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miscellany n 1: a collection containing a variety of sorts of things.

Author's Notes: For those of you who don't read a lot of Buffy fanfiction, some vamps morph to game face during intense emotional and physcial experiences: like sex.

Chapter Six
Oz Hunting

"Some-body once told me the world the world is gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. She was lookin' kinda dumb with her fin-ger an' her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead..."

Blair smiled to himself as he went to the counter at The Bronze. He found Smash Mouth to be one of the more easily accessable bands to come down the pike recently, and Dingos Ate My Baby were doing a very presentable cover of 'All Star'.

There was a good sized cluster of people at the bar, and he didn't see anyone toting drinks back and forth, so he figured it was a 'come and get it' night tonight. He waited patiently at the back of the crowd, turned to watch the band. Well, turned to watch Oz, actually. He had a casual stage presence that was very appealing. It was almost as if he was just jamming in the garage with his friends rather than performing.

He was so involved that he didn't noticed the crowd thinning out behind him. He might have stood like that through the next song if a slightly annoyed, Cockney tinged voice behind him hadn't said, "You gonna stare at 'im all night, mate, or are ya gonna give me yer bleedin' order?"

Blair turned to find the bartender *Well, he can't very well be a bartender since this isn't a bar and they don't serve booze, but somehow I think calling him 'counter help' might put you in a world of hurt* staring at him. He was a little taller than Blair, a little more slender, but it was a wiry leaness that suggested whipcord muscles under that black T-shirt and black jeans. His hair was acid blonde, and couldn't quite seem to be able to decide if it was going to be in spikes or curls. His eyes were almost as chilly blue as Jim's could be when he was in one of his 'moods', but Blair got the feeling that this was more or less a permanent look for the man. His dress was a little goth, but his sneer and his attitude was punk.

He gave a gusty sigh. "Cor, don't tell me yer gonna be one of those what go off inta trances."

"Oh, no. Sorry. Uh... just a mineral water, I guess."

The sneer curled just a little more. "Wanta live dangerously and have it on the rocks?"

"Oh, hell, I'm feeling suicidal tonight. Put a twist of lime in it, too." The sneer moved a little closer to a smile as he fixed the drink, then set it before Blair. "Can I run a tab?"

"Can ya fly?"

"Uh... no."

"Then it's cash up front, mate. I don't trust no one but angels, and those buggers have been known to flash off if some sod needs rescuin'."

"Unreliable, eh? It's the feathers. You can't trust anything with feathers. Have you noticed how beady eyed chickens are?" The blonde was giving him a stare that said he thought that Blair's last jacket had probably had arms that buckled in back. Blair shrugged sheepishly. "I was seven, we were on a commune, there was a big rooster with an attitude problem."

The bartender snorted, shaking his head. "Awright, that's worth one, but just one. Ya pay for the next."

Blair held out his hand. "Blair Sandburg." The other man's grip was tight, and surprisingly cold. *Must be from handling the ice and drinks.*


*Oh, ho! Damn, but this town is full of hot guys. I have got to give Jim a big, wet kiss when I get home, just to say thank you. Not that giving him a big, wet kiss anytime is a bad idea.*

"Ya were here last night with some big bloke."

Blair nodded. "I didn't see you."

"Ya din' come get the drinks, did ya? Besides, I'm pretty good at fadin' inta the background when I want to. Ya were sittin' with 'arris."

"Yes. Xander is our neighbor. Is he a friend of yours?"

The blond's eyes were hooded. "Not exactly, but we know each other." The song ended, and Spike lifted his hand. Catching Oz's attention he crooked his finger. As Oz put down his guitar Spike said, "He's got his break comin'. If ya like, I can have Doug take over here an we'll all have a natter in the office." He smirked. "Or whatever."

Blair eyed him. "I have to say I'm a little surprised at the liberal attitudes I'm running into is such a small town."

Spike was setting up another mineral water. "Yeah, well, I've been about a bit more than the locals, ain't I? 'Sides, Oz is a friend, and I like to see me friends havin' a good time." The smirk grew. "And you look like a bloody good time."

Oz ambled over to the counter, grinning at Blair. "Hey. Didn't expect to see you back so soon. Where's your buddy?"

"He's home, with your buddy."

Oz nodded. "Thought so. Xander's cool, but he kinda needs a nudge every now and then. Jim looks like he's real good at pushing the issue when he needs to be."

"I can testify to that."

Spike pushed the glass at Oz. "Wet yer whistle, Wolfboy. I'll be right back." He pointed at Blair. "Don't start anything without me."

Oz watched Spike disappear into the crowd, then looked questioningly at Blair. Blair shrugged. "He suggested we go back in the office for a... um... bull session."

"Yeah? That isn't like Spike. Now, if he'd suggested that we go back there and fuck our brains out, I'd believe you."

Blair stared at the younger man as he calmly sipped his water. "I may have not translated it as clearly as I might have."

"Spike-speak is usually pretty clear."

"So, how do you feel about it?"

Oz plucked the lime twist out of Blair's glass and chewed it up, swallowing it. Then he grabbed the back of Blair's neck, leaned over and kissed him, pushing his tongue into the startled Guide's mouth. Blair tasted the sharp tang of lime over the meaty taste of teenager-in-heat. Oz pulled back and said, "I dunno. How do I feel?"

"Hey!" They both looked to see a frowning Spike leading a gawky boy to the counter. "I told ya not to start without me. Doug, ya got the front. Don't bollocks it up. C'mon, you lot."

He led the other two down a short hallway and into a small, neat office, shutting the door behind them. Then he sat down on the edge of the desk and looked at the other two expectantly. "Well?"

Blair laughed. "Well, what? I'm horny, but I can't exactly perform on demand."

Oz shrugged. "Okay, so you need an incentive." He went to his knees and reached for Blair's belt.

"Whoa, hold on." Blair caught his hands. "Hey, I'm the king of spontenaity, but this is a little sudden, huh?"

Oz leaned forward and rested his chin on Blair's thigh, gazing up at him. "Look, man, did you or did you not come here hoping to get into my pants tonight?"

"Uh... yes."

"Is it having Spike in the room that's freaking you out?"

"I'm not freaking out, and no, I don't mind an audience." He glanced at the blonde on the desk. "Actually, I like it. If I hadn't thought Xander wasn't ready for threesies, I'd have stayed home. It's just that I'm on unfamiliar turf here, and I think there should be a few things made clear before the festivities get underway."

Oz sat back on his heels. "Shoot." Spike nodded.

"Okay. Number one. Protection." Spike and Oz both reached into their pockets and came out with condoms. "Number one, check. Lube?"

Oz produced a tube. Spike shrugged. "Usually prefer the natural method meself."

Blair ran his hand over Oz's spiked hair. It was surprisingly soft. "And I want to top tonight."

Oz lifted his shoulders. "Well, that was my plan. Hey, does the big guy let you do it often? He seems pretty butch."

"It happens, but not all that often. I don't mind, but..." he craned to look down the length of Oz's back. "that's a particularly nice ass you have there, and I'd really like to get better acquainted with it." Oz promptly dropped his upper body to the floor and wiggled his butt. Blair patted it, then gave it a contemplative squeeze. Oz hummed. "You're okay with that?"

"Fuck, yeah. I'm a beta, not an alpha. I know it, and I'm cool with it."

Spike nudged Blair's hip with the toe of his boot. "Oz likes it doggy style." Blair wondered why Oz giggled, but the news was welcome enough.

"So," Oz pushed Blair back till his butt hit the edge of the desk, following him on his knees. "Rules have been read. Are we ready to go now?"

Blair started to unbuckle his belt. "Fuck if I can think of a good reason not to." Oz watched with great interest as Blair undid his pants, pushing them and his underwear far enough down his hips to free his cock.

Oz reached out and took his cock in one hand and cradled his balls in the other. He gently stroked the soft length, regarding it witha pleased expression. "Got you a nice one, man. Glad to see you're cut." "Well, I am Jewish, so it's pretty much to be expected. You don't like the natural look?"

"Got nothin' against it," He slid a look at Spike. "It's just nice to have a change now and again."

"Some of us were raised when is wasn't a common thing, Ozzy," Spike said. "and I'm too sodding old to do it now. Though it might be worth it, just to see the look on their faces when they did that temperature, pulse, and blood-pressure shit."

Blair would have wondered about that if not for the fact that Oz chose that moment to bend down and give him a lick at the precise spot his dick joined his balls. That sort of caught his attention. Other considerations more or less went out the window as the boy began a slow, thorough licking of his cock and balls, making sure that not a millimeter of flesh was neglected.

Blair sighed happily. Virgins were terrific, but it was nice to get it on with someone who had absolutely no doubt about what they wanted, and had the experience to know how to get it.

Spike watched with a great deal of interest for a moment, then picked up the tube that Oz had put on the desk near Blair's hip. "Skin 'em down, mate, and I'll get you ready." Not stopping his lapping, Oz unfastened his pants and pushed his clothes down to his knees.

Spike hopped off the desk and opened the tube, squeezing a generous amount of gel onto his fingers before setting the tube back on the desk and squatting beside his friend. "Spread 'em." Oz gripped Blair's thighs for balance and spread his legs as far as he could while still entangled in his pants.

"Oz? Not that I don't appreciate what you're doing, but could you go ahead and suck me?" Blair asked.

"Just a minute. Wait till he gets inside me." As Oz spoke the blonde man spread Oz's cheeks and wiped the gel down his crack. Oz flinched strongly, and Blair was glad that his cock hadn't been in the boy's mouth at that moment. That was a jaw clencher if ever he saw one.

"Yeah," Blair sympathized. "That stuff can be cold. You should have warmed it a little in your hand first."

Spike shot him an amused look, and Oz said, "Wouldn't have helped, Blair. Trust me. He doest the best he can. Just another minute." Spike rubbed teasingly at the puckered skin of Oz's anus, then slowly pushed one greased finger deep into the boy's rectum.

Oz shivered again, and Blair said, "Look, can't you do something about that?" He hated to see his partners uncomfortable.

"Just one thing to be done about it, mate, and that's not an option right now. Ozzy's all right." He moved his hand, sliding the digit in and out. "Ain't ya?"

"Yeah. Go on, Spike, gimme another."

"So soon?"

"Yeah. I can take it." He gasped as the blonde slid a second finger in beside the first and worked them, scissoring them apart to stretch the tight ring of muscle.

"Oz..." Blair started.

"No, really, I'm fine. Look, Blair, don't sweat it. This is just how it is, okay? I like it. Check it out." He leaned back a little, still gripping Blair's erection, and indicated his own crotch. Blair looked. Oz had a more than decent hard-on of his own. His cock was tapered, thicker at the base than at the crown, with a bullet shaped head. As Blair watched Oz stroked it, and a clear bead of pre-ejaculate oozed from the slit. Spike deepened his probe, strokeing upward, and Oz shuddered again, but for a different reason than before. "Ooh, damn, Spike! That feels good."

Oz leaned forward again, and this time he took the first few inches of Blair's cock into his mouth and started to suck. Blair sighed happily as he was engulfed by soft, wet heat. Oz worked, bobbing his head and taking in a little more on each pass. When he had half of the length in his mouth he tightened his fist around the base and stroked as he sucked. Blair moaned and pushed his hips forward gently, testing to see how much the boy would tolerate.

A great deal, apparently. Oz took hold of his hips and pulled him forward, pushing down at the same time, and managed to take Blair all the way in, relaxing his throat muscles to allow Blair's cock to slide deep. The moan became a whimper as he felt Oz's tongue working against the underside of his prick.

Looking down, Blair had an erotic visual feast. He could watch as Oz pulled off and began licking Blair's cock again, pink tongue flicking rapidly, or he could watch as Oz pumped his own prick, spreading the clear pre-come to make his flesh slick. Finally he could watch as Spike bunched a third finger with the first two and used them to further stretch Oz's back passage. He scarcely knew where to look first.

Finally he noticed that Oz was humping himself back to meet Spike's probes, and he said, "I think it's time to move on." In reply Oz pulled himself off Spike's impaling fingers and stood, crawling up Blair's body. He leaned into the vee of the older man's spread legs for a moment, humping their arousals together as he gave him a deep kiss. Blair felt the kiss of latex on his glans, and was puzzled for a moment. But he used his powers of deduction and realized that, since Oz had both hands buried in his hair, holding him as they kissed, that it had to be Spike who was rolling the condom down on his hard-on.

With a final swipe of his tongue across Blair's lips, Oz moved to the side and draped his upper body on the desk. Lifting his feet one at a time out of his pants and kicking them away, he spread his legs invinging.

As Blair moved to stand behind him, Spike stood up and moved to resume his former seat on the desk. Before he sat he opened his fly and eased his prick out. As Blair had gathered from the conversation, he was uncircumsized. You didn't see that all too often these days, when the procedure was almost automatic in most hospitals. Spike was erect, his glans already peeking half out of his foreskin. He gripped himself and stroked up, pushing the skin till it almost closed over the head again, then down till it was again half revealed. Finally he wrapped his fingers around the head and gently pulled the foreskin down till the entire head was revealed.

Blair was a little surprised at how pale it was. In his experience the cockhead usually darkened at this stage of the game, but Spike's was still almost pastel pink. But there was no doubting that he was aroused, though. He worked the foreskin up and down, and said, "Well, Sandburg? My mate's waiting to get fucked. Don't leave him frustrated, yeh?"

"I'm not used to taking directions," Blair commented.

"Just commentin', mate." Blair turned his attention back to the young man bending over before him. "But ya are a bit slow."

Blair sighed, stroking Oz's rump. "Is he always this medlesome?"

"Only when he's horny." Oz wiggled his butt. "Take your time. I like to be teased. Then again, I like to get humped into next week, too."

"Okay. I can manage both." Blair pushed the broad head of his cock against Oz's slick, stretched opening and pressed it inside.

Oz squirmed and made a pleased noise. "Mm, nice. More, please." He sighed as Blair slowly slid into him, a fraction of an inch at a time.

"Bloody hell, slam it home, Sandburg."

"Shut up, Spike," he said good-naturedly. Actually, he was more than a little tempted to do just as Spike said. Oz was delightfully tight and hot. His flesh clung to Blair in a moist, intimate caress. Blair paused, then thrust hard, driving the last few inches in deep and fast. Oz lifted up on his toes with a surprised squeal. "You okay?"

"Ooh, yeah! Ya got the sweet spot, dude. Thank you. Do it again."

Blair pulled out just as slowly as he had entered, moving back till only the cock head was trapped. Then he repeated the act: the long, slow glide, then the short, sharp jab. Again Oz jumped, yelping happily. "Okay, I'd say that's about the right depth. Tilt yourself just a little, Oz." He pushed on the small of Oz's back, urging him to lift his butt a fraction. "Now." He pulled back to what he judged to be the proper depth and thrust the rest of the way in. Oz gave a deep shudder, and Blair said, "Yeah, that's it."

Oz's voice was breathless. "You damn betcha it is! You got it in both directions that time." His brows drew together, and he grunted in concentration. Blair grunted himself as he felt the smooth ripple of muscle as Oz bore down, deliberately squeezing at the firm flesh buried in his ass. There was a smile in the boy's voice as he said, "That was a thank you."

Blair jerked his hips hard. "That means 'you're welcome.' Now that Miss Manners has been satisfied, let's satisfy ourselves." He gripped the boy's hips and started to pump into him with a quick, hard rhythm.

Soon Oz was moaning quietly as he pushed back to meet each thrust. Blair paused for a moment and reached under, feeling till he found the boy's stiff, weeping cock. He wrapped his hand around it and began to stroke him as he resumed his thrusts. Spike watched this, nodding his approval as he masturbated.

The blonde man reached out and stroked Oz's back, tracing the line of his spine. When he came to where the two bodies joined he slid his fingers in the lube that was smeared up to the top of Oz's ass crease. Then Blair shivered as Spike stroked his belly. No wonder Oz had reacted when Spike put a finger up his ass. The man's hands were like ice.

The cold hand crept up under Blair's T-shirt. He didn't slow his pace, but continued to fuck Oz vigorously. Dark blue eyes met light blue, and Spike grinned at him slowly. The hand crept higher, reaching his right nipple. The nipple already firm, hardened even further with the cold touch, puckering with cold as well as arousal. As cold natured as he was, Blair knew that this should have been uncomfortable, if not... well, deflating. Instead he found it strangely erotic. The hand slid over to the left.

"Well, now," Spike said softly as he encountered the ring. "What have we here?" One finger hooked in the ring, and Blair braced himself. He suddenly realized exactly how badly he could be hurt. But it didn't happen. There was the gentlest of tugs before the ring was released, bringing that nipple to tingling attention, also. Strange. He must have misjudged Spike. Blair had figured him for the roughest of rough trade, but he had passed up the chance to inflict erotic pain.

Spike stroked Oz's hair, whispering, "Ozzy, lend a bloke a hand, eh?"

Immediately Oz shifted, moving his head over into Spike's lap. He pushed the blonde's hands away from his erection and took it down his throat with one smooth plunge. Spike's head dropped back, and he made a sound almost like a snarl, his hips lifting. "Ah, damn, boy! Always so hot."

Oz worked enthusiastically, head bobbing and ass thrusting, enjoying one activity as much as the other. He gripped Spike's thighs, feeling the chill even through the denim of his jeans. It had been disconcerting the first few times they'd had sex, but it didn't bother him now. Spike might be a little cold, but he could get Oz hot enough to satisfy them both. The combination of Blair and Spike right now had him riding the edge. He felt his orgasm approaching, and he worked frantically to try to bring off his two partners.

Spike suddenly buried his face in his hands. From the way his body jerked and trembled, Blair knew he was climaxing. His own climax hit him, sending a burst of pleasure crackling through his body as he spilled himself into the condom. As the bursts began to diminish he felt the hot gush of Oz's sperm spilling over his hand. It wasn't quite simultaneous, but it was pretty damn close.

He was looking at Spike, who still had his hands covering his face. There was something... not right. Something odd. Something about his face. The contours he was covering didn't quite seem right. He thought that he saw ridged flesh where it should have been smooth. He reached toward Spike, touching his hands, "Spike? What's..."

The other man turned away abruptly. "Don't!"

The voice was wrong, too: thick, almost animalistic. Blair would normally have lingered, letting his cock remain in Oz's body as it softened, but now he was too concerned. "What's wrong? I know some first aid."

Spike hunched over, still turned away, his voice muffled by the covering hands. "Dammit, I'm all right."

"Blair." Oz straightened up, a bit stiffly, and put his hand on Blair's shoulders. "This just happens sometimes when he has sex. Give him a minute. No," he put his hand under Blair's chin, turning the older man back to look at him. "Don't look at him. It won't be long."

Blair sensed something else odd, but couldn't quite grasp what it was. He thought that he might have been sure if perhaps he wasn't quite so lust addled. Then there was a deep sigh, and Spike lowered his hands. Blair studied him closely, then decided doubtfully that he must have been wrong. He looked the same. He wasn't even flushed, or breathing hard.

Blair was distracted further when Oz stripped the rubber off him, tieing a knot in the end. He pulled up his pants, fastening them, and said, "I'm gonna go flush this. I'll bring back some wet paper towels." Before he left he gave both Blair and Spike a quick, but fervent kiss.

When he was gone, the two men examined each other. Spike cocked his head, then said, "Special little git, int he?" Blair nodded. "Ya gave him a good time."

"I've always believed the good times should flow both ways. Are you sure..."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks for worrying, but there's no need. I just have... spells."

"I might be able to help you. I have a little experience with one type of spells."

Spike snorted. "Not this type, mate. Just let it go." He considered Blair for a moment, expression unreadable, then said slowly, "I might tell ya about it eventually. If we get any closer." He paused. "Think ya might want to?"

Blair studied him closely,weighing the oddness against the attractiveness. Finally he said slowly, "Yeah. I think I'd like that."

Chapter FiveChapter Seven
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