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Slash Fiction
Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff
Mathew Gray Gubler as Dr. Spencer Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid

by Scribe

salmagundi--\sal-muh-GUHN-dee\, noun: 1. A salad plate usually consisting of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, served with oil and vinegar. 2. Any mixture or assortment; a medley; a potpourri; a miscellany.

Dr. Spencer Reid is probably the only virgin on the BAU staff, but he's come to the conclusion that it's time to change his status. The problem is, with who? He's decided that perhaps the first time should be with someone he doesn't have a past with. A trip to a convention seems like the perfect time to choose a partner to initiate him into the delights of an active sex life.

He doesn't know how right he is. Jim and Blair are attending the same convention--and they're looking for a new playmate.

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