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miscellany n 1: a collection containing a variety of sorts of things.

Chapter Thirteen
Unexpected Interest

Blair was talking with Giles, discussing certain myths and legends that Blair was now learning were more along the lines of history. Jim had been surrounded by Buffy, Tara, and Willow, who were questioning him about his Sentinel senses. For once Buffy was interested in Jim more for his abilities than his bod. Xander and Oz, deciding that they'd had enough of responsible conversation, were debating the similarities and differences of grunge vs. garage band rock.

Spike leaned against the wall by Angel. "Well, you're a bit of a surprise. Decided to take a holiday?"

Angel regarded him with a neutral expression. "Things were a little slow in Los Angeles, too, so I decided to come back and touch bases."

"Yeah? But I thought that your business there was a sort of spontaneous thing. You know, Cordy clutches her head, flash flash, and yer off."

"She had an intimation that there wasn't going to be any activity for a few days."

Spike frowned. "She can do that? I mean, get visions that nothing is going to happen, as well as when something is going to happen?"

"Apparently so."

Spike shook his head. "That's a bitch."

"Isn't it? So, how's your love life, Spike? Last I heard you were interested in my ex." Angel tipped his head toward Buffy.

Spike winced, "I think that was a side effect of the bleedin' chip. I've recovered now. As for love," he shrugged. "Sex life is pretty good, though."

"Really? Do tell." Spike eyed Angel suspiciously. He hadn't tried to pry into his private life for a long time. Not since... "C'mon, you aren't afraid I'll try to beat your time, are you? Since you've pretty much settled here, I'm thinking that you've gotten yourself a more-or-less steady. After Dru, I think you'd shy away from another vamp, at least for a century or so, and it would most likely be someone you knew. It's not Buffy, Giles isn't into vamps, the witches strike me as a very monogamous couple, so that leaves..." He looked at Oz and Xander, then back at Spike, "Brunette, or redhead?"

"Nosy git, aren't you?"

"If I remember correctly, Harris has a bit of a prejudice where the cold blooded are concerned." He pointed at Spike. "You're getting some fuzzy nooky, aren't you?"

"Christ, crude much, Angel?"

Angel raised his hands, palms out, "Hey, I'm happy for you. Is Harris still hooked up with that ex-vengeance demon?"

"Anya buggered off some time ago. She's most likely shagging some poor unsuspecting sod to death." He shook his head. "The woman hasn't figured out that if she insists on keeping a man's balls in her pocket, he isn't likely to stay potent for long."

"So, Harris is stag again. The boy has really lousy luck with women." Angel studied the teenager. Xander happened to glance away from Oz for a moment, and caught Angel's look. He flushed a little and quickly looked back at his friend. "Wonder if he's ready to try something different to change his luck?"

Spike chuckled darkly. "You're late there, mate. Ozzy helped him get over that prejudice awhile back, and I think he's more than a little friendly with the new members of our happy little band."

"Really? Ah, well. There's something to be said for experience, I suppose." His eyes narrowed. *And I have a feeling that there still isn't all that much mileage on his butt.*

"So," Oz was saying, "what do you call them?"

"Hm?" Xander blinked at him.

Oz rolled his eyes. "Pay attention, man. What do you call an 'alternative band' when they've become successful? I mean, the whole thing about being 'alternative' is that they're not mainstream, right? They aren't top 40, they play grungy clubs, the fans can feel superior because they know about them, and the great unwashed masses do not. What do you call the alternative band that suddenly is being written up in People Magazine?"

Xander blinked again. "Rich bastards?" Oz rubbed his eyes. "C'mon, Oz--you know my salary. I bust my hump for that. I'm not going to feel too broken up over some guy who's experiencing angst because he's no longer an obscure pauper. I mean, big checks, magazine covers, and screaming, damp-pantied groupies don't seem like all that big a burden to me."

"Bitter much, Xander?"

Xander sighed. "Sorry. I'm feeling a little distracted here."

"Wow, I never would have known. What's up?"

Xander lowered his voice. "You don't find it odd that Mister Broody has just showed up out of the clear blue sky?" He frowned. "Okay--vampire, no clear blue. Midnight blue?"

"Sure, it's a little odd. But Xander--hello? Hellmouth? On the oddness scale, it's barely a blip. I know you have issues with the guy, but aren't you over reacting a bit?"

Xander patted Oz's shoulder. "We can't all do the laid back thing like you, Oz. Some of us are just nature's worriers. Without us, where would the insurance industry be, right?"

The group started to break up a little later. Buffy, Tara, and Willow left together. Oz, Spike, and Angel left together for The Bronze. Spike had a supply of blood there, the bags kept in the vegetable crisper of one of the refrigerators. The drawers were clearly marked TOUCH AT RISK OF LOSING YOUR FAVORITE ORGAN--INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL.

That left Jim, Blair, Giles, and Xander. Giles offered a choice of tea, soda, or brandy, and expressed very little surprise when brandy was chosen all around. As he handed Blair his glass he said, "I thought this would be the most popular option, but since this is America I felt obligated to include the carbonated beverage, and since I'm English, the tea is required."

"Hey, I'm a big tea fan, but after what I've learned tonight, I can do with a little fortification," Blair assured him, sipping the amber liquid.

"I'm gonna have to apply for a government grant to fund a study on the rate of alcoholism here in Sunnydale," muttered Xander. "Betcha we could give Skid Row a run for their money."

"I don't think I'd be surprised," Jim replied. "Considering what you have going on here, there have to be a lot of people looking to alter their perception of this particular reality, rather than deal with it."

"Speaking of reality," said Xander, slumping back on the sofa between Jim and Blair, "you guys need to start taking extra precautions, now that you're officially part of the Scoobies."

Jim grimaced. "Scoobies?"

Blair chuckled. "Well, I guess I'm Shaggy, but you're not blonde enough to be Fred, Jim. You don't have enough hair to be Daphne, so I guess that leaves you as Velma." Jim tried to smack him across Xander's body, but Blair had a lot of experience in dodging. "Hey, it could fit. I mean, you're always coming up with some plan, you're bossy..."

"While Velma wasn't the most dainty of women, she still wasn't nearly masculine enough for you to associate her with Jim." Everyone looked at Giles, who cleared his throat.

Xander said, "G Man?"

"It was late, I couldn't sleep, and there was a marathon on the Cartoon Network, Xander. Let's say no more about it. But Xander is correct. The nastier supernatural elements often seem able to focus in on our group, and you need to be prepared. Before you leave, I'll provide you with some of the basic materials needed to set up wards, and Xander can help you perform the spells when you return to your residence."

"And guys? Be real, real careful about who you ask into your apartment, 'kay?" said Xander. His voice was unusually sober, catching Jim and Blair's attention. "Yeah, I'm being serious here. Vampires can't enter without an express invitation."

"But Angel just sort of showed up at the library," observed Jim. "I know you seemed sort of startled."

"It wouldn't apply at the library," Giles explained. "That's a public building. The same would apply to such places as hotels or," he frowned, "um, homeless shelters, that sort of thing. The place has to be a private residence for the stricture to apply."

"What about, say, a frat house?" Blair asked.

Giles and Xander exchanged looks. "You know," said Giles, "I'm not sure. We haven't tested that one yet."

Xander nodded. "That's a boogery proposition. The common rooms are public, the bedrooms are private. I mean, they're residences, considering the length of time the frat rats stay there. But ya know, it might be open to individual interpretation. You know--for some of them it's just a crash pad, others make it into a home, and why the hell are we discussing this?" He waggled his glass. "Refill?"

Jim took away the glass, handing it to Giles. "Don't think so."

"What are you--my father? If that's what you're aiming for, I have to tell you that Dad is a raging lush, and would see my getting plastered as a step in the right direction."

"I want to meet your father some day." Jim's tone was a little grim. "No, I'm not your father, but I AM you're friend. You just got through telling me how we need to be more cautious and aware of what's going on around us. So, no inviting vamps in."

"Except Spike," Xander corrected him. "Though believe me, you could probably do better in the company department."

"Why not Spike?" asked Blair, curious.

"He's chipped."

Blair bit his lip. "Granted I haven't had a look at the full package yet, Xander, but I haven't noticed any..."

Xander waved his hand. "Not like..." He made a motion of using a hammer and chisel, then tapped the back of his head. "As in micro chipped. Pulled his fangs as far as mortals are concerned."

Blair raised his eyebrows. "How?"

Xander shrugged, saying, "Super secret government sponsored screwing around--ordinary stuff. It was an experiment to see if they could sort of tame down vamps to be used for various," he saluted, "patriotic purposes, but it crapped out. Branch closed. Spike is a one off. Actually, what they accomplished is pretty impressive, when you consider his history. Remind me to tell you sometime when your stomachs are particularly steady."

"It's that bad?" asked Jim.

"His nickname was William the Bloody."

Blair winced, remembering how vulnerable he'd allowed himself to be with the blonde vampire. "Can I hope that the 'bloody' is used in the sense of the Cockney vernacular, and just means he's an asshole?"

"He's that, too, but no--it means what bloody usually means. I hear he was pretty mild before he turned, but those demons..." He shook his head. "I get the feeling that they're all hanging around hell for centuries, waiting their turn to take over a mortal, and they spend the time thinking up fun and gruesome things to do. Spike's demon must've had a lot of time on his hands. But nothing compared to Angelus." There was a moment of silence, while Jim and Blair looked at him expectantly. "Oh, right--Angelus. Giles, you take this one, huh? Talking about him leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

Giles settled in a nearby chair, sighing. "Angelus is Angel's demon. Angelus sired Spike, and believe me--Spike tried hard, but couldn't quite fill Daddy's footprints. Angelus was the Scourge of Europe. His violence, cruelty, and slaughter is legendary. The only reason he doesn't quite rival Vlad Tepes Draculea, the Impaler, is that he couldn't amass as many minions as Dracula had subjects. Angelus isn't just known among vampires and Watchers, or other cognizati. You can find references to him in mainstream historical accounts. Of course they didn't know what he was. They thought he was a human monster."

Jim had tensed slightly. "I knew I got strange vibes..." He hesitated. "Well, even stranger than usual for here... off him. Giles, you let him in?"

Giles rubbed his mouth. "It's complicated, Jim." He explained about the curse, the ensoulment, Angel's search for redemption. Then he had to relate the entire saga of Buffy and Angel. Jim's attitude toward the seemingly-flighty blonde softened a little. She'd been through a lot of pain and stress in her short life. He glanced at a (for once) quiet Sandburg, and tried to imagine having to kill his love to save the world. He decided that he didn't want to think about that.

" he's been operating out of Los Angeles for the last year or so," Giles continued. "He has his own small cadre there--Cordelia, Wesley, Fred, Gunn, and a very nice demonic chap named Lorne." Giles shook his head. "He has the most extraordinary taste in apparel, but he's invaluable when it comes to reading auras."

"And he's here because they're having a slow period?" said Blair. "Call me crazy, but I have the feeling that, while Los Angeles couldn't rival Sunnydale, it still qualifies as a weirdness magnet that should give a demon fighter plenty of action."

Giles frowned. "Yes--I'd think that, too. Perhaps I ought to call Cordelia tomorrow." Xander made a small noise, and Giles said, "I thought you'd come to terms with your relationship with her, Xander."

"Well, if you mean she gave me my balls back before she split, yeah, I guess that qualifies."

"I believe she's changed. You can't deal with the responsibilities she does without changing, Xander."

"Yes, of course, right, how shallow of me. Sorry, Giles. It's just that when I picture Cordie having to decide between saving the world and taking a screen test, it's hard to imagine her not having to think real hard."

*From the sound of his previous relationships,* Blair thought, *discovering he was bi must've been more relief than angst.*

Xander was fidgetting. "I really want another drink."

Jim considered. He considered how intimate both he and Blair had become to Xander. He considered how intimate Blair had become with Giles. He considered the fact that everyone in the room was aware of everyone else's sexuality, and no one seemed to have any problems with it. He gripped the back of Xander's head, turning the surprised boy to face him, leaned over, and kissed him firmly. When he pulled back, he said, "Does that work as a nerve soother, instead of a drink?"

Xander nodded. "Tastes better, too. You know, you were right about not letting me drink any more, because I just realized that I'm drunk enough to let a guy kiss me in front of Giles, and not spaz out." He cocked his head at Giles. "And I'm curious as to why you aren't spazzing, Giles. I mean, I know that with you it would be a restrained and dignified spaz, but you are capable of them, and I'm not seeing it right now."

Giles removed his glasses and polished them. "It's happening, Xander--it's just internal. At this very moment I am mentally blithering like an idiot. I knew about Oz--the wolf is quite open about his needs, but I hadn't thought... I mean... Willow, Buffy, Cordelia, your science teacher, the mummy..." Jim and Blair exchanged looks, then shrugged. It was going to take a long time for them to catch up on the history of their new friends. "...then Anya."

"Notice anything similar about those entanglements and near misses?" Xander drawled.

"Um... Disaster?"

"Bingo." Xander snuggled against Blair, who put an arm around his shoulders. "Having a lot better luck on the other side of the street lately. Lot more fun, too." He watched Giles with half-closed eyes. "G Man, I know about Miss Calander, and I know that was real for you. But I always got the feeling that you and Ethan Rayne had something more than mutual demon summoning going on."

Giles was quiet for a moment, the laid his glasses aside on a small table. "Yes. It was during my rebellion, when I was doing everything that I knew would enrage the Council. It was supposed to be part of that defiance, but it turned into something more." He shrugged. "I set out to discover my true self, and I did--and I'm comfortable with it." He smiled faintly. "You've been a sore trial to me, Xander Harris." Xander made his eyes wide, spreading a hand on his chest in a 'who, me?' gesture. "Yes, you have. Though you'll always be just a bit of a geek, you are also what is most appropriately termed a 'hottie'."

Xander's mouth dropped open, eyes wide, and Jim smiled. "Congratulation, Giles--you've struck him speechless. I have a feeling that's as great a feat as managing the same with Sandburg."

Xander was smiling slowly. "Giles? You've had the hots for me? I never noticed anything."

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose. "When I met you, you were seventeen. There was a point in my life when I wouldn't have viewed that as a problem, but that time is long past." He smiled back at the boy. "I will confess that you featured rather prominently in a few very pleasant daydreams. Um, and... night fantasies."

Xander's gaze was direct. "Do I still?"

A slight flush rose in Giles cheeks, but he said quietly, "It's never stopped. Watching you with Anya was quite a trial sometimes." He looked at Jim and Blair. "Anya is a former vengeance demon. She's a great believer in sex in it's many and varied forms, and is more forthcoming about her carnal activities than, say, Xavierra Hollander." He looked at Xander. "Have you any idea of the number of times I had to walk away from her when she wanted to discuss your previous night's activities? I wasn't quick enough once, and she detected my erection. She suggested a threesome." Xander's jaw dropped another quarter of an inch. "She just assumed that I was becoming aroused thinking about her, and I was quite happy to allow her to continue with the misconception. She never mentioned this to you?" Xander shook his head. "Well, there is a God."

Xander's expression was interested. "So Rupert, are you saying that threesomes, or moresomes, don't interest you?" As he spoke, he settled a hand on the thigh of the men who bracketted him.

Again there was a pause, while Giles studied the other three men. Blair and Jim looked back calmly. They could see where Xander was going, and neither one had any objections. The pair found both Xander and Giles attractive, and, more importantly, they liked them. This had the possibility of a spectacular menage, but they were only interested in partners who were not only willing, but enthusiastic.

Finally Giles spoke. "No, I'm not saying that. I'm open to, shall we say, group activities--at a future date." Jim and Blair relaxed. The door was open, but they wouldn't be walking through it tonight. "I'm saying that you were in love with Anya, you were obviously monogamous, and I have never considered myself a, er, home wrecker."

"Well," Xander got up and made the few steps to Giles' chair, standing before him. "The wrecking ball came down on that little house of cards a long time ago, and I'm not seventeen anymore." He moved closer, till his knee bumped Giles' thigh. He smiled down at the older man. "My apartment is seeming an awful long way off, Giles. Can I spend the night?"

Giles looked up at him, studying his face. "You'd have to sleep in my room. I'm afraid the guest bedroom isn't made up."

Xander's smile was slow, sensual, and humorous. "Giles, we're friends." He leaned down and kissed the older man, tongue flicking out to dab at his lips. Giles' mouth opened swiftly, and there was a moment of moist, flickering activity. When Xander stood back up, it didn't take Jim's Sentinel senses to notice that the Englishman's rate of breathing had speeded up. Xander murmured, "No need to fix up the guest bed. I wouldn't dream of making you go through all the bother."

Chapter TwelveMiscellany, Chapter Fourteen
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