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miscellany n 1: a collection containing a variety of sorts of things.

Chapter Five
Dinner With the Neighbors

*bam bam*

"Crap. What the hell is that?"

"How should I know? You're the Sentinel."

"Aren't you gonna answer it?"

"Jim, I'm up to my wrists in biscuit dough right now."

*bam bam bam*

"Look, all I have on is a towel. Can't you wipe off and..."


"Shit!" Jim stalked to the door and jerked it open. "What?"

Xander took a step back, jaw dropping. *Son of a bitch!* He blinked rapidly, desperately trying to keep his eyes from crawling all over that big, hard body. The smooth skin was still slightly damp and pinkish from the heat of the shower he had obviously just left. *Shit, I fell into a gay porno mag letters-to-the-editor fantasy.* "Damn, leave the head, man, leave the head!"

The boy looked so cute when he was startled that Jim automatically cooled down, and the sudden, musky whiff of pheromones didn't hurt, either. "Xander, what the hell? Were you kicking the door? That isn't a real intelligent thing to do at a cop's apartment."

"So I gather." He held up his hands. He was clutching two six packs of Dos Equis beer, the bottles beaded with condensation. "My hands were full."

Jim stood aside so he could come in. "You could have put one down and knocked."

"Let beer out of my hands for even a moment in this neighborhood? Don't think so. I'll put it away, okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Blair is in the kitchen. I'll go get dressed."

"No need to bother on my account." *Oh, crap, I said that out loud. Better cover.* "I mean, you didn't say this was formal dress, right? I walk around nude sometimes at home." *Shit, I did it again!*

Jim was smiling at him. "Blair won't let me in the kitchen naked." The smile broadened. "Well, except on special occasions."

Xander treated himself to a good, long stare at Ellison's terry-cloth covered butt as he went into the bedroom. *The bedroom that he shares with his very sexy lover,* Xander reminded himself regretfully.

He went into the kitchen to find Blair vigorously kneading a ball of dough. "Hi, Xander. You're a little early," He eyed the beer. "But we're very forgiving. Why don't you get one of those for yourself and me and stash the rest?"

Xander extracted two bottles and put the rest of them in the refrigerator. "Tell me, does he always answer the door like that? I nearly had a heart attack." He winced as Blair grinned. "If I knew my feet were going to spend so much time in my mouth I'd have bought chocolate coated Nikes."

Blair laughed. "Don't sweat it. I'd think your hormones were out of whack if Jim didn't affect you that way. Look, I can't drink that with my hands gooped up. Be a good guy and open it and give me a sip."

Xander cracked the bottle open. Blair paused in his work, leaning toward him expectantly, and Xander tipped the bottle to his lips. "Thanks. While you're at it, pour some in that pot on the stove, will ya? About half a bottle."

"From this one?"

"I don't have cooties, but you don't have to."

"From mine?" Xander was patently reluctant.

Blair snickered. "Open another and use it. We'll let Jim have that one."

"And get him pissed at me?"

"I told you: we're forgiving sorts. Go on. Believe me, it would take more than half a beer to get Jim pissed at you." Xander got a third bottle of beer and poured half of the pale gold liquid into the pot. "That's great." Blair picked up a rolling pin and began to stretch and smooth the dough. "Give it a good stir."

Xander took a wooden spoon off the counter and stirred the reddish-brown concoction. "Chili, huh?" Xander took a deep sniff, then jerked back from it.

"Hey, it can't be that bad!" Blair protested. "Jim would have bitched by now. He notices that sort of thing."

"It isn't. I had to move back so I wouldn't drip drool in the pot. It smells terrific. Home made?" Blair nodded. "Shit, and you're baking, too? Damn. If I'd asked you over, it would have been delivery pizza."

"Which we would have loved, especially Jim. I'm trying to civilize him a little."


"Gradually, Xander, gradually. You can't just throw a man into kelp shakes all at once."

"You can't even ease him into it." Jim came into the kitchen, pulling his T-shirt down the rest of the way over a ridged belly. Jim looked at Xander. "He's been trying for years. I love him, but there are some sacrifices I refuse to make."

Blair was stamping out biscuits with a circular cutter and dropping them on a baking sheet. "I'm going to catch you in a weak moment some day."

"If I won't agree to drink one of those potions just before or just after you blow me..." Xander sprayed a mouthful of beer, luckily managing to turn his head so it ended up in the sink. "what makes you think I ever will? You okay, Harris?"

Xander coughed. "Yeah. Actually, beer makes a very effective nasal wash. Refreshing."

Jim picked up the bottle on the counter, examined it, and held it up in front of Blair's face. "You sacrificed for the good of the communal pot, Jim. There are plenty more, so don't start." He picked up the sheet. "Move, Xander. Once I get these in it'll only be about fifteen minutes before they're are done. That gives you time to set the table." Xander moved out of the way and Blair slid the sheet into the oven.

"Me? I pretty much can tell one end of a fork from the other. Usually. But that's about it." Xander was idly flipping a bottlecap in his palm. He missed, and it hit the floor. "Crap."

"Jim will be happy to teach you."

Jim, who had been drinking, lowered the bottle and gave his lover a doubtful look. "I will?"

Blair rolled his eyes, going to the sink and starting the water. Reaching for the soap he said, "Jim, don't you want to teach Xander?"

Xander was bending over to retrieve the cap and his jeans pulled taut across a round, but muscular, ass. It was rather surprising that he didn't feel the weight of Jim's gaze. Jim murmured, "O-o-h, yeah." As the boy stood back up, cap in hand, Jim put his bottle aside, opened the cabinet behind him, and started unloading bowls, plates, and glasses. "C'mon, kiddo. Finish your beer and help me carry these into the dining room."

Xander allowed his arms to be loaded, then Jim got the silver out of the drawer and led him out of the kitchen. Blair smiled as he washed his hands. He sang softly to himself, "Jimmy's gonna get some. Jimmy's gonna get some."

Dinner was a pleasant affair. Xander raved about the chili, but the two bowls he ate were a greater testament than his compliments. "This is terrific, Blair."

"Well, it's Jim's recipe, really. I was going to go for quiche." Xander slanted a disbelieving glance at him. Blair tried to hold a serious face, but ended up chuckling. "No, I wasn't. Jim only allows that for brunch. If I served it for dinner, it would have to be as an appetizer, or something. Believe me, you don't want to frustrate him when he's hungry." He gave his lover a sly smile. "For anything."

Xander shifted in his chair. *Fuck. I'm going to have to go home soon and beat off again. These two breathe sex. It's so damn unfair. Maybe I ought to start a charity: 'Give some nooky to the needy.' I could be the poster boy.*

Jim nudged Blair's foot under the table. Blair said brightly, "So, Xander. Your girlfriend been gone long?"

Xander sighed. "Awhile."

"Miss her much?"

The boy scowled. "Uh... Anya had an... unusual personality. I was really into her while we were together, but it was kind of a relief when she left. I was just finding out that she wasn't really... my type."

"Kind of rough, living alone after you're used to having a steady partner, isn't it?"

Xander made a non-committal noise. *Doesn't help when guys like you flaunt your happy commitment. Brings my 'loser' factor way up.*

Jim took the last biscuit, buttering it lavishly. "You didn't have any other girlfriends while you were with Anya?"

Xander stared at him. "If Anya had learned I had been expending sexual energy on anyone but her... Let me just say that it wouldn't have been pretty."

"Did she have any other boyfriends?" Blair smiled at Xander angelically when his neighbor gaped at him.

"Um... couples don't usually get it on with other people when they live together." Xander said cautiously. "Do they?"

"Not unless they have an open relationship," Jim corrected. He licked a smear of butter off his thumb. "Like Blair and me."

Xander was very quiet for awhile, looking from Jim, to Blair, and back again. Finally he said, "You guys... uh... I mean, you both..."

"Screw around," Jim said calmly, starting to stack plates.

"A little crudely put, but basically accurate. Xander, you have to be through with that bowl. All that's left is the pattern in the bottom. Please don't make us have one with four flowers instead of five."

"Sorry." Xander handed over the bowl. They loaded the dishwasher, and Blair started it. "There. I'm glad I washed up as I went along. Doing the dishes is not my favorite after dinner recreation." They went into the living room. "Speaking of which," He got his jacket off a hook by the door. "I think I'll mosey over to The Bronze. Oz will be playing tonight, won't he, Xander?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. You don't mind if I take off, do you? Jim will entertain you."

"Oh. Um, sure. No problem."

"Fantastic." Blair gave Jim a quick kiss. "I'll be late, Tiger--if I'm lucky. See you later, Xand."

Jim jerked his head toward the living room. "We have cable."

"Sounds good." They settled on the sofa, and Jim took control of the remote, beginning to flip through channels. "I think, like, one or two will give you a listing for the channels."

"Yeah, there it is. Let's see what our choices are... Rush Hour?"

"Jackie Chan is good, but I've seen it."

"Die Hard?"

"Seen it six times."

"Hey, they have Dracula 2000."

Xander groaned, holding his head. "Oh, God, please, no."

"What's the matter? Don't like horror?"

"It's not so much a matter of not liking it. I've just had enough vampires to last me clear into the next millennium."

"Okay. How about Porky's?"

"I can recite the dialogue."

"Scratch Porky's. How about..."

"No, no! You misunderstand me. This is a good thing."

"All right. Porky's it is, and it's just starting." Jim flipped the remote onto the table and settled back. In a minute both he and Xander were chuckling. "Oh, Christ! I remember the first time I saw this! The audience howled at this first scene."

"You mean you saw this in a theater?"

"Yes, Xander. I am actually that old."

Quick sideways glance. "You're not so old." Pee Wee was getting the ruler, and Xander burst out laughing. "This always kills me! He's gonna measure!"

"Yeah. I don't know how he thinks he can be accurate unless someone helped him get that boner. I mean, could it really be his maximum effort?"

Xander found he was blushing a little. He wasn't sure why. He'd discussed more off color topics with other guys before. "Look at that! I think the little booger is including his balls in the measurement!"

"What a cheat! When Blair did mine he measured on the top, from base to tip."

Now Xander goggled at Jim. "He measured you?"

Jim scratched his head. When he lowered his arm, he draped it casually across the back of the couch, behind Xander. "When we first met, he was studying me as a subject for a paper he was writing. He had to get all kinds of physical data on me. Though I do think he might have been able to do without that particular measurement." Jim smiled nostalgically. "I'm glad he didn't, though."

They watched a little more of the movie, but Xander was too distracted to enjoy it. Jim could sense his growing agitation. His heart rate was up, he was radiating heat, and that lovely sex smell was getting stronger. Finally the boy said carelessly, "So, what was it?"

"What was what?" Jim said blandly.

"You know... the measurement. What was it?"

"You mean how big is my dick?"

The red on Xander's cheeks deepened, but he said. "Yeah."

Jim shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't watch him take the measurement. I was kind of... preoccupied. And I told him I didn't want to know."

"You didn't want to know?"

"Xander, I've never had any complaints. That's enough for me."

"I just thought you'd be curious. I mean, it's only natural..."

"Are you curious?"

"What? Me? Uh... No. No! I just wondered... I mean, I thought... I... Maybe I should go home now."

He started to stand up, but froze when Jim put a hand on his arm. That simple touch burned like a brand. "It's all right if you're curious. I don't mind."

Xander settled back, looking at him. "You don't?"

"No." Jim muted the sound on the televison, then turned toward Xander. "Are you curious?"

"Kinda. But what about Blair?"

"Blair is out Oz hunting, and won't be back for several hours. He knew damn good and well when he left what would probably happen, and he's not only okay with it, he's happy with it. He likes you, Xander. So do I, a lot. Can I show you how much?"

"I wish you would." Jim slid closer, his left arm hooking around Xander's neck. He took Xander's chin in his right hand, holding him still, and leaned in, laying a kiss squarely on his lips.

Xander melted immediately. Most of his sexual experience had been fairly traditional, with him making the first move. Well, with Anya and Faith, they had often been the aggressors, but this was different. They had still been women, and he knew that at some point he was going to be the one actually doing the deed, in charge, even if it was only by default, given the physical nature of the act. But right now it seemed that he'd been waiting his entire life for someone bigger and stronger to take charge. Jim felt the boy's mouth open under his own and, readily accepting the silent invitation, he slipped his tongue in. Xander stiffened slightly, as if surprised, but didn't try to pull away. Jim was glad because damn, the kid tasted sweet.

Jim started with conservative, shallow probes, mapping the textures of palate, gums, and teeth. When he was sure Xander wasn't going to pull away he let his right hand drop down to stroke the boy's throat, then move lower to spread over his chest.

Xander moaned as Jim sucked his tongue over into his own mouth and began to suckle it. He found himself clutching at the older man's shoulders as his cock began to pulse against the suddenly tight fabric of his jeans. *This is just kissing,* he thought dazedly. *He hasn't even touched a naughty bit yet, and I'm gettin' harder than an IRS agent's heart.*

Jim found the hem of Xander's T-shirt and slid his hand up under it. He stroked the boy's twitching belly, then moved up to his chest. As his fingers found Xander's left nipple, he released the boy's tongue and gently bit his bottom lip. Xander arched to his touch, gasping softly.

Jim rubbed and played with the little bit of flesh till it was hard, then gave it a final tweak and moved over to the other one. He grunted in pleased amusement to find it was already erect and straining. Burying his face against Xander's neck, inhaling deeply the sent of soap, musk, and beer he murmured, "You're still new to this, aren't you?"

"I'm a fast learner, never mind what my teachers said."

"I just need to know how far you've gone." He sucked a patch of skin on Xander's neck. "I don't want to freak you out with anything you're not ready for. Despite Blair's teasing, I can be patient."

"You're not my first. I'm not a virgin, or anything."

"Good enough. But I ought to warn you, I suppose. I usually top."

"Okay." By this time Xander was ready to agree to blindfolds, handcuffs, and ice cubes.

"So, have you ever been fucked?" He rubbed Xander's thighs, paying particular attention to the inner area, and Xander spread his legs, but was silent. "Xander?"

"Define 'fucked'."

"Having a cock up your ass, and I'm going to assume from that response that the answer is 'no'."

"Um... no. I've done other stuff, though."

"Would you like to be fucked?" Jim's hand moved.

Xander slumped. "Damn, man, it's kinda hard to say no when you're squeezing my dick like that."

"Sometimes you have to make the hard decisions under pressure, Harris. Do you want me to fuck you?"

Another squeeze. Xander swallowed hard, then said in a tiny voice, "Yes?"

Jim took his mouth again. This time he plunged deep, moving in and out, tongue fucking the teenager's mouth while he massaged the burgeoning lump under his palm. When he had Xander gasping for breath, and he felt a damp patch of pre-come soaking through the denim of his jeans, he relented a little. Pulling back he appraised his handiwork with satisfaction.

Xander sprawled bonelessly, panting. He looked stunned, his eyes slightly unfocussed and his mouth red and a little swollen. His shirt was rucked up under his armpits, exposing the sharp thrust of his aroused nipples, and his fly was taut over the clear shape of his erection. He looked like the beginning of a very good porno movie.

"You still want to know how big my cock is, Xander? I thought you might be interested, since you're going to be taking it, all of it, in a few minutes." Xander nodded wordlessly. Jim pulled his shirt over his head, saying, "Then come over here and find out."

Xander mimicked his actions, skinning off his own shirt, then reached tentatively for Jim. The older man was wearing sweat pants, and the soft material clung to his hard-on, outlining it. Xander hooked his fingers in the waistband and started to peel them down. Jim lifted his ass helpfully to let the boy slip the pants off. Xander made a surprised sound. "Do you always go without underwear?"

"Only when I'm anticipating something really nice, like you."

Xander blushed. "You mean you were planning on this before I came over? Shit." His voice was a little plaintive. "Am I that fucking obvious?"

Jim caressed his face, saying softly, "No, babe. Only to me, and I've got a special 'in' on such things. Maybe I'll tell you about it later. But I'd really like for you to suck me right now."

"That's doable." Xander began to run his hands lightly over Jim's sides, belly, and thighs, reaching around to stroke his back.

"The cock, Xander?"

"In a minute, man. There's just so damn much of you, do you mind if I kind of feel around first?"

"Not at all. Blair used to call it exploring uncharted territory, but he pretty well has me mapped out by now."

Xander touched and tested the texture of every square inch of skin he could reach, He scraped lightly with his nails, bringing pleased hisses from Jim, then smoothed the same spots with the pads of his fingers. Finally, when Jim thought he was going to contradict his claim of patience by throwing the boy on his back and mounting him, then and there, Xander drifted down to his crotch and started breathing hot puffs of air over his staff. Jim enjoyed it for a moment, then whispered, "Xander? Blow is a metaphoric term."

He was answered by a low chuckle and the electric feel of Xander's tongue curling over his weeping cock head. Xander lapped at him industriously, clearing away the clear, slippery fluid, only to have more bubble out. He eyed the fresh flow, made a 'hmph' sound, and took the head into his mouth, beginning to tongue it again. "Oh, that's nice," Jim breathed. Xander kissed the damp knob, smiled up at Jim, then swallowed half his length in one smooth swoop. "That's real nice!" Jim gasped. Xander might still have his anal cherry, but his mouth was damn talented.

Xander closed his eyes, relishing the hot mouthful of male flesh. He'd known, deep down, that this was right the first time he'd ever had a cock in his mouth. All the dithering and waffling had been self-delusion. With the feel of Ellison's glans bumping the back of his throat, he could admit that. He did as Oz had instructed him, letting his throat muscles relax, then pushed forward. This hadn't worked the few times he'd tried it with his friend, and Oz was built way smaller than Ellison, but Xander wanted this.

He got it. There was a little hitch, then he sank down till his nose was buried in crisp, dark pubic hair, and his chin rested on Jim's warm, lightly furred balls. He was pleased by the surprised whimper he heard from the older man. "God damn, Xander! I thought you said you didn't have much experience."

Xander pulled back, saying breathlessly, "I don't. I guess it's a gift."

"Well, shit, I'm putting it on my Christmas list. Even Blair can't deep throat me that easily." When Xander started to dip his head again, Jim caught him. "No more, Xand. Not right now. I'll shoot down your throat, and I don't want that right now."

"Why not?" Xander rather liked the idea.

Jim dragged him into another kiss, then growled. "I already told you. I'm fucking you tonight. I'm going to come in that tight ass of yours." He stood up, pulling Xander to his feet and led him to the bedroom. As he stripped the comforter and top sheet down he said, "Get the hell out of those pants unless you want them ruined."

"It's okay. If I come in them, it washes out in cold water."

"I meant unless you want me to rip them apart."

"Oh. Right." Xander pulled off his jeans and shorts, hanging them on a chair.

"Lie on the bed, on your side." Jim was opening a drawer in the night stand. Xander obeyed, watching as Jim removed a tube and a small foil packet from the drawer. Then he got on the bed and knelt behind Xander. "Bend your top leg and put your foot flat on the mattress."

"My master's voice," Xander said jokingly, but there was an odd timbre in his voice, and he did as Jim said.

Jim leaned over to embrace the boy, one hand sliding down to caress his rigid cock, and he whispered, "I don't always have to be in control, Xander, but tonight, I want it. Give it to me?"

Xander licked his lips, pushing farther into Ellison's grip. "Yeah, man. Whatever you say. Anything you want, I want." And he knew it was true.

"Do you trust me?"

That was the question. His life in Sunnydale had not made Xander a trusting person. When you're surrounded by people who may turn out at any moment to be some interdemensional demon, or your best friend sprouts a tail and fangs under the full moon, and even your parents... He didn't want to think about that. But there was Willow, and Buffy, and Giles. Yes, some people could be trusted. He got that same vibe from Ellison and Sandburg. "I trust you. Do what you like."

The warm, firm hand tightened around his dick. "Thank you, Xander. You won't regret it. I'm going to make it good for you." And Xander knew this meant that Jim was going to put Xander's pleasure before his own. What a concept!

Jim tore open the package and put on the condom. When Xander was ready, he wanted to be ready. He dribbled some of the lubricant on the straining, latex clad staff, then coated the fingers of his right hand. Using his left hand he spread the boy's buttocks even wider. The light that filtered in from the living room was dim, but it wasn't a problem with his Sentinel vision. He easily made out the little crinkle of skin that marked Xander's back passage.

Jim stroked over it, coating the crease also to prevent chaffing, then returned to the pucker and began rubbing around it in circles, working the flesh firmly. Xander made a huffing noise, and Jim said, "Steady. I'm not going to just shove in, Xander. I'm going to get you so relaxed that it's going to be a pleasure for you. Okay, I'm going to put the first finger in?"

"First?" Xander squeaked, as he felt something warm and solid sliding inside him.

"Sh." Jim held his hand still with one finger buried deep inside Xander's ass, and rubbed the small of his back with the other. "You're going to need at least two, maybe three, if I don't want to hurt you. He kept massaging till he felt the boy beginning to relax again. Then he carefully wiggled his finger.

"Oh, damn, that feels weird," Xander whispered. Then he said hastily, "Don't stop! Weird, but good weird." Jim pushed deeper, then pulled out and pushed again. Xander moaned. "Shit. I'm being finger fucked."

"Do you like it?"

"I'm wondering why Cordy didn't enjoy it more," Jim peeked over at him. "Ex-girlfriend, in Los Angeles, long story. Please do that some more."

Jim pulled out, then pressed two fingers into the slightly loosened hole, wringing another groan from the boy. "Yeah, well..." Jim felt carefully along the slick, tight walls, "Cordy doesn't have..." He found the tiny bump, and gave it a firm rub. Xander yelped, and would have jerked free if Jim hadn't held him with a hand on his hip. "a prostate."

"Do that again!" Xander panted. Jim did, and Xander made a thin, keening wail, his hips jerking. "I think it's kind of like scratching that certain spot on a dog's chest: he can't help but move his legs," Jim remarked. He massaged Xander's prostate again, holding the boy tightly so that his probing fingers didn't lose contact when Xander tried to pump thin air.

"Fuck me!" Xander demanded.

Jim added a third finger, moving the bunched digits more quickly and strongly. "What happened to please?"

Xander tossed a wild look over his shoulder, "Will you fucking please stick your dick in my asshole and fuck my brains out?"

"You have an elegant turn of phrase, Xander." Jim lay down behind the boy, spooning up close. He grabbed Xander's top leg, lifting it up and back so he could move into the space, and fitted his dick against the slick, open hole. "Take a breath."

Xander inhaled deeply, and Jim slid into him, slowly and smoothly. Xander let it out with a little *woof*, sounding surprised. "You're inside me."

"I sure am." Jim embraced him, reaching around the front to pinch and rub the tips of his nipples. This brought a shudder that rippled deliciously through Xander's whole body, vibrating along the buried length of Jim's staff. "And you feel great, babe. So hot." He pulled back just an inch, then pushed back in sharply as Xander yipped, "So tight. Do you need me to stay still a little while so you can get used to it?"

Xander reached back, scrabbling for a grip on his ass. "Hell no! I've been waiting for this nineteen years, don't stop now!"

Jim laughed. "God, I love the enthusiasm of youth!" He started to pump into Xander.

Xander couldn't keep a grip on Jim's buttock, so he reached down and grabbed his own cock instead. *O-h-h, good substitute.* He started to masturbate, trying to match his strokes to the plunge of Jim's dick in and out of his ass. "Oh, shit. No wonder Oz likes this so much."

"He does, huh?" Jim grunted, speeding up his thrusts. "Blair will be happy to find that out. I'm afraid I don't let him top quite as much as he'd prefer. Let me try this, Xander."

"Try what?" But as he spoke Jim had eased onto his back. He dragged Xander over on top of him, staying firmly anchored inside the clasp of his body, and began to thrust upward. Xander jerked and made more interesting noises as Jim's cock stabbed over his prostate with each stroke. "Thought you'd like that."

"Like? Like?" Xander started to grind down on Jim's impaling rod. "Fuck like! I like Doritos, This I fucking love!"

He pulled Jim's arms away and heaved, bending his legs to get his knees under him. "Xander! Where are you going?"

"Nowhere!" Xander had made it up onto his knees, pulling off Jim's prick almost entirely. Now he plunged back down and began to rise and fall, fucking himself.

"Shit!" Jim gasped. "You hot little bastard!"

"Save your breath, Ellison. Now I know how Anya felt. I want all your energy right now."

Jim growled, "You got it, babe." He grabbed Xander's hips, slamming him back down full length and holding him.

"J--I--M!" Xander whined.

"Grab your dick and hang on, Xander." Jim started to buck, throwing himself up into the tight, hot body of the boy who was riding him. Xander grabbed his bobbing erection, his hands slipping in the pre-ejaculation fluid that had coated it, and stroked hard and fast. He came with a howl, his sperm splattering Jim's thighs. Jim felt Xander's orgasm as a hot, squeezing ripple along the length of his cock, almost as if the boy's body was sucking him as strongly as his mouth had earlier. He snarled and shoved as deep as he could into the tensed, quivering flesh, and climaxed. His toes curled and lightning seemed to flash from his crotch, out through every part of his body. He felt the hot liquid burst of sperm break against the latex barrier, then begin to ooze back along the length of his cock.

Xander collapsed forward. Jim let go of his hips, and the boy pulled free of the softening flesh that had spitted him so fully. He lay face down along Jim's legs. Jim chuckled when he felt Xander kissing his shins. "You okay, kid?" He was answered by a groan. Jim reached down and petted Xander's upturned ass. The flesh was rosy from where their bodies had slapped together, and there was a liberal smearing of lube. "Xander, talk to me."

"You mean you're one of those who wants to be talked to after sex?"

"What can I say? Blair has me trained. Come back up here."

Xander turned around, crawling up in the bed till he could lay his head on a pillow even with Jim's. "That was in-fucking-credible. You mean people do stuff like this all the time?"

"The lucky ones." He hugged Xander.

The boy sighed, putting his head on Jim's chest. "Is it all right if I take a nap?"

"Sure it is. Even if Blair comes back soon... Well, we've slept three or more in a bed before."

Xander had been drifting off. Now he cracked an eye open to look at Jim with interest. "Really?"


"Tell me."

"I thought you wanted to sleep?"

Xander opened both eyes now. "I'm not sleepy. Tell me a bedtime story, daddy."

Jim laughed and pulled him closer. "Okay. Let's see... Once upon a time there was a Papa Bear and a Blairbear, and they lived in a loft in the middle of a big, dangerous city. Well, one day Big Red Riding Coat came to visit."

"Big Red Riding Coat?"

"A Mountie. And he brought fine little Goldilocks with him..."

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