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Original Fiction

Part Ten

Let the darkness cover me, hide me. Oh, it can't, because he's so close, so close. His fingers slide through the hair that shelters her innermost parts, brushing it aside to expose the crease of her sex.

Delicate, pink folds of flesh, furled tightly, like a "Rosebud,"he whispers. "Sweet little rosebud, all folded up tight. I'm gonna make you bloom, little flower."

He presses his face to the juncture of her thighs, and she makes a sound that's hard to describe, almost a combination of a gasp and a grunt--a surprised sound. He kisses her for the sound.

He presses on either side of the narrow crease, spreading her to expose the folds to his ministrations. He begins to lick, running his tongue the length: down, then up. Again, and again, slow and patient.

She's breathing harder now, drawing in deep swallows of oxygen. Good, she's trying to stay calm. Won't work, angel. You're not gonna ignore me.

Jerry presses a little more strongly, and there is her clitoris--a morsel of flesh nestled snugly in the folds. Hiding, shy. He greets it with teasing flick of his tongue, and he feels her jerk. He can't resist pulling back to glance up at her.

Her hands have dropped, and clenched against her side, and she's staring down at him with a look of almost wounded astonighment. He leans back down and licks her again, lavishly this time, pressing his tongue firmly. She seems to ripple under his hands, his mouth. He does it again and again, feeling it swell and stiffen.

In a few moments it's as hard and erect as his own cock, and he takes it between his lips and sucks. Suddenly her hands are in his hair, gripping hard and desperate, trying to pull him away.

But he doesn't stop. Instead he moves down to the outer lips of her sex and roots there. She jerks again, her thighs tightening, but he hooks his arms over her legs, holding her. He probes, seeking the slit.

Suddenly he feels a warm, oily smear of liquid. Yes! He laps eagerly, gathering the the droplets with his tongue, and more follow. The wetness smears, spreads, slicking her flesh. He presses harder, till he feels it.

There, the narrow opening that oozes her essence. He's filled with the taste and the smell, and it isn't enough. He needs more.

He pauses, feeling the almost painful pressure of her tugging at his hair. She's trying to drag him off, but she's weakened by her confusion and the lust that she doesn't recognize. He pants, "You're full of honey, darlin', and you taste so good, and I'm just about starved."

Jerry dives in again. This time he pressed his tongue to her vagina, and pushes determinedly. Lord, she's so tiny. But he manages to slide in, and he licks deep. She pulls at him again, and she's making a low keening sound. Oh, she likes that, he can tell. He does it again, wiggling to give the maximum stimulation.

Her voice is a low wail, "You son of a bitch." She sounds hopeless.

He begins to move steadily, thrusting into her with his tongue, feeling the heat and moisture rise. She spreads and softens. It's as if she's melting.

Her grip has loosened, and now she's smoothing his hair as he tongue fucks her. Then it tightens again, but lightly this time. And she begins to pull at him.

That's it, that's right. It's going to happen, he can feel it. She has to be close, if she's abandoned her attempts to block him out.

He switches his attention back to her clit. Jerry gently sets his teeth against the swollen, throbbing bit of flesh, and nibbles, scraping ever so slightly.

She bucks so hard that, for a moment, he's afraid that he's hurt her, really bitten her without meaning to. But she's falling back across the bed, scrabbling at the sheets, a high pitched whine winding up into the night. Her hips move convulsively, arcing upward to present herself to him, and he realizes that she's in the throes of her first ever orgasm caused by a man.

She almost twists away from him, but he clamps onto her hips, holding her down so that his mouth never loses contact, and he once again plunges his tongue into the slippery passage. He can feel the spasms, the clenching. Her body is desperately seeking something that isn't there. Not yet. But soon. Soon.

She gradually goes limp, panting.


Sabine Woman, 11
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