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When Chase Met William
by Scribe

"I'm going to look like a skunk, I know I am. You're doing it too much in a clump, Mona."

"Chase, whining is so unattractive."

"So? In case you haven't noticed, honey, I'm not interested in attracting you."

Mona Bridger, a hearty black woman in her thirties, laughed and slapped her roommate on the shoulder. "That would have been upside your fool head, but I don't want to get more of this goop on my hands than is necessary. Anyway, that's one thing I like about having you for a roommate--I don't have to worry about you trying to steal my girlfriends."

Chase was sitting in a straight-backed chair in the middle of their kitchen, wrapped in a disposable plastic tablecloth. Mona had gotten it two months before for her niece's birthday, so it was decorated with My Little Ponies. Chase was lobbying to be allowed to keep it. Chase was also wearing a perforated plastic show cap. Mona had teased strands of his wheat blonde hair through the holes, and was in the process of bleaching the little tresses into platinum streaks.

"I'm going to look like a pinto pony, right? That's why you wouldn't do it in front of the mirror in the bathroom. You want to keep me in ignorance till it's too late."

"The reason I ain't doing it in the bathroom is that the bathroom ain't much bigger than your average pay toilet, and you might be a slender little thing, but I ain't. I wouldn't have been able to get around you enough to do it right."

"Piddle. You're not that big."

"I'd love you if you weren't a man, fairy."

"I'd love you if you were, voodoo hag."

When Chase had moved in with Mona a little over a year ago, her neighbors had nodded wisely, saying that they knew she wasn't really gay. Then they'd gotten a good, long look at Chase. He'd gone down to get the mail the first week he was there, wearing a floaty gauze wrap. The building super had teased him about grabbing Mona's robe, and he'd said cheerfully, "It's mine. She wouldn't be seen dead in pink." Then the man had noticed that Chase's toenails were painted to match the robe.

At first the other building tenants had wondered if they were going to have to eventually call the police in on a domestic dispute, because Chase and Mona seemed to snipe at each other constantly. Gradually, though, they came to realize that it was actually affectionate banter. Any outside who spoke like that to one of them would find themselves dealing with the other one.

Chase was fidgetting. "How much longer?"

"I swear, you're worse than a little kid on a road trip. 'Mama, are we there yet? How about now? Now? Are we there yet?' You need another ten minutes if you want it to be really bright."

"I do, I do. I want to glint, shimmer, and shine."

"You usually do, baby."

"Compliments won't distract me today, Mona. This is going to be my first Gay Pride parade, and I don't want to miss a minute."

"I know. That's why I got up at five o'clock to do this for you."

"I should have gone to a salon yesterday. Why didn't I go to a salon?"

"Because I'll do it for the cost of the chemicals, and you don't have the sixty bucks it would have cost you at a beauty parlor. Now, hush or I'll take some of that tape I use to keep curls down and close your mouth for you."

Chase turned his head far enough to bat his eyelashes at her. "No point in promising me bondage, Mona. I've already said you're not my type."

She laughed. "Certifiable--that's what you are."

When the time had elapsed Mona rinsed Chase's hair, then gave it a quick shampoo and conditioner. She put him back in the chair and used a pair of nail scissors to trim off a snip here and there, evening things up, then got a blowdryer and dried the short 'do. "Okay. Go have a look at yourself."

Chase bounced up and trotted into the bathroom, with Mona following at a more sedate pace. Before she reached the bathroom she heard Chase shriek. It didn't worry her--that was his 'oh, my God, it's so fabulous!' shriek. When she arrived he was admiring himself in the mirror, turning his head this way and that to admire the effect. "Look at me. I'm gorgeous."

"That you are." And he was--truly. Chase was twenty-two, but looked younger. When he went clubbing, he kept his ID clipped on a cord around his neck, for easy access. He was only 5'6" and slender, with small, almost dainty hands and feet. His gay friends lamented that he wasn't a transvestite. 'Give him a set of falsies,' they said, 'and he could fool any construction crew in the universe'. He usually wore his medium (natural) blond) hair in a short shag, but Mona had convinced him to let her cut it shorter, in a style that wouldn't have been out of place in the conservative end of the sixties. He frowned at himself now, saying, "I'm still not sure about the length. Shouldn't I have kept it longer--say not quite to the collar?"

"No. Trust me on this, baby. You already look androgenous. With longer hair you'd have to worry about truck drivers pulling over just to either beat you up, or molest you."

"Like that's a bad thing."

Mona's smile faded, and she became stern. "You listen to me, Chase. I'm not gonna be with you all day, and I want you to promis me that you're not going to take any fool chances. I know that you like the bad boys, but you ain't ever run into any really bad ones. There's gonna be some of those at the parade. Don't you go off anywhere private with anyone, hear me? I don't want to be picking you up from the hospital, or saying 'yes, that's him' to some cop down at the morgue."

"Mona!" Then Chase saw the genuine concern in her eyes, and hugged her. "Look, I won't go anywhere with anyone except, um... The Clover. How about that? You can get a little raunchy there if you like, but they've got big, conscientious, efficient bouncers. Okay?"

She sighed, hugging him back. "I love my sister, but I always wanted a baby brother." She pinched his cheek. "So as your big sister I'm telling you to be careful, or I'll kick your narrow white ass."

Chase pulled away. "I resent that!" He flounced toward the bedroom, but stopped at the door and twitched his hips. "My ass is not narrow!"


"William, Denise." William put down his coffee, pushed away the paper he'd been working on, and examined his watch. "I've told you before, call me William. I'm not my father."

I'm sorry, sir. I just can't get used to it."

He looked at the woman standing on the other side of the desk. Denise Umbridge had been his father's secretary for over fifteen years, and William had 'inherited' her when he took over after his father's death. "C'mon, Denise. You've known me since since before I could shave, and you called me by my first name till I took over here. Don't stop now."

She smiled almost reluctantly. "William. The representative from Resurge called, and he can make it today instead of tomorrow. He'll be here..."

"Whoops. I hope you have his number, Denise. Can't see him today. I have plans."

She looked confused, consulting a leather bound planner. "I don't have anything listed till your ten o'clock tomorrow."

He leaned back in his chair. "Denise, I don't tell you everything I do."

"But you've been working to set up this meeting for three months. What could be so important--?" William silently pushed up his suit sleeve. A rim of dark, gleaming leather was exposed at his wrist. "Oh," she said faintly. She'd completely forgotten that today was Gay Pride Day. She blushed a little. William didn't deny his chosen lifestyle, but he didn't flaunt it at the office, either. He was well aware that corporate America liked sex, used sex--lots of it--but was made uncomfortable by anything but the plainest vanilla. For some reason lesbians had become rather fashionable, but gay men were still thought of as hairdressers, interior decorators, and antique dealers--not corporate leaders. And Dominant leather gay men who liked younger, softer men... They were ignored with desperation. So William kept his professional and private life seperate, and most of today had been set aside for private enjoyment.

Denise thought that she ought to be shocked and appalled by her employer's activities, but in truth she thought it was much more decent than the serial philandering she knew went on with a lot of executive officers. William had made it clear that he'd never touch someone who was underage, or unwilling, so Denise couldn't bring herself to condemn him. That didn't mean that she wasn't occasionally embarrassed. She nodded. "I'll tell him that it's on for tomorrow." She headed for the door, then stopped, looked back and said quietly, "Have a good day, and be careful."

He smiled at her fondly. "I always am."

Mona and Chase split up when they got to the parade. Chase was just there to enjoy, but Mona was going to be riding with her girlfriend in the Dykes on Bikes contengency. She was fussing at him even as she boarded the motercycle behind her lover. "Boy, you are gonna have to learn how to drive one of these days. You can't afford to keep taking taxis, and they'd eat you alive on public transportation."

"Promises, promises," he scoffed.

"Not the kind of eating alive you'd like, kiddo," said Duke. She was as dark as Mona and had neon red hair that was shorter than Chase's. "If you want to meet us at the end of the route I could probably talk one of the sisters into giving you a ride home. Hell, you're practically a sister yourself."

"Flatterer. Thanks, but no. I have my fare home, and a little to spare. After the parade I'm going to The Clover and see if I can't charm someone into getting me drunk and taking advantage of me."

Mona kissed his cheek. "Have fun, sugar. And remember--no more rough stuff than you really want. You can say no just as well as anyone else."

"And I can say yes better than a lot of them. Have fun yourself, macho woman." He twiddled his fingers at her, then melted back into the crowd, making his way up the street. Chase wasn't looking for anyone in particular, but he'd decided that it was high time that he found himself a prospective steady man. *Look out, whoever you are. I'm going to charm you right out of your pants.*

William had it a lot easier than most of the other parade goers. He kept a space in a rental garage near the office, so he didn't have to go looking for a parking space. An hour before the parade was scheduled to start he strolled out to his car. The echoing space was empty, save for the attendant in the booth far on the other side, so William stood between his car and the wall and quickly stripped off his outer clothes. Under his suit he was wearing a black T-shirt, a pair of tiny black briefs, and his studded leather cuffs. He quickly slipped into a pair of tight jeans, with a thick belt (also of studded black leather), changing his polished lace-up shoes for heavy boots. He transfered his ID, some cash, and a little used credit card into a wallet that hung from a chain on his belt, then ran his hands quickly through his hair, disarranging it. Then he finger combed it into a more casual style and examined himself in his rearview mirror. He winked at his reflection, then sauntered toward the exit, boots ringing on the concrete.

William had decided that playing the field was fun, and he'd probably never give it up all together, but what he really wanted was someone of his own--preferably someone who'd join him in the rough play that he loved, and do it not with sufferance, but with glee. *I'll treat you good, but I like to play hard so I hope you're ready for me, pretty man.*

It was a beautiful day for the parade: sunny, just warm enough for the marchers and audience to wear summer clothes, just cool enough to keep it from being uncomfortable. There were a lot of bare chests (male only--this wasn't Los Angelas, San Francisco, or New Orleans) and skimpy bathing suits in eveidence. Everyone--male and female, straight and gay--had something pleasant to look at.

There was a wonderful turn-out. The parade route was thickly lined on both sides, almost clogging the wide sidewalks, but the crowd was good-natured and pretty well behaved. There was a bit of groping going on in the thicker parts, but the grope-ees usually didn't object. There was a huge amount of flirting going on. After all, this was one of the few places outside a gay bar where there wasn't too much doubt as to whether or not someone would have a screaming fit if propositioned by someone of the same gender.

Chase made his way along the street, slipping with relative ease through the knots of people. There were times, he reflected, when being small was a definite advantage. He got up to about the midpoint of the route and wiggled his way to the very front, so he'd have a good view, then he settled in to watch.

The parade marshal, leading the way on a beautiful white horse, was the current chairman of the city council. He wasn't gay, but his beloved son was, and he was a staunch supporter of local gay causes. The parade had things in common with mainstream parades, but usually with a bit of a twist. For instance, there were a half dozen bands, including the Flying Fairies Fife and Drum Corp, and the Merry Marching Machos. GLAAD had a float commemorating Stone Wall, and there were three decorated convertibles filled with prominent members of local gay sports teams. There were groups for proud parents of gay children, proud children of gay parents, and a group called YKJBF. Chase asked a bystander about that and was informed that the letters on the banner stood for You Can Just Be Friends--a group dedicated to informing the public that it was possible to be just friends with a gay person. In other words, if you saw another man with a gay man, it didn't necessarily mean they were sleeping together.

There was also a drill team--of sorts. At first Chase had been puzzled. It looked like nothing more than a dozen ordinary business men, marching in four ranks of three. They were wearing identical gray suits with conservative ties, and polished oxfords. Just before they came abreast of Chase one of the men in front called, "Company, drill, two three, four." In unisone, never breaking stride, the men opened and removed their jackets, hanging them over their arms. Then they grabbed their shirtfronts and jerked--hard. The shirts split up the back, leaving the men naked from the waist up, and exposing the most extensive collection of tattoos and body piercings that Chase had ever seen in one place. There were cheers and applause, and at least one delighted scream--from Chase. It was all he could do to keep from rushing out and kissing one of them.

Chase bounced and waved when the Dykes on Bikes group came along. Mona was in the second rank, and she waved back, throwing him a kiss. "Ride, sister, ride!" Chase called. The parade was winding down now. People from the crowd were beginning to step out into the street and follow along, joining the parade in spirit. Chase was considering doing the same when he spotted something in the crowd across the street.

It was the most specatacular ass he'd seen in a long, long time--and he made a hobby of ass watching. Said ass was attached to what looked like an equally good body. The man was standing with his back to Chase, hands on narrow hips, legs slightly spread and feet planted firmly. He was wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans that hugged him like a tattoo, and the most stunning belt-cuffs set that Chase had ever seen. *Well, I came out here determined to meet someone new,* thought Chase. *That looks like a mighty fine prospect.*

He set his sights and started across the street.

William had met a friend, and they found a good spot to watch the parade. William had had a great time, and was feeling relaxed and cheerful. The parade was almost done, and he wasn't bothering to watch constantly, only tossing a glance back every now and then. His friend was saying, "So why don't we consider entering the parade next year?"

"I don't know, Leonard," said Chase. "Shibari is a private club, after all, and there are a lot of members who wouldn't care to have their private passions exposed. Take me for instance. I'm not ashamed of what I like to do, but I'm realistic enough to know that being too open about it could lead to obstacles in my business life. I think it may be a few more years before we can seriously consider..."

"Excuse me?"

The voice was light and musical. William turned politely, and was greeted by a vision. The young man was small--William would have had to lean down a bit to use the top of his head for a chinrest. He was slim and delicate looking, with large blue eyes and finely molded features. He was the sort you felt obliged to call beautiful instead of handsome. His hair was a sleek blond cap, shot through with streaks of purest platinum. He was wearing tight white pants and a pale pink T-shirt that said TWINKS FOR TOLERANCE. He was also wearing sandals, and his toe nails were varnished rose pink. In other words, he was physically exactly to William's taste. *Oh, damn, that's nice! I hope he doesn't just want the time.* "Yes?"

He simpered a little, and William's interest rose. "I just had to come over and compliment you on your stunning leather. Those are the most beautiful cuffs and belt I've ever seen."

William found that he was smiling. "Thank you. I get a lot of compliments on them."

"Where did you get them?"

"Don't bother to ask," said Leonard, amused by the clear attraction that was immediately evident between these two. "I've been trying to find out for months, and he won't..."

"They're custom made by a nice little lady who calls her business Love in Leather," said William.

Leonard blinked. "Well, I like that. You wouldn't tell me."

"You're not as cute as he is."

Leonard rolled his eyes. "That's an exit line if I ever heard one. Good-bye, William. See you soon."

William didn't take his eyes off Chase. "Bye, Leo." William reached out and touched a fingertip to Chase's chest, right in the center of the O. "I like your outfit."

Chase smiled charmingly. "Thank you for not calling it a costume."

"I wouldn't. It suits you. You know my name now. What's yours?"

Chase pretended to curtsy. "I'm Chase..." he lowered his eyes, then peeked up at William through his lashes. "But people don't always have to."

"Have to what?"

"Chase me."

William laughed. "You're a bold little thing, aren't you?"

"Shyness is not one of my faults."

"I'm glad to hear it. It's a fine day, and the parade is just about over. What say we take a little stroll and get better acquainted?"

"That sounds absolutely delightful." William galantly offered his arm. Chase slipped his hand into the crook of William's elbow and they started off at a leisurely pace. "Nice parade, wasn't it?"

"Pretty nice, considering that this is only the fifth year that they've officially organized."

"This is the first one I've ever seen, so I found it pretty impressive."

"The first?"

Chase nodded. "Where I come from two men daring to walk down the street holding hands would be a gay pride parade. I spent high school wearing flannel and denim when I wanted to wear silk and spandex. Don't get me wrong--I love my hometown. They aren't vicious there, but they're backward. My mother's church group kept trying to set me up on dates with their daughters."

"Murder. I used to have the same trouble with my father's country club buddies." They were passing a curbside ice cream vendor just as he handed over a double-decker, chocolate-vanilla cone to a little girl. Chase slowed down, eyeing the cone longingly. "Do you want one?"

"I can't afford it," said Chase sadly. "I have enough for my taxi, and maybe one or two drinks. If I get the ice cream, I can't have my Mai Tais."

"You shouldn't have to sacrifice one pleasure for the sake of another." William led Chase to the cart. "We'll share one, okay? My treat."

Chase's eyes lit up. "Chocolate?"

"Whatever you want."

Chase made the vendor recite the list of available flavors twice, then settled on a scoop each of Double Dutch and Rocky Road. "If you drip," said Chase, "it won't make so much of a difference, since you're wearing camoflage. I'm going to have to be careful, though."

"Then I'll hold it." William took the cone and held it out toward Chase. "You first." Chase leaned forward, putting his tongue out for the first lick, and William moved it minutely, taking it just out of his reach. Chase gave him a mock frown, and leaned toward the ice cream again, only to be evaded. He stood back and put his hands on his hips, and William relented. "I'll hold it still this time."

"It's not that I don't believe you..." Chase quickly grabbed William's wrist with both hands, leaned forward, and gave the top scoop a long, lavish lick. His eyes almost rolled up. "Oh, that's good."

"Do it again. It looks interesting."

Chase smiled and obliged the request. First he barely dabbed at the ice cream with the tip of his tongue, then gave it a slow stroke. Keeping his eyes on William's face he pulled his wrist closer, and fitted his mouth over the top half of the top scoop, sucking.

William felt a pleasant tightening in his groin. He said quietly, "Leave some for me, kid. I like sweet things."

Chase pulled back, his rosy mouth smeared with chocolate, and licked the traces off his lips. "Then you'd better get what you want now, because I'm greedy."

"Glad to hear it. Let me catch these dribbles, so you can remain pristine."

"You're far too late for that, I'm afraid, but maybe it will keep my clothes unspotted."

They continued walking, trading licks off the cone and talking idly. The suggestive banter continued, each one becoming more and more pleased with their new acquaintance. They ate their way to the bottom of the treat, then Chase held his mouth open and let William pop the bottom of the cone in.

They came to a corner, and Chase paused, checking his watch (the daintiest men's style he could find). "Ah, it's past noon! I figured I'd time it right."

"Time what right?"

Chase pointed. "We've arrived at The Clover, and I know that they're open early today in honor of Gay Pride Day. You've treated me, care to let me buy you a drink?"

"Are you old enough to go in there?"

"How old do you think I am?"

William studied him. "Young enough that I'm thinking that perhaps I should be ashamed of myself."

Chase hooked a finger in the cord around his neck and pulled out a Department of Motor Vehicles ID card, showing it to William. "Twenty-two, and please note that the card is in perfect shape. No splits, no tears, no buckling, no picture inserted over the original picture, no dates tampered with. It's the real deal, and so am I. I just have this with me as a precaution. They know me well enough in there for me not to worry about it. Now, can I buy you a drink?"

"No." Chase started to droop. William took Chase's arm again and led him toward the bar. "You're having a drink with me. When I go on a date, I pay."

As they passed into the bar's dim interior Chase said, "Are we on a date?"

"An impromptu one."

"Oh, goody. I've always been good at improvising." The bars were usually deserted before five o'clock, but the parade crowd was in a festive mood, and The Clover was bustling. "Drat," said Chase. "We're going to have to sit at the bar."

"Oh, probably not. Just a second." He went over to a booth in the corner, leaving Chase at the bar. The booth was occuied by two couples. His voice low, he said, "Beg pardon, gentlemen. Would you consider giving up your booth?" The men started to protest. Shielding his actions with his body, William opened his wallet and extracted two twenty dollar bills and wiggled them. "For compensation?" The men exchanged looks amongst themselves, then took the money, took their drinks, and departed, with well wishes. William beckoned Chase over and indicated the booth. "After you."

Chase sat down, then scooted quickly over to the wall when William slid in beside him. The waitress came over, and William said, "I believe you mentioned something about Mai Tais?" He held up his hand in a 'peace' gesture. "Two, please." He eyed Chase, who'd leaned his head back against the cushion and was smiling at him. "Just bring another round when you notice us getting low."

They started talking again. The waitress brought their drinks, and about twenty minutes later she brought another round... and another brace fifteen minutes after that. Then she told the bartender to cut the alcohol in half, and they'd give the couple a discount. They didn't seem inclined to stop drinking, and the bar didn't want to risk any lawsuits, but they didn't want to alienate the customers, either.

By two o'clock both men were pretty buzzed. They were sitting as close together as they could get without Chase climbing on William's lap--and he'd have probably done that if there had been room in the booth. Finally Chase tapped William's nose and said, "I've got to go soon. Mona will be worried if I don't check in."

"Mona would be?"

"My best friend, and roommate, and a very protective lady she is. If I don't want the police and possibly the National Guard hunting for me, I have to let her know I'm all right. But first I need to visit the little boy's room before I burst. Now, let me out, or I'll have to climb over you, and my foot might accidentally land somewhere very uncomfortable."

William stood up, letting Chase exit the booth. "This little boys' room--does it allow men in, too?"

Chase giggled. "It had better, or it would have some very frustrated customers."

William followed Chase back to the empty men's room. It had two urinals, three stalls, and a couple of sinks, with mirrors above. It was your standard public restroom, if cleaner than most. The floor looked clean, the waste cans were not overflowing, and even the mirrors were bright and polished. Chase paused for a moment, admiring himself in the glass. William came up behind him, leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "No need to check--you look gorgeous."

Chase smiled. "Thank you, kind sir. You know, the world has lost it's appreciation for sissy boys. These days it seems that people only want the extremes--butch or drag."

"Not me." William put his hands on Chase's waist, squeezing. "I like you just the way you are."

Chase put his hands over William's for a moment, then stepped away. "Vice-versa, Will. Excuse me, but I'm far too old to be wetting my pants." He stepped up to one of the urinals, unzipped, lifted out his cock, and started to pee briskly.

"Damn. The sound of tinkling water can really trigger the urge," said William. He moved up to stand beside Chase and repeated the other man's actions. Then both men gave each other frank, assessing looks. Both liked what they saw. Chase was happy to see that William was circusized--in his opinion the foreskin just got in the way. William was pleasantly surprised by the size of Chase's package--not that he intended to have it inside himself any time in the near future, but it could be considered a bonus. It was like tits on a woman--his father had always said that more than a handful was a waste, and William supposed that his personal opinion on cocks was the same--though he might say that more than a mouthful was a waste.

They finished peeing at almost the same time. Chase started to put himself away, saying, "I've had a lovely time..."

"Wait till I give you a reason to say that." William took hold of Chase's shoulders, turned him, and walked him backward.

Chase, surprised, moved as he was steered. His butt bumped the swinging door to one of the stalls, and he soon found himself almost straddling the toilet, with William shutting and bolting the door behind himself. "William, what on earth--?"

"Hush." William turned Chase again, putting his back against one of the side walls, and fixed him there with a full body press. At the same time his hand moved down between their bodies, and closed over Chase's prick. "You're not going to tell me you've never done this before?"

Chase shivered in pleasure as William's hand moved lazily. "I'm not going to tell you that."

"And you're not going to tell me that you haven't been inviting me to do something like this all afternoon."

*He isn't asking a question,* Chase thought, feeling his interest quicken, *He's telling me.* "Not in so many words, but..."

"But you have." William squeezed more firmly. "With your eyes, and your tone, and the way you touch me every chance you get. You want it, don't you, Chase? Tell me."

"Of course I want it, you beast." William laughed. "I'm just a little surprised. I expected you to ask me back to your place."

"Would you have gone?"

"Heavens no. Do I look that naive?"

"No. That's why I didn't ask. You're too smart to go somewhere secluded with a man you've just met. But..." He leaned down and nipped Chase's earlobe, "I figured that this would be inside your safety zone."

Chase reached around and grabbed a double handful of taut, rounded ass. "Are you safe?"

"Not entirely."

"Good. How do you feel about frottage?"

In answer William reached down, bending his knees slightly, and adjusting. When he pressed back against Chase this time, Chase felt the warm, silky brush of William's erection sliding against his own. William started to thrust against him gently. "Like this?"

"Ooo," Chase crooned, eyes half closing. "Yes, exactly like that." He wrapped his arms around William's neck and gave him an open mouthed, juicy kiss.

*What the fuck did I do in a previous life to be this lucky?* William thought. *I must've saved a busload of nuns and orphans from going over a cliff, or something equally noble. Damn, he's sweet.* He could feel Chase scratching lightly at his denim clad ass, as if encouraging him to hump more strongly, so he obliged. *And fiesty, too. What a combination. I wonder if he's into B and D? That would make him almost too perfect to be real. I'd have to think that I haven't woken up, and I'm just dreaming all this.* Chase stretched up and bit him on the neck, then began to suck a hickey no him. *Guess not, thank God. I'm going to make just a few mild gestures, and see how he reacts.*

William took hold of Chase's wrists, moved them up to shoulder height, and pinned them firmly against the cool metal of the wall. Chase looked up at him questioningly, and William met his gaze, waiting to see if the boy would struggle. He'd let go immediately if he did. But Chase just smiled slowly, relaxing even more, and whispered, "Oh, help. Oh, help, help. Save me, somebody."

"Mwha ha ha. Got you trapped, me proud beauty." This time William kissed Chase, increasing the vehemence of his thrusts as he slipped his tongue into the boy's mouth and made a thorough, aggressive exploration. Chase was beginning to get a little breathless. William let go of Chase's wrists, resting his forearms on the wall, pressing his face against Chase's smooth cheek. "You're such a sweetheart," he whispered. "How sweet can you be, Chase?"

"What do you want?" Chase breathed. "Tell me."

"I want you on your knees, sucking my cock."

Chase pulled his head back. "In white pants?" William started to gape, and Chase slapped him on the shoulder. "If we're going to spend any time at all together, you're going to have to learn when I'm joking. And if I'm going to give you head, we're going to have to adjust our positions."

"No sooner said..." They shifted around. Soon William was seated on the very edge of the toilet with Chase on his knees before him. Even as short as Chase was, his feet still stuck out from under the door in front. Chase, hands on William's knees, muttered, "You're just lucky that the cleaning staff is so conscientious here, and it's early in the day. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten my face this close to a toilet no matter how hot you are. I want more room."

He unbuckled William's belt, opening his snap and pushing the fly open to allow himself better access. He gripped William's erection, then paused, stroking his fingers over the studs on the belt. "I do love this."

*Time for another experiment.* William stroked his wrist against Chase's cheek, caressing the boy with the leather of his cuffs. Chase purred, leaning into the caress. *Likes leather--another plus.* Chase bent his head and licked William's glans, then fitted his mouth over his cockhead like he had with the ice cream, sucking. "Son of a bitch," said William softly.

Chase let the cock slip out of his mouth long enough to say, "Don't talk about my mother like that, thank you," then went back to his task, this time taking William's prick halfway down his throat.

William let Chase do as he liked for a couple of minutes, then decided on one last test. He put his hands in the boy's soft, shiny hair, held his head, and began to thrust up, gently and carefully. Chase gripped William's thighs for balance and accepted the more aggressive moves with every evidence of enjoyment. After a minute William climaxed, and Chase didn't try to pull off and avoid his come. He swallowed happily, then let the softening flesh slide out of his mouth. He licked it again, then dropped a kiss on the head, saying breathlessly, "That was fun."

"You're talking like it's over."

Chase looked up at him in surprise. "You're good, but you can't possibly get it up again so quickly."

"No, I can't, but I can do this." William stood, hooked Chase under the arms, and pulled him to his feet. Then he turned, pushed the boy down on the toilet, and knelt before him.

"Really?" Chase said, a little bewildered. "I didn't think you'd..."

"Fair is fair. You give me a good time, I give you good head."

chase smiled. "Full of yourself?"

"Bout to be full of you, chicken." He was opening Chase's pants completely, as Chase had done for him. "Put your hands on my shoulders and keep them there, boy," he ordered. "I don't need to be guided."

"Oh, and I do? Well..."

"Shut up." William took hold of Chase's balls and squeezed gently, rolling them, then bent down and sucked softly at each lightly furred sack.

Chase's palms slapped almost convulsively against the side walls, then he quickly put his hands on William's shoulders as directed. "Yes, sir." William swallowed Chase's rigid cock, then started to bob up and down. Chase's toes curled, then he started to press up on his tip-toes. William grabbed his hips, holding the smaller man down firmly. "Will, I need to..."

William pulled off him and lifted blazing eyes to his face. His mouth was slick and shiny as he growled. "Sit still!" Chase froze, round-eyed. William's tone softened. "I'm going to make you feel good, pretty boy. Just relax."

Chase did, leaning back against the cool porcelain of the tank, and William went back to devouring him. Soon the blond boy's fingers were flexing on William's shoulders like a cat kneading a pillow. He was whispering, "Oh god, oh god, oh god... Pleasepleaseplease." William worked his hand under and back behind Chase's balls. One finger found the boy's puckered anus and pressed firmly. His finger had been slicked with precome from when they were standing, and it slid in shallowly. Chase cried out, hips bucking as he came in William's mouth. William didn't lose his hold, and pushed harder, sliding his finger deep, deeper... Chase was babbling and whimpering as he stroked it in and out a few times.

Finally William could feel that Chase was finished. He let the softening cock escape, then leaned forward and bit softly at the pale, smooth abdomen that was just barely visible between the boy's pubic hair and the hem of his shirt.

Right about then came the sound of applause from the next stall.

Chase let his head thump back, muttering, "Oh, dear lord. We're going to be arrested."

"Not by me," came a voice. "But I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me when and where you're giving your next show. I'll bring a date."

Chase and William had both stood up and were quickly refastening their clothes. William reached over and rubbed the back of Chase's neck, saying softly, "I'd also like to know when we're getting together again."

Chase gave him an angelic smile. "Oh, not for another day or two. After all--I don't want you to think I'm easy."

The End