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miscellany n 1: a collection containing a variety of sorts of things.

Chapter Seven
Eye Opener

Blair listened to Dingos Ate My Baby's second set. He particularly liked the grunge version of the Mary Tyler Moore Show's theme song. Once again again Oz helped a stoned Devon into the van. He wasn't sure when Spike left. The guy seemed to have a talent for disappearing and reappearing at will.

Xander's apartment looked unoccupied, and his own was dark and quiet when he let himself in. He moved as quietly as possible. It was pretty impossible to go unheard with Jim around, unless he'd dialed his hearing back (and he probably wouldn't do that with Blair still out), but he didn't want to wake up Xander, if he was still here.

And judging from the two shirts dropped casually on the back of the sofa, he still was. Blair grinned at the discarded garments. *That's my Jim. Couldn't wait to get him into the bedroom before he started stripping him--and he must've been pretty excited, too. Neither of the things are folded.* Blair thought for a moment, then stripped in the living room, bundling his clothes with Jim's shirt, then padded naked into the bedroom.

Moonlight sifted through the bedroom window, casting a dim glow on the two men who lay twined together on the bed. Blair paused to admire the scene. Xander lay on his side, knees drawn up slightly to curve his body, and Jim was spooned up behind him. Anyone who didn't know Jim would be startled as hell to find out what a cuddler he was. Blair had been pleasantly surprised when their relationship had finally gone that final step into real intimacy. He had known Jim could be touchy-feely: witness all the back pats, arm rubs, and noogies he'd gotten during the initial phase of their partnership. He'd expected to have to break him into snuggling gradually, enduring stiff embraces when it obviously wasn't going to lead to sex. He'd been overjoyed when Jim had more or less worn him the first couple of months. Blair's butt hadn't hit a chair seat for two solid weeks at home: he'd always ended up on Jim's lap.

As he stood there, Jim opened his eyes. They looked almost silver in the moonlight, Blair thought, going over to squat beside him. "Hey," he said softly.

"Hey, yourself." Jim's nostrils flaired briefly, and he smiled. "I won't ask if you had a good time."

"You're no fun. It's almost impossible to surprise you." Blair peeked over Jim's shoulder. "I won't ask if you did, either."

The smile broadened. "First time for him. He's a little wiped out."

"You cad. Think he'll freak if I climb in? I'm a little wiped myself."

"Nah. Even if he wakes up, I think he'll be cool. Chief, what have I told you about petting strays?"

Blair blinked. "Now that's a non sequitur if I ever heard one. I haven't been petting any strays, Jim."

"No?" He looked puzzled. "There's a real strong doggy smell about you. Not really unpleasant, but... Actually, it isn't exactly dog, but it's canine."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jim lifted one shoulder. "Just what I said. It's doggy, but not quite dog."

"I'm not taking a shower at this time of night, Jim."

"I'm not asking you to, Darwin. I'm just commenting. It's kind of odd. First you come home with frog scent, now this."

Blair shook his head. "I hope your senses aren't going wonky. If this keeps up, we may have to do another round of tests." When Jim groaned quietly he said sternly, "Don't start complaining before you have to." He kissed Jim lightly, then went around to the other side of the bed and slipped in. He was pleased when Xander murmured in his sleep and snuggled against him. He went to sleep feeling pretty damn contented.

Xander came awake gradually. The first thing that occured to him was the bone deep satisfation of knowing that it was Saturday, and he didn't have to go to work. He had a whole day to laze around before he was due to go on patrol this evening. The second thought was occasioned by the slight ache in his ass, and that made him smile. *So that's what it's like. I've been wasting my time.*

The third thought was that it was nice to wake up with someone again. There was a warm body lying right next to him. He threw a leg over Jim's legs and reached to stroke his chest. He let his fingers comb through the crisp chest hair, seeking out the nipples, and was rewarded with a small sound of pleasure.

*Wait a minute: chest hair?* He seemed to recall Jim being almost as smooth as a bodybuilder. Right about then his fingers encountered something he didn't recognize. He felt it carefully. Cool, hard, and circular, and it seemed to be attached. *What the fuck...?*

He opened his eyes cautiously. The eyes looking down at him, filled with amusement, were darker blue than they should have been. He blinked, pulling the world into focus. "Blair?"

"Uh-huh. So, I take it you like the nipple ring?" Xander blushed, letting go, then realized that it was a little silly to be blushing over that when they were lying in bed together, naked. "No need to stop on my account."

Xander sat up. looking at him. "Man, I slept longer and deeper than I figured. Sorry."

"No problem. Jim can wear you out, I know from personal experience. There's been times after he got through lovin' me that I wouldn't have been able to haul myself upright if the loft was on fire."

Xander looked around. "Where is he?"

"Let's see... He had his shower, so he's not jogging. I'd say getting breakfast. He intends to rescue you from having me try to push one of my kelp shakes on you."

Xander stretched. "A shower sounds good. I better get back to my place and sluice down."

Blair sat up also. "You don't really want to put your clothes back on like that, do you? Why don't you wash here, and we can loan you some of Jim's sweats."

"He wouldn't mind?"

"No. You just have to accept the fact that if you're wearing his clothes he reserves the right to take them off you when the mood strikes him."

Xander grinned. "Cool with me. You sure you don't want to shower before me?"

Blair considered him. "How about with? I could wash your back. Or your front. Whichever."

"I'm not sure I've ever had my whichever washed by someone else. Sure. This is California, they keep telling us to conserve water."

In the shower Blair set the water to a bit better than warm, not quite hot, and pulled Xander in under the spray, handing him a cloth and a bar of soap. Xander sniffed it. "I've never seen this stuff before."

"You wouldn't unless you frequented a health store. It's all natural, very mild."

"It has a nice scent. Kind of reminds me of..." He sniffed again. "The botanical gardens?"

"Herbal. Gimme a good scrub, Xander. Jim was saying that I smelled kinda doggy last night. Don't know why. I haven't been near a dog in days."

Xander was working the soap in the washrag, studying it. "Did you run into Oz last night?"

Blair smiled in rememberance. "Oh, yeah."

"Thought so." Xander started to give Blair a wash down.

His touch was quick and firm, and soon Blair's skin was tingling from the massage of the slightly rough terrycloth. Xander had worked his way down Blair's torso, then skipped the interesting parts to do his legs.

Blair spread them a little, grateful for the non-skid thingies on the shower floor (though he would have to see if there was any way to pry them up and change them. Bright pink daisies were just a bit much). Xander started at his ankles and worked his way up, switching sides at the knees, then again at the upper thighs. That was where he finally slowed down.

Blair was a little hard already. Hey, being buck naked in a shower with a very delectable teenager who was also buck naked would do that to a guy. "Okay, Blair, turn around. Time to get your back."

Blair did so, and Xander began to wash his back, the cloth moving in little cirlces. "Xander, you do intend to wash the naughty bits, too, don't you?" The cloth was moving to his lower back. "I mean, Oz brought some damp papertowels from the men's room, but that just isn't strictly effective for clean up..."

The cloth had reached his ass. No, scratch that. The cloth was nowhere. Those were nice, soapy hands that were swirling the lather over his cheeks. Xander rested his chin on Blair's shoulder for a moment and murmured, "What was that?"

"Nevermind. Carry on. Please." In response one hand slid around to the front and lifted Blair's half hard cock. Blair sighed happily as Xander began to stroke slowly. A few pulls and Sandburg was fully erect. He was glad now that he hadn't awakened Xander last night. He might not have been able to perform after that scene at The Bronze, and he would have hated to lose an opertunity.

Xander said softly, "Blair? I'd like to have sex with you." He paused. "Well, more sex than we're having right now. But I'll tell you the truth. My ass is still a little sore from last night."

"Yeah, even the best first time is a little traumatic for the body. Eventhough your butt had a good time, it feels obligated to protest a little. But there's nothing wrong with my butt, Xander."

The hand on his dick froze. "You mean you'd let me fuck you?"

"Let you? I'm encouraging you, man."

"We don't have any lube or condoms."

"Soap works just fine, and the medicine chest is two steps away. Any more excuses?"

"Jim?" Blair turned around to look at Xander. The boy fidgeted. "It's a perfectly legitimate concern. He could kick my ass."

"Look, Xander, I told you this is an open relationship. Yeah, I know that with some people that means 'I screw around, you don't', but that isn't how it is with us. The only rule we have down is that if the other thinks that someone is a complete and total asshole, or a risk, then we lay off. Since we both have excellent taste, that's hardly an issue. You were good enough for Jim, you're certainly good enough for me."

Xander sighed, running his fingers through the wet curls on Blair's chest. "If you say so. Anyway, I figure you're worth at least a moderate butt kicking, even if he did object."

"Thank you, kind sir. I'll be right back." Blair slipped out of the shower and returned in a moment with an unwrapped condom. "I opened it out there. It ticks Jim if wrappers are left in the shower." He set it on the soap shelf. "It's there when you're ready. Now, to get you ready." Blair sank to his knees.

"Shit, Blair, isn't that hard on your knees? I could manage without."

"I'm not giving you a choice, all right? I want to see what you taste like." He lifted the boy's semi-hard cock, as if weighing it, then licked the very tip. Xander closed his eyes and grabbed the safety bar that was mounted on the wall. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm going to try to make you weak in the knees."

"You've got a good start," he said thickly.

Blair licked his glans a few more times, then lifted his cock and began to work his way down the underside to the base. When he reached the spot where it joined his balls he settled in and lapped steadily. The blood began pumping into his shaft in earnest.

Blair briefly sucked first one lightly furred ball, then the other, then moved up to take Xander into his mouth. The boy was hard already. He wanted to give him a nice suck, but he knew that he couldn't go too long or he'd cheat himself out of a good fuck, and he wasn't about to do that.

Xander groaned as the hot mouth gradually swallowed most of his cock. Then Blair pulled back, sucking, till only the head remained captured between his lips, and repeated the process. Xander hung on to the bar, only sheer will power keeping him from humping into Blair's mouth. Finally he said, "Blair, I need to be inside you, really, really soon."

Blair gave his cock a final kiss and stood up. "Fine by me. Let's switch places."

They did, and he turned to face the wall, holding on to the bar. "Do you know how to get me open, or do I need to do it?"

"No, this I can do." He was working the bar between his palms, creating a lather. "Anya was eclectic, she liked all kinds of sex, including anal." He set aside the soap, reached out, and slid his fingers down the crease of Blair's ass. "I have to tell you, Blair, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Your ass is prettier than hers."

Blair chuckled. "I can recognize a compliment when I hear it." He felt Xander spread his cheeks, then there was a careful, but firm, probe at his anus. He took a deep breath as the first finger slid in and Xander began to work it back and forth. "Yeah, I'd say you knew what you were doing."

"Thank you. Ready for another one?"

"Go for it." Xander pressed the second finger in beside the first. Blair hummed. "That's nice."

"Um, one thing I know is different about doing this with a guy, girls don't have a prostate, not evey girls like Anya. (Blair would have thought that was an odd statement, if he had been capable of much coherent thought by now.) Should I try to touch yours?"

"Oh, yeah. If you can do it, please do it."

"Okay, I'll try. Um, at the top, right?"

"Right. Just sort of feel around for a little bump, firmer than the rest of..."

Xander felt a little irregularity, and Blair made a crooning noise. "Oh. Um, I think I found it." He rubbed again.

"Ohh, yes. You found it, you clever little thing, you. Xander, I don't need much more."

"Okay, but I really think I should go three. Just a second." He bunched the fingers and pushed in. "I don't think I can get the prostate like this." He moved the fingers in and out a few times. "There. You ready now?"

"Very ready." Xander took the condom and rolled it down over his erection, then moved up behind Blair, taking hold of his hips. Blair could feel the slight tremor in the boy's hands, and said softly, "Xander? It's going to be all right, kiddo."

"I just don't want to hurt you. I wasn't so worried with Anya, because she was... It's hard to explain, but she was tough in ways most people aren't."

"I'm tougher than I look. You'd pretty much have to try to be brutal, and I know you won't do that. Now, come on. We're both ready."

Xander took a breath and fitted himself against Blair's loosened opening, then slowly pressed inside. He didn't stop till his chest was flush against the shorter man's back, and his balls were nestled just below Blair's own. "Oh, man!" he breathed. "Oh man, oh man, oh man."

"Second the emotion," Blair said. He squeezed down, and Xander moaned. "Hook 'em up, cowboy. Let's ride."

Xander pulled back almost all the way. "I want to try something." He bent his knees slightly, so that he was entering Blair at a different angle.

Blair gasped, going up on his toes. "If you were trying to hit the sweet spot, you did it!"

"Cool." Xander started to fuck with a slow, steady rhythm.

Jim knew something was going on before he entered the apartment. The shower cut down the scent of pheromones, but the patter of the water didn't disguise the heavy, rapid heartbeats or deepened breathing. He smiled and put the bag of fast food into the oven to keep warm, then walked quietly to the bathroom.

He debated opening the door. Xander and Blair together would be a show worth watching, but he still wasn't sure if the Harris boy was ready to go for an audience, so he satisfied himself with leaning back against the wall by the door, cocking his head, and listening.

He could hear Blair's quiet gasps. Oh, he was getting it good. He had that little hitch at the end of each breath he got when he was getting fucked really well. And those little grunts would be Xander. Mm. He must be putting his back into it.

Blair hung onto the bar as Xander pounded into him. Damn, it was good! The kid wasn't kidding about having some experience with it. He started to push back into the thrusts, hoping to take another milimeter or two in.

Xander was throwing it to Blair as hard as he could now, plunging again and again into those hot, sweet depths. God, it was incredible. It had been good with Anya, but it was even better with Blair. With Anya he'd always had the thought that he might as well have been an animated dildo. He had the sense with Blair that he was more than just a cock with a body attached, and that made all the difference. Wanting to make it even better for the other man he let go of Blair's hips and reached around, finding his erection and beginning to stroke.

Blair groaned happily. A lot of boys his age were so fixated on their own pleasure that they neglected their partners, but Xander was showing remarkable maturity in that respect. He was being careful to take care of Blair's pleasure as well as his own. Now he had the lovely choice of whether to push forward into his hands or back onto his prick. He couldn't decide, so he did both.

"Blair," Xander panted. "I'm close, buddy. How 'bout you?"

"Just a little more... a little... Oh, damn!" Blair jerked as his climax hit him. Xander felt a wash of liquid hotter than the now tepid shower water as Blair's seed spilled over his hands. At the same moment the narrow channel he was buried in spasmed around him, clenching so tight that he howled. Three more thrusts and he let loose himself. His orgasme rocked him so hard that he reached past Blair to clutch at the balance bar himself, afraid that his knees were going to give out.

Blair felt the boy trembling against his back, and he squeezed again, wanting to give Xander that last little bit of pleasure. Finally the boy rested against him, his breath slowing to normal. He chuckled as he felt Harris kiss the back of his neck. "You're welcome."

Clean up was quick and easy in the shower. The filled condom went into the wastebasket, and they dried quickly. Jim's clothes fit fairly well, just a little loose. Blair plugged in the blow dryer as Xander opened the door and found Jim standing outside, smiling at him. "Oh. Uh... hi."

Jim was shaking his head. "Blair isn't usually that active in the morning after he's had a full night. You must inspire him." He watched the boy for a moment as his eyes darted around the room, then said gently, "Xander, why are you so nervous? Did you think I'd object to you being with Blair?"

"I... well..." He swallowed. "I guess not. It's just that if I was with someone like either one of you, I think I'd be kinda possessive."

Jim shrugged. "Our relationship IS a little unique, but it works for us. Now, are you hungry?"

"After you've known me awhile, you'll know what a silly question that is."

"Come on, then. I have breakfast burritos. It's going to take Hairboy a little while to finish up. I love him, but he's high maintenance."

Chapter SixChapter Eight
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