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>br?Hard Study

It was the same word I'd chosen that first time, our first safe word. "Crystal." I agreed. "So, here?"

He shook his head, gathering up the toys. "Living room." In the living room he spread the objects out on a low, marble topped coffee table. Then he stood beside it, bowed his head, and clasped his hands behind his neck. "Tonight I am the slave of a cruel mistress. I very much fear she is going to beat me, and rape me."

I went and sat in an armchair and pointed to a spot before me. He came and stood there, eyes still downcast. "Slave," my voice was soft and sorrowful. I shook my head. "I had such high hopes when I acquired you." I let cold steel creep into my tone. "And you've disappointed me bitterly."

"I'm sorry, Mistress."

I stood up and slapped him. It wasn't nearly as hard as the blow I'd landed at the mixer, but it stung, and he gasped. "Do you see what I mean? I didn't say you could speak."

"Please Mistress, may I speak?"


"Will Mistress tell me what I have done wrong? I only want to please Mistress."

"Oh, your acts of disobedience are many, slave. You do your work well enough, it's true. But it's your attitude, slave. The little things. You were slow refilling my glass tonight."

"I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Sorry isn't good enough. You dared to look into my face. Not once, but twice. Twice, slave. But these are small things. They would merit only mild correction. But at this very moment you are flouting one of my primary commands."

"Please, Mistress. Tell me."

I tugged roughly at his shirt, and hissed. "These. We're alone, slave, and you're still dressed! You know I like to look at my property."

"Please, Mistress, may I strip?"

"I ought to just whip the clothes right off of you. All right, take them off. Slowly." I sat down and watched as he slowly removed each article of clothing, gradually baring himself. His nipples were already hard. At last he stood before me, naked. "Well, don't just leave your rags cluttering up my floor, slave. Put them away neatly." He gathered his garments, folded them into a tidy pile, and deposited them on the sofa, than resumed his position.

I just sat and stared at him for a moment or two. I got up and walked around him, studying his body. All the sex we'd had, and this was the first time I'd ever seen him totally nude. Objectively he wasn't as impressive as Kurt, being built on a smaller scale. He was shorter, more slender, without the breadth of shoulder. But he was well built, lean and sleekly muscled.

I stood behind him, reached around, and laid my palm flat against his chest. I slid it slowly in a widening circle. One way he was like Kurt, he was very smooth skinned, but I was sure that it was natural, and not due to any depilatory. I felt him shiver when my hand passed over the hard bumps of his nipples. I tweaked one, and he moaned.

"Perhaps you're slow, but you do have the most delicious body, slave. I'll have to add depriving me of the pleasure of the sight of it to your list of crimes."

I took up the collar and cuffs set. First I buckled the straps around his wrists, then slid the collar around his throat. I felt him shivering as I buckled it in place. I tested it, to see if it was loose enough. It seemed a little tight, so I set the tongue back one notch. When I was able to fit one finger under it easily, I was satisfied that it wouldn't interfere with his breathing.

I picked up the cock ring and walked around in front of him and examined him critically. "Yes, you look good like that." I laid my palm flat on his abdomen, feeling the slight tensing of the muscles. Then I plucked a few of the hairs from the thin line that trickled from his belly button to his pubes. I saw him wince slightly at the tweezing pain. His cock twitched.

"Look at that." I sighed. "You're such a slut, aren't you slave?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"But you're my slut, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mistress. Only yours."

I took his cock in my hand and began stroking him. "And since you're mine, I would be shamefully negligent if I didn't train you properly, wouldn't I?"

"Yes, Mistress." His cock swelled in my grip quickly. He was really getting into the role playing. I've always been a little bit of a ham, with no proper outlet for it. Now I could emote to my heart's content for a very appreciative audience. "Please, Mistress, I want to be a good slave."

"Oh, I don't think you're a bad slave." My hand moved slowly. Judging from past experience, he was almost fully erect now. "This session should be enough to remind you of proper behavior, I'm sure." I quickly fastened the cock ring around his prick, then snapped the dividing strap in place around his testicles. He bit his lip. "Too tight?" I asked with patently false sympathy.

"No, Mistress. But I won't be able to come with that on."

"Exactly. You will not come until I am ready for you to. Not even if I do this." I went quickly to my knees and swallowed him in one plunge. He gasped and staggered. He would have accidentally pulled out of my mouth if I hadn't grabbed his hips. I sucked hard for about ten seconds, then released him and stood back up. His breathing had markedly sped up.

I slapped him, again just hard enough to sting. I hissed, "Were you trying to get away from me, slave?"

He gulped. "N-no, Mistress! I swear."

"You were." I slapped him again. "You loath my touch."

"Mistress, no! I love you, I adore you! I only want to please you."

I pointed. "On the floor, on your back."

He obeyed with a grace that hinted at practice. When he was supine, I undressed. Langely watched me intently. This was the first time I'd stripped entirely in his presence, also. I had to fight down an urge to go turn off the lights. I know what I look like: I'm plump, if not downright fat. I never was slender, not even as a child or teenager. But I found no disappointment in Langely's eyes. Whatever I am, I was to his taste.

I stepped over him, straddling his head. He gazed up at me raptly. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. "Show me how much you love me." I knelt over him, and settled down.

I don't have anyone else to compare him to, but I think Thomas is pretty incredible when it comes to cunnilingus. The important thing is that it's not a duty with him, it's a pleasure. He enjoys it as much as I do, and I enjoy it a lot. I knelt there as he ate me, slow and soft. Soon I was running with juices, and he made thirsty little slurping sounds as he worked his tongue in me. The first time I came close to orgasm, I rose up on my knees, out of his reach. He whined, and craned his head upward, trying to get to my cunt again. I pushed his head back and held it against the floor, smirking down at him while he lapped at his own fluid slicked lips. Then I lowered myself again, and he finished the job, bringing me to a lovely, shivering orgasm.

I tousled his hair as he panted up at me, and said, "Very nice. I do believe you, slave." I twisted a handful of hair till he winced. "But you didn't think that would get you off punishment, did you?"

"No, Mistress."

I stood up and picked up the ping-pong paddle. I went and sat on the edge of the couch. "Come over here." He was only a tiny bit awkward getting up. The erection hampered him a little, I think. He had to be careful not to roll over on it. The cock ring was working nicely. The head of Langely's cock was bubbling with clear pre-seminal fluid, but he couldn't ejaculate till the strap was released.

When he was standing before me I gestured to my lap. "Come on, slave. If you insist on dawdling, this will be more severe." I helped steady him as he laid himself across my lap. I ran my hand over his butt. It was very smooth and white, but muscular. I was glad to see that I hadn't left any marks with the metal ruler that first time. It had been hot, but I wouldn't use it again. I'd only chosen it through my ignorance and inexperience. I was lucky I hadn't hurt Langely, instead of just hurting him.

I brought the flat of the paddle down on his right cheek firmly. It made a crisp smacking sound, and the flesh quivered. I repeated the gesture on the left cheek, with the same response. Thomas grunted softly. There was already a faint flush rising. "Really, slave, if you'd just behave, I wouldn't have to do this." Smack, smack. "Does it sting?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Perhaps you'll remember it." I set up a steady rhythm, gradually increasing the strength of the blows till they popped like firecrackers and his ass was as pink as a rose. He was moaning and shivering. He humped his rigid dick against my thigh, leaving hot streaks of pre-come. I gave him one last whistling slap with the paddle, dropped it, then dumped him off on the floor.

I bent over him and dragged him back up to his knees by his hair. He cried out, but he didn't say the word. The pain had brought tears to his eyes. I wiped a streak from his cheek, and he turned his head to press a hot kiss against my hand.

With one hand still deep in his hair, I reached for the riding crop. It was a slender cane, wrapped in a covering of tightly braided leather strips that formed a handle at one end, and dangled in a short tassel at the other. I ran the tasseled end over his face, down his throat, to his chest. I teased it over his taut nipples, slid it down to dip into his belly button. When I drew the tassel slowly up the length of his cock, he whimpered . I used it to tickle the engorged head.

He breathed, "Please, Mistress. Let me come."

"No, slave. Not yet. It's not that easy." I flicked with the crop. I was careful not to strike the sensitive head, and I barely let the strands of leather spat against his shaft. But the effect was electric. He gave a gasping cry, his hips jerking forward.

I went behind him. "Brace yourself. If you fall on your face, you could break your nose." He spread his knees, giving himself firmer balance. I hefted the crop. This part worried me a little. The crop could do real damage if I wasn't careful. I swished the crop experimentally, and saw Thomas flinch in anticipation. I did it again, and there was another flinch. Finally I thought I had the feel of it, and I swung in earnest.

It slapped across his back, and he jerked, yelping. I could see the red stripe forming even as I drew back for the second strike. Damn, that was fast. I wasn't going to give him more than ten strokes, not even if he begged. I tried to space the lashes, so that they wouldn't overlap. But I misjudged the last one, because Thomas swayed. It landed across one of the other stripes, and a bright bead of blood bubbled up.

I threw down the crop and went to him quickly. "Shit. Well, I didn't mean to, but I bloodied you, slave."

His voice was faint. "I don't mind, Mistress."

"Well, I do. I don't want to damage my property." I leaned down and licked the bead of blood off his shoulder blade. He was trembling, and he sighed, leaning back to me. I embraced him from behind, cradling him against my body. I rubbed my hands over his body, petting him soothingly. "Not much more, pet." I slid my hand down, and found his cock. It was like stone that had been baked in the sun, hot and hard, and slick with pre-come. I whispered in his ear. "You're so very hard, slave. What would you like me to do to you?"

He tipped his head back to look at me. Biting his lip, he whispered, "You know what I want."

I put my head against his shoulder for a minute. My God, the man was persistent. At last I said, "Thomas..." It was the first time I'd said his name during the scene. I sighed. "No, that's not how you're going to get fucked."

I moved him till he was kneeling at the sofa, bent over it's edge. Then I got the tube of lubricant. Without a word I opened it, squeezed some onto my fingers, and pushed his ass cheeks apart. I rubbed around the hole for a moment, waiting till I felt the muscles relax a little. Then I slid my first finger inside. Thomas said, "Oh." in a soft, wondering voice as I began to move it in and out. He took it easily, and I soon added a second finger. Then I started searching for the prostate.

This was all first try for me, and I hoped I was doing it right. I had declined Kurt's offer to be a guinea pig. My fingers slid over what felt like a small bump, and Langely jerked, yelling. That's no exaggeration, he yelled. Bingo. I did it again. "Oh, goddamn!" Wow, he hadn't been kidding about screaming.

His voice sounded choked. "Please, Mistress. Please fuck me now."

I got the dildo and carefully coated it with the lubricant. Then I rested the head against his anus. "You know your word, Thomas?" He nodded. "You'll use it if I go too hard?"

Another nod. "Do it, Emmie, please. I want you to do it."

I put firm, steady forward pressure on the rubber shaft. I watched in fascination as the tiny puckered ring spread, then took in the bulbous head of the fake prick. I kept pushing slowly, and it slid deeper. Thomas was making a continuous, low groan. When it was at what I judged to be the right depth, I angled it a little, and it passed over the prostate. Thomas jerked, and shuddered.

I stopped. He panted. "More." I pushed in another inch. He groaned. "More, please. I need it." Damn. I kept going till he had nine inches buried inside him, and he finally gasped. "Enough."

There were sobs mixed with his pants. I rubbed the small of his back, "That's okay, pet. That's all right. You're so brave, yes you are. Do you need a minute to get used to it?"

Another gulp of air. "No. I'm all right. Fuck me." He rolled his head. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes looked navy blue instead of turquoise. "Fuck me hard, Emmie."

I pulled back on the dildo, then shoved it in. He grunted heavily. I pulled it almost free of his body, then thrust hard, and he grunted again. I set up a steady rhythm of medium strokes, getting his prostate as often as I could. He began bucking his ass back to meet the probes, moaning and wailing, his head tossing wildly. Through these noises, he was trying to form words. "Please... need..."

Shit, I'd forgotten about the cock ring! He must be in agony by now. "All right, pet." I paused in my strokes, and he frantically tried to fuck back onto the shaft. I fumbled, and managed to find the straps. I unsnapped them, grabbed his straining cock, and stroked firmly.

Thomas screamed, hips jerking rapidly and strongly. I felt a wash of hot liquid over my fingers as he spilled his seed in an orgasm that seemed to shatter him. His body went limp, eyes fluttering closed.

Shit! I don't believe it, he's fainted. Unless I killed him. Frightened, I laid my ear against his bare, sweaty back. I was relieved to hear the thunder of his heartbeat. It gradually started to slow as I clung to him.

All right, he wasn't dead, or likely to die soon. I left him long enough to go to the bathroom. He was starting to stir when I came back and put what I'd brought on the coffee table. I gently tipped his head to the side and wiped his face with a cool, damp cloth. He opened his eyes. For a moment, I think he didn't see me.

"Langely, are you all rright?" He just stared at me for a moment, then leaned over and gravely kissed me. "Scene's over. Time to get you wound down, okay?" He nodded.

The first thing I did was remove the dildo. He groaned as it slid out. Then I freed him from the collar and cuffs, and helped him sit up on the couch. I had a second damp towel, this one warm. I cleaned him tenderly, making sure to wipe away the excess lubricant from his butt. He winced a little when I touched him there, but smiled at me when I looked at him questioningly.

I made him turn his back to me, then I disinfected and bandaged the tiny cut I'd made with the crop. Finally I sat beside him, put my arms around him, and kissed his cheek. "Happy birthday, Langely."

He laid his head on my shoulder, and I stroked his hair. "One more thing?" he said hesitantly.

"What is it?"

"Would you sleep here tonight? I'd like to hold you." He paused. His voice was so low I could barely hear it. "I get lonely."

It was on the tip of my tongue to say no. It was almost automatic. But I hesitated. What would it be like? I'd always been such a touch-me-not when I had to share bed space with relatives because of crowding at some family function. I supposed it wouldn't hurt to try.

I stood up, pulling him after me, and we went into the bedroom, shutting off lights behind us. We got into bed, and he immediately slid over to me and took me in his arms. I made a conscious effort not to stiffen up. Langely pulled me against the smooth, solid warmth of his chest, tucking my head under his chin. In a very few moments, his breathing had slowed, and he was asleep.

I lay there awake a little longer, analyzing the sensations. I was surprised to find that I liked this. I guess sharing a bed with an elderly aunt just wasn't in the same league. Before I dropped off, I turned toward him, draping my arm over his waist. I went to sleep with his warm breath fanning my cheek, feeling oddly secure.

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