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Main Menu
Slash Fiction
Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff

  1. Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?
  2. Whys and Wherefores
  3. Points of Mutual Reference
  4. Dinner
  5. Jim and Stanley
  6. Sitting Up With the Sick
  7. Mountie Revelations
  8. Blair and Benny
  9. Morning After
  10. Busy Day, One
  11. Busy Day, Two
  12. Personal Hygiene
  13. Ray and Ben
  14. New Lovers of All Kinds
  15. Meanage au Quatro, or Whatever
  16. Free Day
  17. Campus Tour
  18. Grading on a Curve
  19. The Scene
  20. Round Two
  21. Surprise Party, and Farewell