen. All you have to do to get me to do that is be willing to accept a few strokes of a different kind."

Fraiser nodded slowly. "Teach me."

Blair slid a hand down the front of Frazer's sweat pants, inside his shorts, and closed his hand around the other man's hardon, pumping lazily.

"This isn't going to be an oral lesson, Fraiser. I'm going to demonstrate a deep teaching method."

"I'm anxious to take it all in, sir."

"Good." Blair unbuttoned his jeans with his other hand, his rhythm never faltering as he pumped his lover's cock. Fraiser was even more turned on when he saw that Blair wasn't wearing underwear again. The young man certainly believed in being stripped for action.

Benton licked his lips as Blair teased his erection out of the tight jeans, then pushed Benton's sweatpants and shorts down his hips. "Get out of those."

Fraiser obeyed. Blair watched with heated eyes, fondling himself. When Benton was naked from the waist down he said hoarsely, "Play with yourself, Fraiser."

Fraiser blushed. He was much more sexually experienced than he had been when he'd come to Cascade, but he'd never put on a show before. Not unless you counted that spectacular fuck he'd had with Jim, but he'd really just more or less been along for the ride on that.

Now he touched himself tentatively. He noticed the clear bead of liquid on his cock head, and smeared it experimentally. The smooth slide was pleasing. He gathered more of the liquid as it oozed out, and used it to slick himself.

Blair masturbated, watching him. "Bend over the desk," he ordered, "But don't stop frigging yourself." Benny bent over the desk, resting his torso on it. It made his ass jut at a tempting angle. And, even with his long legs, Blair would be able to reach his goal without difficulty.

"I have a rubber, but no lube, Fraiser. I'll have to prepare you the old fashioned way. But then, you're the one who believes in tasting things, aren't you?"

Blair pried Benton's buttocks apart, exposing his asshole. It still looked plenty tight, despite the workout Jim had given it the day before. Blair squatted, his hand working on his own cock, and buried his face in the spread crevice. *Damn, he even tastes fresh here,* Blair thought, lapping at the tiny pucker.

Benny groaned, and it flexed. Blair grinned, and intensified his efforts. The oral stimulation was beginning to make Benton relax. He moaned and muttered to himself as Blair gradually inserted his tongue into Benton's back passage, then began moving it in and out. Fraiser thought that if it was indeed possible to die from sheer pleasure, this would be a possibly lethal activity.

"Show me your hand, Fraiser." A little puzzled, Fraiser extended his hand back to Blair. He felt the anthropologist grab his wrist. "Good. You're really slick with your juice." He drew Fraiser's hands back, pressing his fingers to his own ass. "Open yourself up for me, Fraiser."

Without hesitation, Benton plunged one finger deep inside himself. He moaned with the sudden ache, and Blair said sharply, "Don't hurt yourself!" But Fraiser needed this, and wasn't about to slow down. He immediately crammed a second finger in beside the first, working them strongly. "Damn it, Fraiser!" He twisted, and crooked his fingers, shoving hard...

...and found his own prostate. Fraiser shuddered against the desktop, gasping, and Blair said mildly, "Oh, well. Never mind, then." As he finished speaking, Fraiser did it again. He bucked on the desk, whimpering, eyes closing. "Shit! I better hurry up, or the pupil will finish the lesson without the teacher."

It took seconds to get the prophylactic from his pocket, open it, and sheath himself. Then he pulled Fraiser's still pumping hand away and moved up into position behind him. "Spread 'em wide, Mountie."

Fraiser did, using the desk to keep himself balanced. Then, without further preliminaries, Blair slammed into him and began fucking him furiously. Fraiser yelped. Yes, it hurt just a little, especially since he was still a bit tender from Jim. But it felt good, too. If forced to choose, 'top, or bottom? Can't have both...', Fraiser thought he might very well strangle the person who demanded the choice.

Blair was in heaven. He loved Jim. He loved sex with Jim. But topping was a fairly rare treat, usually experienced with outside partners. So maybe there was something just a little spicier about it. And he really didn't have a mean side to his nature, but pretending to coerce this luscious man into giving it up was damn hot.

"Does co-operation with the teacher earn extra points?" Fraiser murmured. He began to push back to meet Blair's thrusts.

"Oh, yeeessss." Blair held Benton's waist in order to steady himself while still giving the big man room to move. And move he did. Blair was soon grunting as the tight buttocks slammed back against him. He was close already. He reached under Fraiser, feeling until he managed to grab his bobbing cock, and began to rub briskly.

Fraiser almost bleated with appreciation. His attempts to push forward into Blair's hand, then back onto his prick, almost drove the smaller man crazy. Even if he had wanted to hold back, he wouldn't have been allowed to. There was a time for sweet, gentle, slow, caring sex, but this wasn't it. This was hump-for-all-you're-worth time. Despite Benny's head start, Blair climaxed first. His sperm filled the end of the condom, oozing back just far enough to make the last few strokes exquisitely slippery-slidey.

Blair reached down and under, wiggled a finger up just behind Fraiser's balls, and pressed, tickling. He hadn't been mistaken. That spot proved to be marvelously sensitive. Benton came with a yell, his spunk coating Blair's nimble fingers. Blair flopped on top of him, pumping Benny as the big man shuddered, the last of his cream jetting in a weaker spurt.

At last Blair pulled free. He located a box of tissues in a desk drawer, and Fraiser and himself cleaned up. Blair carefully wrapped the used condom, and tucked the entire mess into a large manilla envelope he took from another drawer, then deposited it in the wastebasket. "That way we won't gross out the cleaning ladies."

"But Blair, suppose one of them is curious, and looks inside?"

"Then maybe they'll learn not to snoop."

"Ah. Well, Professor Sandburg. Did I raise my grade?"

Blair grinned. "Among other things, yeah. Just an A instead of an +A, though. Don't want you to quit trying. Now, let's go find Jim and Stanley. I believe they're around here somewhere..."

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